The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever

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The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever. is a video Chris uploaded on 20 January 2017, following Trump's inauguration. This video can be summed up as a sequel to Eid, Pmurt, Eid, with Chris declaring that the United States HAS NO PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT as long as Trump and Pence remain in office, hoping that they will leave (either by their own volition or death) and instate Hillary Clinton into the White House (which is now legally impossible, as if both Trump and Pence leaves or dies, the Speaker of the House of Representatives (currently Paul Ryan) will succeed, instead of the losing candidate[1]).


The United States of America has NO President or Vice President, Whatsoever.
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Stardate 20 January 2017
Subject Matter PoliticsPolitics Politics
Performance Style CrazyCrazy CrazyRageRage Rage
Saga TomgirlTomgirl Tomgirl, Financhu CrisisFinanchu Crisis Financhu Crisis
Paid video: Happy Anniversary Fraun & James


People of Youtube, and around the world. The bad news has come in. The... unnamed elect has been sworn in, along with his...cohort, who is filling the Vice-Presidential condition. And as far as I am concerned, I hereby state that as long as PENCE and TRUMPH are in the White House whatsoever on this note, I do not VALIDATE, I do not ENTERTAIN, and I do not acknowledge either of them at all as President and Vice-President.

We have LEWD Decepticon... perpetrators in the seats and as I do not acknowledge either of them in the White House, I hearby decree... THIS COUNTRY HAS. NO. PRESIDENT. I REPEAT! As long as Trump and Pence are in the office, THIS COUNTRY DOES NOT. HAVE. A PRESIDENT, OR VICE PRESIDENT PERIOD! AND WE WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOUR YEARS, with a vacant SEAT in the presidential White-Off House... and in the presidential and vice-president office. This is indeed a very sad day for this country. And that is how I feel about it, an'... it will not be changed... until... Trump LEAVES the white house and takes Pence with him, or at this point... when they are both DECEASED. An' then, we can actually have Hillary Clinton in office... and this country'd be a whole lot better.

Paid video: Happy Anniversary Fraun & James Chris's videos
