Nightstar & Friends

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Nightstar & Friends is an expansion pack of Chris's custom TSSSF cards, featuring Night Star and other OCs inspired by the My Little Pony animated series.

Pack images


Into the fray of Fan Fictions and Shipping Fodder enters our one-and-only Special Half-Unicorn/Half-Sonichu, Nightstar, and her friends and family from Equestria.

The author of the "Sonichu" books in Equestria, Nightstar is a very unique unicorn who not only has powerful magics, but heavy psychic powers, electric abilities, and mach-speed running. She is not only friends with Princess Twilight and the rest of the Mand 6, but also the background ponies, and all of the OCs. She is even friends with THE Mary Sue and Gary Stu. And now, they're all heare in this crazy game of Shipping. Let's all work together to help each other in our many various ships.

This pack also includes a few #horsefamous OCs from the Brony Community, and the presently fully updated versions of the Mane 6, as they ARE and should be chronicled, peoperly, as not fan-fiction; literally Canon.

TSSSF Sonichu Deck or Core Deck are required for playing the game with this Expansion Pack. This pack contains 45 cards.

Cost: $36.00[1]


Card Name Type Icon Effect Description Date
Bleu lightning-min.jpg Bleu Lighting Pony Male, Wing Head Beyond the Clouds (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. Wanting to fly higher than even a Wonderbolt could, Blew signed up to fly beyond the clouds with the Astronatuicals. He even flew into outer spacer once, but in a quick second, was able to fly back downward into the stratosphere, ending up making his own Sonic Boom. He opted to keep his head below outer space from then on. 10 July 2022
Cryptwingcard.jpg Crypt Wing Pony Male, Pegasus Sniffin' The Trail (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into you hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. "Dude! That's so Awesome!", replies Crypt Wing. "I wonder if it would count if your levitated that cup from the ground, then flew upward with it in your mental grasp. Would that mean you can literally lift objects sky-high?" Feeling doggy, Crypt sniffs the air and barks a couple of times. 17 November 2019[2]
Diamond melody-min.jpg Diamond Melody Pony Female, Wing Fattening The Bank (Special): Choose a Pony card shipped with this one, until the end of the turn, their race becomes Ω, and they gain a food-based keyword of your choice. Diamond met Nightstar at a concert where DJ Pon-3 was headlining, and the two of them had hit it off very well. But, in 1218, Diamond's self-counterpart was being epic Bad-Trolling Chris Chan, and Diamond, know this was going, was not comfortable around Nightstar, and she moved to Las Pegasus for her other goals. 10 July 2022
NightStarAuthorCard.jpg Equestrian Author of "Sonichu", Nightstar Start Female, Unicorn Place this card in the center of the table at the start of the game. This card cannot be removed from the grid. Once per turn when you play a Ship card, you may discard a Pony card from your hand and draw a card from the Pony deck and play it with that Ship. This power cannot be copied. 17 May 2021[3]
Flying Sky High in Equestria.jpg Flying Sky-High in Equestria Chris Chan Sonichu Pony Female, Alicorn Helping Out (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. "I like visiting Equestria from time to time, not only to help out in any way I can amongst everycreature there, but it is simply awesome and beautiful in its own right. And when I visit, I am welcomed, happily, by Princess Twilight, Nightstar and the others." -Chris Chan Sonichu. 29 December 2019[4]
Gallop crush-min.jpg Gallop Crush Pony Male, Wing Aerial Blueprints (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice an put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. Gallop Crush is the father of Nightstar Sonichu; he worked in Equestrian Engineering, helping to pioneer technology there in many a great way. he was also a great in aerial acrobatics, but his wings gave out, and he had to retire from flying to pursue his engineering profession. 10 July 2022
GaryStufCard.jpg Gary Stu Pony Male, Alicorn I'm Gary Stu, and I know what to do (Special): You may copy the power of any Pony card currently on the shipping grid, including powers that cannot be copied, except for pony cards with the changeling keyword. Here he is, everyone: the one-and-only Gary Stu. "Hey, Everyone! I simply can't go wrong. I've had my troubles at first, but I swiftly recovered and picked up on local etiquette. But, I would not be whereI am without my beloved Mary Sue. I have to say: where is Mary's TSSSF card? Hey, Methvan, can we have a card of our Mary, please?! I know what to do! I'm Gary Stu!" 11 November 2019
Gibbontake-min.jpg Gibbontake Pony Male, Horseshoe Stretching The Edits (Special): After placing this card on the shipping grid, you may swap this card with another Pony card. up to three different swaps. This power cannot be copied, and it does not reactivate when swapped on the grid. Gibbon is a YouTuber who does what he can; he mainly likes to have fun and go with the flow. He is open to fun and new experiences, and he enjoys hanging out and messing around with his friends and allies. He is a Fourth-Wall-Breaking Editor, too. 10 July 2022
ChrisNewArt1.jpg Hanging With Past Friends Ship Heart You may choose to play the top card of the Pony discard pile with this Ship, rather than play a Pony card from your hand. Years after Nightstar accidentally slipped forward in time as a filly, she mastered her time spells and went back to live the years she missed. She was good friends with the Mane seven of the "Second Generation". She delighted with enlightening the group with her wisdom and sharing in their moments. In this moment, she was telling Clover of how she is capable of making her own good luck. 15 September 2019[5]
In flight shipping.jpg In-Flight Shipping Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: Nightstar and Kun are shipped together. Nightstar and Kun share a fly together, and as they do, it is always epically magical, especially when it's just the two of them. 30 June 2022
Keg standard-min.jpg Keg Standard Pony Male, Horseshoe Gather Round For A Good Time (Special): You may take an other Pony card on the grid, and a Ship card attached to it, and then attached them with this card. This power cannot be copied. Keg is the brother of Phantom Horn. He is a standard dude that likes to review and whatnot on YouTube, and hit on the ladies while sportin' his shades. But he can be chill while also being down-to-earth, he don't give much shit to those he does not like. Catch his drift. 10 July 2022
Kite eating tree-min.jpg Kite-Eating Tree Ship Heart N/A N/A 14 July 2022
Kun hanhphuc-min.jpg Kun Hanhphuc Pony Male, Wing G.E. Blueprints (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. Kun is a pegasus who works in technology in Canterlot; he is always interested in the possibilities. Nightstar took him on a tour of a General Electric plant near Cwcville. Kun is very well-educated, smart, and all-around a chill, good and loyal individual. Nightstar is very blessed to have him as her sweetheart. 10 July 2022
Kun hanhphuc human form -min.jpg Kun Hanhphyc (Human Form) Pony Male, Wing Important Tech (Draw): You may draw 1 card from the Ship or Pony deck. While in C-197's Earth, Kun likes to partake in the present technological advances and equipment, so he can utilize that in Equestria for everyone's benefit. 10 July 2022
Lavender butterfly-min.jpg Lavender Butterfly Pony Female, Pony Butterfly Miso (Swap): You may swap 2 Pony cards on the shipping grid. Lavender fell in love with Bleu Lightning after he came into her restaurant for the first time, looking like his mane was really wind-swept. She wowed him with her excellent cooking skills. Lavender specializes in meals and soups of oriential, Asian, and other outside countries of Equestria. 10 July 2022
Lightning quartz-min.jpg Lighting Quartz Pony Male, Horseshoe Fated Zapping (Special): When this card is discarded from the grid or your hand, search the Pony deck and discard pile for Lightning Quartz (Alicorn Form) and play him in Lightning Quartz's place. Lightning is a unique pony, even though he typically appears to be a Earth pony. He has off-and-on hints of magic powers within him. He's even mastered telekinesis within his typical restrictions. He generally prefers to lead a normal life, like every other pony. But, it is on a random instance of greater magic that allows Lightning to access his stronger form. 10 July 2022
Lightning quartz alicorn form -min.jpg Lighting Quartz (Alicorn Form) Porn Male, Wing with Unicorn Horn Crazy Magic (Copy): You may copy the power of any Pony card currently on the shipping grid, except for pony cards with the Changeling keyword. When Lightning becomes Alicorn, he is blinded by fate and instincts for the most part, and goes off to where he needs to go as quick as he can fly, to use his strongest magics to perform the subconsciously-know spell(s) needed to make the event happen. Shortly, after finishing his job, Lightning flies back to his home, or as close as possible at the timeand reverts to his Earth form. 10 July 2022
Lightweight-min.jpg Lightweight Pony Male, Wing Flying With The Greats (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. During some of the time Chris Chan, in her Alicorn form, was in Equestria, she needed to learn how to physically fly, so with a reference from Twilight Sparkle, she was admitted to learn the basics and techniques of flying. Lightweight, on the Wonderbolt Training Group, was partnered with her as her Wing Pony. Lightweight ended up performing very well for himself, and is now a Wonderbolt. 10 July 2022
Looking through portals-min.jpg Looking Through Portals Ship Heart N/A N/A 13 July 2022
Meeting nightstar.jpg Meeting Nightstar Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: Nightstar is shipped with a Pony card with the #horsefamous keyword. There's no need to be shy, Nightstar is an outgoing and social type of Unicorn and Sonichu; she will always be happy to greet you with a kind smile, regardless of a quick read of your aura. 30 June 2022
Nightstar-min.jpg Nightstar Pony Female, Unicorn Horn Premonitions (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. Nightstar is a Special Sonichu who came from the Chaotic Rainbow and was born as part Unicorn in Equestria. She possesses all of the psychic powers and can open dimensional portals, and naturally is able to wield electricity in self defense and run at mach speeds. She accidentally time-traveled back to enjoy the events that happened within those years. 11 July 2022
Nightstar human form -min.jpg Nightstar (Human Form) Pony Female, Unicorn Horn Psychic Diplomacy (Keyword Change): When you attach this card to the grid, you may choose one Pony card attached to this Ship. Until the end of your turn, that Pony card gains one keyword of your choice, except for Pony names. Adapting with whichever dimension she is in, she can fall on the neutrally-acceptable human form at will and any time. She had to figure out this particular spell for herself in combination with the similar magic that converts pony bodies to human, and vice-versa, in the Equestria to Earth Portals. She still has no problem in learning new languages and maintaining diplomatic communications and dialouge. 11 July 2022
Nightstar sonichu-min.jpg Nightstar Sonichu Pony Female, Unicorn Horn Warping Thunderbolt (Special): You may swap this card with a Villain card on the grid. At the end of the turn, discard the Villain card from the grid. In her Sonichu form, she has greater electric output power and amplifications of her outgoing psychic powers. She continues to be able to run at mach speeds with greatest response timing. 11 July 2022
Orioncard.jpg Orion Pony Male, Pegasus Wicca Powers (Special): You may draw 2 cards from the Ship and/or Pony deck. Orion looks at Crypt Wing, and asks him, "How trippy is the feeling of magic when your soarin' super high? My homebrews to make unicorn magic a thing with me has been super successful and awesome! Oh! I'm making this cup levitate now!" 17 November 2019[2]
Popping in phantom horn-min.jpg Poppin-In Phantom Horn Pony Male, Unicorn Horn Cuttin In (Replace): While this card is in your hand, you may discard a Pony card, other than Keg Standard, from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. "Not so fast, Bro-Heim. This show is not "ONE Best Bro B****ing About Ponies". -Phantom Horn. 11 July 2022
PrinceSpikeCard.jpg Prince Spike of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Male, Pegasus We're Not Flawless (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. Spike found his own ascension. In a day when everyone was being heavily divided up, because everyone was not accepting each other, Spike ended up being the one to save the day by being accepting of each and every individual he talked with. Soon after talking with everyone, Spike started glowing, and everyone was inspired to be accepting of each other. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessAppleJackCard.jpg Princess Applejack of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Honesty (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it. In only what can be called the Day of a Thousand Truths, Everyone from Ponyville to Canterlot, to the Crystal Empire, and then some, began suffering from serious doubt in each other, and they all started lying to each other and everyone. Only Applejack was able to round up everyone and get them each to tell at least one truth, even if it was a lie. After getting at least a thousand creatures to tell the truth to heal them, Applejack ascended and became an Alicorn, and her first burst of magic healed all of Equestria of this heavy shroud of doubts and fears. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessFluttershyCard.jpg Princess Fluttershy of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Love Conquers Hate (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn, discard it. One day, everyone was Trolling and Hating on each other; this was massive; even the animals were prone to the dark magic that loomed this day. Fluttershy did what she could to continue to be kind to others, even if they wre being mean and cruel to her. And then she had to smack some sense into everyone out of tough love, and in doing so, she ascended and became an Alicorn; her kindness burst out across Equestria, resoring everyone to being kind again. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessPinkieCard.jpg Princess Pinkie Pie of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Sonic Pinkieboom (Special): All Pony cards shipped with this one gain the Hero keyword. Another day, all of Equestra suddenly became sullen and depressed, some of the ponies started contemplating suicide, but none of them could go through with it. To Pinkie Pie, this was like looking into a mirror at pinkamina. She remebered the Sonic Rainboom. So, she took as many balloons as she could, shone them in front of the largest light around, and made a rainbow. Everyone started to smile. And then, Pinkie was teleported miles up, becoming an Alicorn, and then making her own Sonic Rainboom. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessRainbowDashCard.jpg Princess Rainbow Dash of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Band Together (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. All across Equestria, one day, Loyalty had become scarce; eveyone ended up becoming selfish and aloof; friendly groups had disbanded recklessly, Rainbow Dash had to make everyone see what they all have in common goal and view. It would take more than a Sonic Rainboom to mend this mess. She talked to everyone, lured and forced them back together to listen. As she stood proud and tall as she spoke, a bright rainbow of light shone from her, and she became an Alicorn, and a new inspiration of Loyalty to everyone. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessRarityCard.jpg Princess Rarity of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Lovely, Dahling (2-Draw): You may draw 2 cards from the Ship and/or Pony deck. One day suddenly everyone all over Equestria became most greedy and selfish; not sharing with anyone at all. Rarity had to solve this the only way she can; she gave to as many as possible, and then encouraged them to give to each other; this took a lot of coercing, glares and charm, but she managed. When Rarity was feeling weak, one of them gave to her, and then she glowed and became an Alicorn, inspiring generosity upon eveyone. 6 November 2019[6]
PrincessTwilightCard.jpg Princess Twilight Sparkle of the Round Table of Friendship Pony Female, Alicorn Royal Command (copy): You may copy the power of any Pony card currently on the shipping grid, except for Pony cards with the Changeling keyword. After saving Equestria of Triek, Chrysalis, Cozy Glow and Grogar, Twilight Sparkle ascended as one of the rules [sic] over Equestria. With her friends, she assembled the Round Table of Friendship, where the lot of them meet, plan and work out what the next step of the job ought to be. Celestia and Luna continue to rule alongside Princess Twilight Sparkle, but maintain free time for themeselves. 6 November 2019[6]
Sugar darling-min.jpg Sugar Darling Pony Female, Horseshoe Counting Oranges (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. Sugar Darling is the mother of Nightstar Sonichu. She grew up in a rural, countryside area, where their family raised oranges and other fruits. Oranges are her favourite fruit. She grew up tomboyish and rednecked, but she worked hard through her education and ended up taking a job in accounting, as she also had a good head for numbers. 11 July 2022
Talking through portals-min.jpg Talking Through Portals Ship Heart You may choose to play the top card of the Pony discard pile with this Ship, rather than play a Pony card from your hand. N/A 15 July 2022
Tbbbap.jpg TBBBAP Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: Phantom Horn and Keg Standard are shipped together. "I'm Keg Standard." "And I'm Phantom Horn, and this week's fun episode was "Slime And Punishment"!" "Say, P.H., isn't that YOUR Web Comic that was not canon to MLP?", asked Keg. "Oh, NO, Brother of mine. This is Very Much Canon with the events in C-197, the Dimension neighboring our Equestria", Phantom replied. "Wait. C-197?", Keg asked. And Phantom replied, "You need to explore other dimensions and timelines MORE, Kegster." 30 June 2022
Thunderblaze-min.jpg Thunderblaze Pony Male, Wing Blazing Thunderhooves (Swap): You may swap 2 Pony cards on the shipping grid. Thunderblaze was born in Applelossa, and has western traits in his personality. He found greater ability in running above all his other skills. He is a very good flyer, but he prefers to RUN! He also is a connoisseur of spicy and hot foods, they don't phase his tongue at all. And he is really strong. 11 July 2022
Trollish historians-min.jpg Trollish Historians Ship Heart When you attach this card to the end, you may choose one Pony card attached to this Ship. Until the end of your turn, that Pony card gains one keyword of your choice, except for pony names. While observing Nightstar meditating, Phantom Horn and Strawberry Milk commentate, "That's Nightstar. She's super weird, dude. I just... feel compelled to study her; to become an expert Nightstar Historian, A Nightstorian, if you will." -Phantom Horn. 15 July 2022
Truth or lie -min.jpg Truth Or Lie? Ship Heart If this Ship card is between two Heroes, or two Villains, these two Pony cards cannot be swapped on the shipped grid. If this Ship card is between a Villain and a Hero, Swap the new Pony card with another Pony card on the shipping grid. After asking Phantom and Strawberry if they were going to tell anyone what they saw through her portal at the time, she was testing their honesty. She had already known of their mildly chaotic trolling history. 15 July 2022
Vested discord-min.jpg Vested Discord Pony Male, Wing with Unicorn Horn I've Got You Under My Skin (Bound): Whenever this card would be moved on the shipping grid, select a Pony card and the ship card attached to it; that Pony remains shipped with this card. This does not apply to the discard rules. If the destination has a full set of Pony cards around it, this card cannot be moved. Discord was my bodyguard for a time; made himself into a vest and put himself onto me, he fit really well and felt comfortable, yet chaotic. KP wore him as a vest as well for a while. -Chris Chan Sonichu 11 July 2022
Zap note-min.jpg Zap Note Pony Female, Wing Flight Of The Bumblebees (Draw): You may draw 1 card from the Ship or Pony deck. Zap Note has a unique ability for when she flies, the wind trail behind her always plays a tune or meldoy of her own will; she thinks the tune, and it plays out in her trail as she flies. She applied to become a musical part of the Wonderbolts, and she got the job. So, in the Wonderbolt shows, she lights up the sky with music that everyone can hear, near and far. 12 July 2022


BenSaintIcon.png Secret Shipfic Saga BenSaintIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Jacob SocknessSarah and SteveHelena FiorenzaThe Sergeant at ArmsMultidimensional White KnightsMKRNightVeeNaughtGeno Samuel
Fictional Characters: OCs (NightVeeStrawberry Milk and Phantom HornPickchuWild Sonirisu)

The Games
TSSSF Packs: ArizonaSlimeBlessed Wares and Extra CreditChris Chan Sonichu Expansion PackHangin' With Magi-ChanIdeaGuy CorruptionsNightstar & FriendsNightvee & the Warriors For AndromedaProjectSNT and FriendsA Righteous RisingSamurai Pizza BotsSonichu/Rosechu OC Expansion PackSonichu & RosechuSonichu DeckSonichu PromoSonichu VillainsSuper/Mega FormsYES to MLPFiMSeasons10to14
TSSSF: Ben Saint: Dungeons and Dragons/ProjectSNT:

Coinciding Sagas
Watchmen, Jacob