File talk:SimonlaSimonchuHaiti.JPG

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Ladies and gentlemen: Chris using a tragedy to be mean to someone on the internet. Not surprising after twin falling towers, but still.--Beat 05:09, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

Well, I see CWCipedia going down sometime within the next few days as Evan "sues" Chris for misuse of his character. I love how this ties in with the plot Simonchu had going, lol. Also, Jack needs to remove Chris's "MY AD ONLY" box on the grounds that only he can decide what ads go on the site. He's not just defiling Hati, he's not just insulting Evan, he's insulting TTGL.--MoarLurk 05:14, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
Don't get me wrong, Gurren Laggan is rad as hell, but I think Haiti's current predicament is a little more important.--Beat 05:16, 21 January 2010 (UTC)
Seeing this, I'm reminded of the stories about a 9/11 fanfic involving Sonic the Hedgehog. Granted, many people got their underwear in a knot over 9/11 stories in general, but this... this is what it reminds me of. --Blazer 05:36, 21 January 2010 (UTC)