Yellow Is a Mellow Color

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"Yellow Is a Mellow Color" is the sixth track from Christian and the Hedgehog Boys. This song is an example of Chris's artistry in originality, featuring music ripped off from Los del Río's "Macarena", and a title ripped off from Donovan's "Mellow Yellow". It's one of his best-known songs because it was up for download on his site.

Based on a November 2007 ED edit, where Chris lists "Yellow is a Mellow Color" in his "Random Ramblings" to demonstrate his "random-access humor", it is suggested that the song is intended to be humorous (to whom, GodBear only knows).


"Yellow Is a Mellow Color"
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Stardate August 2003
Subject Matter MusicMusic Music, ComedyComedy Comedy
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Other AudioAudio Audio
La Cocina en La Casa de Casanova
Feel So Lonesome


[sung over Los del Río's "Macarena"]

Yellow is a mellow color
Yes it is; it's a mellow color
Sonichu zaps the lightning
Hey! Mellow color

Feeling the condensation
Living in my nation
Lemon makes lemonade
Hey! Mellow color

Traveling without a map
Is like traveling with no map
Take a chill pill and dance
Yellow is a mellow color

[indecipherable] ... mellow
Hopefully they won't make him play a cello
Somehow for Sonichu and friends
Will zip and zap!

This little monkey he likes to play around
He eats a bunch of bananas
Never put a banana in your pajamas
Yellow is a mellow color

Yellow is a mellow color
Yes it is; it's a mellow color
Sonichu zaps the lightning
Hey! Mellow color

Yellow is a mellow color
Yes it is; it's a mellow color
Sonichu zaps the lightning
Hey! Mellow color

Yellow is a mellow color
Yes it is; it's a mellow color
Sonichu zaps the lightning
Hey! Mellow color


Yellow is a Mellow Color, cover
Stardate 4 January 2012
Subject Matter Yellow is a Mellow Color
Video Type Song Cover
Other Info From the album Trollsta's Paradise: A True and Honest Tribute to Christian & The Hedgehog Boys.
TRUE and HONEST Sonichu Fan Videos