User talk:DeathtraP/What have I been using for brains?

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You know, Bob is not insane. Chris really IS the target of a massive conspiracy. It's us. Bob is wrong about the specifics, but that's not insanity, it's just incomplete information-- and given that Chris hung out with Mimms, Lucas and Megan when this all started, it's not an unreasonable supposition. Sygerrik 08:52, 9 September 2010 (PDT)

I think what qualifies Bob's beliefs about us as "crazy" is the extent of our abilities - He sees us as being on par with the Illuminati, but in actuality, we don't have nearly as many feet on the ground as we'd like. RobGoblin 09:33, 9 September 2010 (PDT)
Again, I'd simply say that Bob has incomplete information. We have managed to get Chris to do a lot of weird things. Chris has also gotten himself kicked out of lots of places and has earned lots of negative attention from the law and the PVCC authorities. Bob, not being present when Chris flips his shit, only has Chris's account to go on, and when fitting his son's tales of persecution into the larger context of our actions, his belief of a conspiracy is not really unreasonable. Bob knows that there is a large group of people out there who dedicate a large amount of time to harassing his son and making his life miserable. When Chris comes crying with tales of harassment by Jerkops, Manajerks and the evil MLW, Occam's Razor would indicate that the same people are behind it all. He's wrong, but he's not crazy. Sygerrik 10:28, 9 September 2010 (PDT)
no, Occam's Razor would make bob think that chris has been less than nice to people in life, and realize that all the shit chris has gotten is because of individuals responding to chris's stupidity. but bob probably hasn't and wont sit and think about it, he'll go for some gut instinct and force everything together. he seems a prime candidate for forcing pieces to go where they don't (not that it's all his fault, he is a product of another time and another culture).SenorTucan 11:31, 9 September 2010 (PDT)
You know you've got to be on the right side of history when the big, huge defense is "We don't have NEARLY as many foot soldiers as the New World Order." —Thepicklesuitintheman 12:53, 9 September 2010 (PDT)