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This is an incomplete copy of [[emails]] between [[Chris]] and [[Blanca]] in [[2008]].
#REDIRECT [[Blanca Emails, August 2008]]
* Blue boxes contain emails from Chris to Blanca.
* Red boxes contain emails from Blanca to Chris.
* Green boxes contain inter-troll emails.
==[[August 2008]]==
===Blanca introduces Jiggliami===
'''Hey there, KawaiiKitsune123 from ytube​''' from Blanca Notsaying (1900bw@live.com) to Chris (cwcsonichu@aol.com) on Tue 8/19/08 1:28 AM
<br>Attachments: jiggy.jpg (5.0 KB)
Hello Christian C,
I've included a picture of my JigglypuffxAmy character. I am working on the first episode of comics now, and I'll send you the link to my art page when I've finally gotten them up and out there. I really appreciate the name Jiggliami. It has a nice ring to it. You can totally use my character! I would love to see what kind of role, though small, you give her.
A short essay about my Singing [[Jiggliami]]:<br>
Name: Jiggliami<br>
Age: 17<br>
Jiggliami was once just a wild Jigglypuff who liked to sing for her friends, but the problem was her friends would fall asleep because of her [[Pokemon]] powers! So, Jigglypuff looked to the stars and wished on the Rainbow Star to be able to share her voice with the world. The Rainbow Star fell to the earth and granted her her wish by changing her form and making the sleeping effects of her voice optional. Now named Jiggliami, she wanders the world as a famous popstar in search of a trainer and maybe true love.
Just to further ask permission: I was thinking the comic with Sonichu could be a one-shot where he
rescues her, and she falls in love with him, but he tells her he cannot be with her, because he is madly in love with Rosey. You can let me know if that is too much to use Sonichu for.
Thank you soooo much for the help <3
Blanca W.}}
'''Re: Hey there, KawaiiKitsune123 from ytube''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/19/08 2:09 AM
Wow! Jiggliami is cute. Do you have a full-body colered drawing of
her? And her story is just great. :) I applaude for you.
'''RE: Hey there, KawaiiKitsune123 from ytube​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/19/08 2:22 AM
Omg! Thank you so much! I don't have a coloring of her, because I am not very good at it, but there is a
full body pic of her, Mr. C! I just made a deviantart page to feature my Jiggliami art and comics (once I
finish more pages). I hope you enjoy! http://kawaiikitsune123.deviantart.com/
'''Re: RE: Hey there, KawaiiKitsune123 from ytube''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/19/08 3:38 AM
Great body pic, but how about her shoes? Sneakers, hi-tops or hi-heels
(reccomended to differentiate her from Amy)?
'''RE: Hey there, KawaiiKitsune123 from ytube​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/19/08 3:40 AM
Now that you mention it, she should probably wear hi-heels. :D Since she's a diva and all, haha.
'''Jiggliami fully approved''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/19/08 5:26 AM
Check this out, Kawaii, I've brought her to life! The scanned .jpg is
attached to this e-mail.
If you like or love it, I would love to send you a hand-traced copy of
my colored drawing for your decorative pleasure. :) But if you would
like the traced copy, I need two things from you, your home address to
send the copy to, and a Promise. After you get the drawing, you will
have my home address in your grasp; I need you to Promise me, from your
heart and soul, that you will NEVER share it with ANYONE ELSE, and that
you will NEVER post my address ANYWHERE on the Internet, including
e-mails, blogs, etc. Are you emotionally able to open your heart to me
in friendship to make AND keep this promise?
In return, I will Promise to you the same with your home address.
I await your reply.
Christian C.<br>
Solely for my information, what is your current age?
'''RE: Jiggliami fully approved​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/19/08 1:38 PM
Oh wow! Cuuuuuute!!!!! Hmmm... I will give you my address in time, because I am nervous myself about
that stuff. Its not that I don't trust you, but I need time to trust you enough. But save that picture for
me! I would love to have it! :D Oh, I am 25 years old.
'''Well, let me start an honest friendship between us''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/19/08 6:16 PM
I understand how you feel. I would likely to be skeptical myself, but
I can tell from the style of your original drawings that you are
definitely who you are; call it my 6th sense. It's like I've fallen
for the character (you know, like a 'Britney Spears' crush), but if I
got to know the woman behind her, I would likely love her honestly and
truly. So, you can tell me more about yourself, and I'll share myself
with you as well. BTW, is Kawaii your real name or a nickname? And I
would like to see a photo of yourself.
I've attached the best photo .jpg of myself to this e-mail.
Well, I'll start by telling about myself a bit. Well, if you've read
my Author Bio on the Official Sonichu Site
(http://sonichuchandler.tripod.com/cwcson.htm), as well as my MySpace
or Facebook Profiles, you would already know a great honest chunk about
me. But in case you haven't, my intro paragraph states,...
'I am young at heart, because I enjoy the seemingly child-like things I
do like playing with Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Legos, My
Little Pony, and drawing cartoonishly. I am also creator of my
Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, Sonichu. I have been drawing and writing
comic books, and I've drawn/written quite a few issues so far. I have
graduated from Manchester High School on the Honor Roll, and I have
graduated from PVCC with two Computer Aided Drafting & Design Degrees
May, 2006. I am shy, but I would really enjoy the company of a pretty
girl who likes some of the things I do, with a few opposite traits
(excluding smokers and drunks). I also like to have fun when I can, and
I don't like to be alone. I would prefer Person-to-person encounters/chats instead of over the internet.'
By The Way, so we're clear in this scenario, I will make an exception
for you in the over-the-internet chat... through e-mails at least for
the moment. And I am willing to tolerate a drinker.
Like I've stated in my previous YouTube videos, I do live in
Ruckersville, Virginia. My favorite color is Blue (Crayola's 'Battery
Blue' in a specific shade). My favorite movie of ALL TIME is '[[Mary Poppins]]'. Both my eyes WERE Blue, but then I had [[pink eye|Pink Eye]] in my right
eye during High School, was prescribed an eye-drop, and the chemical
turned it green. My left eye is still true blue. I was constantly
playing Guitar Hero on my Playstation Eye-enabled Playstation 3 system,
until I've recently been remotivated to get back to drawing the comic
book I was only a quarter finished drawing, with big plans to draw more
after completion and uploading. I currently live with both my mother
and father who are both retired; my mother worked mostly in secretarial
work, while my father was a technical engineer with General Electric;
he also served as a technical dude in WWII (he's been to Korea before
it split into two nations). My father was also the designer of the
controls for Plastic Molding machines; without his help, you wouldn't
have the plastic surrounding your computer's monitor, tower or
keyboard, or even as simple as a plastic funnel. And we currently own
three cats.
I think that will do good for a start; now you may talk as much about
yourself; please include a photo .jpg of yourself in your reply.
Christian C. :)<br>
'''RE: Well, let me start an honest friendship between us​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/19/08 6:51 PM
<br>Attachments: l_3a17cd27869361518fdb110a0462f3ed.jpg (27.5 KB)
Kawaii is just my nickname. It means cute in Japanese. My name is Blanca, that's kind of all I feel like i
can reveal to you. I live in Northern Kentucky, pretty much outside of Cincinnati. I was kicked out when I
was 16 by my mother, and I was forced to quit school and get a job. Currently, I've been given the
chance to go to college (I got my G.E.D. at the very least and I got perfect scores), so I am riding on a
full ride to a certain college. I do have a job as a waitress, though. I'm also young at heart. I still play on
my Nintendo DS and Wii, but because of school, I have no time to really invest in the newer games. I'm
actually not big on drinking or smoking, its always seemed really gross to me, I mean, they both smell
Here's a pic of me being like a kid, hehe.
'''Re: Well, let me start an honest friendship between us''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/19/08 7:50 PM
You are gorgeous. <3 How did you catch the altitude for that rockstar
pose, a trampoline?
I'm sorry you were kicked out of your home when you young, but I am
happy for you getting your success with college.
I have a Wii too, my Friend code is 8626-5211-8387-4771. I currently
don't have many Wii titles, yet I have a bunch of Gamecube titles
(including All the Sonic titles), and mostly GameBoy
Original/Color/Advance/DS games.
Tell me about it on smoking and drinking; horrible stench, unhealthy
effects, ugh. Nasty habits. I'm glad you feel the same about that as
I do.
I'm finding my ambition through my drawings, and I am trying to get in
touch with Nintendo and SEGA of America to make Sonichu and Rosechu
(and maybe me too) into video game legends, with Official and
self-Approved merchandise. I just got a reply to the letter I sent to
them informing about the Hype I've managed to generate since their
previous letter I got in April, 2005 with the suggestion to Generate
Hype. I've just photocopied their April, 2005 reply letter to further
prove myself their worth-while. I'll do what I can to make Sonichu and
Rosechu gaming icons between Nintendo and SEGA.
At the least, I do have a great Fanbase.
You look like a woman with your own ambitions; you gonna be a rockstar
like Jiggliami? :D Seriously, though, do you play that guitar you
wield well or good? And how's your singing? If you've self-recorded
your own song(s), I'd love to hear it or them.
Also, I've had a hunch there was a real name behind Kawaii, because
when I type a reply, the "Original Message" gets quoted, and it said in
the From-To details, "Blanca Notsaying"; keeping your last name scarce,
cutie? :) I mean, it's cool; I'm just playin' with ya a bit. <3
Well, I'll wrap it up for now; if you feel like talking more about
yourself, I will listen (or read with open heart in this case). I'd
love to hear some more of your random thoughts that make you you. And
if you find the time, feel free to send me a friend request through the
Wii Network, now that you have my code.
U growin' on me now; Peace,
Christian C.
'''RE: Well, let me start an honest friendship between us​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/19/08 8:58 PM
Haha, yea. I just felt like being goofy. :P I wish I could be a real rock star. My singing is horrible.. and
know like 2 songs on the guitar lol!
Ya. I am always really careful with the internet. I am always scared a stalker is going to like try to find
me. Its really scary, you know! I don't really have any Wii games that use friend codes, atm, but I'll s
it for when I do! Maybe for you I will sing a song, but I can't promise you'll like it. :P
'''RE: Hey I wrote a song for my Jiggliami​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 3:49 AM
I guess you can say they are an ocean blue. :D My eyes, I mean. Oh and don't worry! I won't be counting
the pages or anything. To be honest, when I look for a guy I just tend to try to find shy gamer nerds like
me hehehe. I do kind of approach them first. I recently got out of a baaaad relationship, so it looks like I
might be looking again myself!
===Chris does not waste any time in hinting at a relationship===
'''I see''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/20/08 4:00 AM
Well, you know I am a gamer nerd. :)P And I am publically shy; after
you get my address, I would like to invite you to give me a try *blush*.
If I sound like I'm being forward, I apologize, because I did
not mean to sound like that kind of guy. If you want me, I'll be happy
to wait for you. :)
Oh, thank you for your eye color info, and I'm sorry about your recent
mal-relationship you had to endure. But for the better, and benefit of
your happiness, it's a good thing you got out of it. And I do not mean
to sound like a panther, ready to sieze the moment... although the
thought obviously passed my mind... *blush*
I'll TTYL,<br>
Christian C.<br>
'''RE: I see''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 4:15 AM
Oh hehehehe. Now I'm all nervous x3. Well I am still harboring a broken heart... we dated for 5 years,
you see... and I guess he decided he rather date some other girl suddenly. I don't want to make someone
as cute as you wait for me, cause I am sure you probably do have some girls pining after you.
We'll see after we've been friends for longer hehe. I don't want to rush into anything, you know.
'''I understand''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/20/08 5:27 AM
But believe me, locally I am NOT PUBLICALLY Popular.  I mean right now,
I feel as yippy as a puppy dog...
Yet, you are correct about rushing into anything... *sigh* *blush*
Yeah, I apologize for my impulsiveness; let's learn more about each
other through our e-mails, and if you should be in my neck of the woods
in the hopefully near future, we will know for sure.
In the meantime, I would be interested in knowing about what goes on
with you, one day at a time, and I will offer you my thoughts one day
at a time as well. And on that, when do you start your college
classes, and what's your planned major? I've graduated from Piedmont
Virginia Community College with two Computer Aided Drafting and Design
degrees. For a final major project that I did, right before I
graduated, I've actually designed the plans for my Cwcville Shopping
Mall, including the Mayor's Office on the upper floor. My mall has
everything most people would want to shop at, including a Pokemon
Centere, just like the one that was in New York City. I still have the
CADD data specs saved on a CD-R, and a paper print-out of the plans in
my big Sonichu Book.
I'll Talk To You Later;
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: I understand​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 6:42 AM
Aw, I am sure that can't be entirely true! Don't be so hard on yourself. I'll be sure to email you if I head
over there for any reason. :D
Wow! Those are big plans! I still am not sure what I am going to major in. I think I will stay undeclared
until I figure it out. Hehe. Maybe if I learn how to draw well enough, they'd let me on the Pokemon team!
xP I hope... that would be like my dream job. You know, creating new pokemon.
'''Re: I understand''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/20/08 7:53 AM
How ambitious of you, drawing for NOA; I admire your spirit. :) Funny
you should mention that, though; I have finished drawing the #7 comic;
I only need to color it, then scan and retype the pages' text. I am
drawing the cover for #8, it's "A Saturday at the beach" for the girls.
Jiggliami will volunteer to sing her first single, "War of Love" in a
short concert that day. I would like you to design a bathing suit for
Jiggliami (it can be a bikini, or a one-piece; your choice). After you
draw the bathing suit (with or without Jiggliami in it), please attach
and e-mail your scanned drawing to me. You may take as much time as
you feel required.
I'll tell you what, though, if I manage to get my foot in NOA's door
for real, after we start discussing the Sonichu and Rosechu game, I can
refer you as an animal designer. I'm not making any promises yet, but
feel free to draw your original Pokemon characters as you please.
Also, I don't know for sure, but which time zone are you in (subtract
how many hours from Eastern Standard)?
Have a pleasant day.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: I understand​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 4:13 PM
Actually, I do live in the Eastern Time zone, so whatever time it is there, it is here too. I have a really
strange sleeping habit and lifestyle atm due to being a waitress. And if you really did make that
suggestion, I would be so greatful to you. I love pokemon, and I really wish I could design them all day.
Its not letting me attach the photo >_<. So here is a reference pic: http://stylefrizz.com/img/elizabeth-
'''Re: RE: I understand​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/20/08 5:13 PM
Tell me about out-of-sync bilogical clocks; mine has been having me
going to sleep at like 5 to 6 AM and waking at 1 or Late afternoon for
years. I'm my own nightwatchman. I got caught up with random projects
too often, also I've watched too much Adult Swim(TM).
That's a good choice; a string bikini. I'll color it blue like
Jiggliami's outfit. Is pink your favorite color?
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: I understand​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 6:42 PM
Actually, purple is my fav color. I just find that I am newly addicted to the internet. So I am on it like
nonstop when I can be!
'''Here's a peek at the next Comic Cover​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/20/08 6:33 PM
<br>Attachments: SchuComic9Cover.jpg (169.8 KB)
You will be the very first to see it before everyone else, Blanca. :)
FYI, you remember the Original Rosechu, Bubbles and Angelica; the
yellow Rosechu is Lolisa, and the black one in the corner box is the
mysterious Silvanna. More will be learned after I draw and color these
pages, after I've uploaded the #7 Comic pages to the Official Sonichu
Site. Watch for a new logo in the near future.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Here's a peek at the next Comic Cover​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/20/08 6:43 PM
Oh wow, she's soooo pretty! They all are. I could really go to the beach myself sometime. :D
'''RE: Here's a peek at the next Comic Cover​''' from Blanca to Chris on Thu 8/21/08 1:30 AM
Hey Christian, do you think you could e-mail me when you update your page? I am going out this
weekend, so I might not be around to check! And I am going to be busy getting school stuff ready. :3
'''Re: Here's a peek at the next Comic Cover​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 8/21/08 10:59 AM
It will be a while before I upload the pages to the website, but I will
let you know.
Also, after I've uploaded the comic pages for my website, I plan to
reupgrade the logo and name; while for short, the name in the upper
blue bar will remain "CWC's Sonichu Site", the newer name will soon
"The Original and the Official,
<br>from Da Man,
<br>Christian Weston Chandler,
<br>The Sonichu and Rosechu Site!"
Imagine the sequence center-aligned with the first line at 14-size
font, second line in 10-size, my name in orange and blue
Sonic-the-Hedgehog-style letters, "It's" in 14-size, and "The Sonichu
and Rosechu Site" in a collaberation of three logos; "The" and "And" in
14-size font, The "Sonichu" logo, straight from the comic books, the
NEW "Rosechu" logo from the upcoming #8 Comic Cover, and "Site" from
the VERY FIRST Sonichu Site Logo: Red Letters on a Steel Plate. I will
accept feedback and suggestions from you on the new logo.
Also, Blanca, if you recall the ED page, well, they've found my home
address and posted it in the Talk section of the page; if you wish to
check it out, go ahead, but I would feel better if you resisted the
temptation, as my friend, because I can heavily feel the stress from
knowing that now the bullies have it. And lord and god knows what they
scheme to do with that information. I would feel very sad if you
became one of them, but I can feel from your drawings and your photo
and our e-mails that you have a good heart. Please, as my friend, do
not prove me wrong.
I apologize for that dramatic moment, but I have those stressors to
worry about. You know, it's hard to believe, and my mother basically
spelled it out for me. But I became Pop-Star Famous, and I didn't have
to leave my house.
Well, back to the good, your favorite color is purple; that's neat; you
and I both like shades of Blue. :) You know there is a beach in
Virginia, if you and I get to hook up in the future, It would be
awesome and new to me to spend Spring Break with you there. You know,
story wise, the beach episode in the #8 comic WILL be on THE Saturday
of Spring Break, 2008; I'll have to refer to my calender for a specific
date, but if I could enjoy that fun for real, I would feel just
flabergasted with joy, especially if I shared it with a gal like you.
Well, I still have a comic to color,
<br>I will Talk To You Later, Cutie-Pie.
<br>Christian C. <3
'''RE: Here's a peek at the next Comic Cover​''' from Blanca to Chris on Thu 8/21/08 1:21 PM
What? Someone, a friend no less, told some webpage about your address? That's not right. How could
they >_<
<br>I would never hand out your address and I am not sure what ed is, but I won't be looking it up. it sounds
like a bunch of bad karma!
'''Thank you''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 8/21/08 6:33 PM
Thank you, Blanca.  :)
Encyclopedia Dramatica seriously is bad karma; they've been haunting me
with slanderous mockeries at my expense for almost a year now.
But being affirmed that you won't look for me in that wrong way makes
me feel better.
I am about over a quarter done coloring #7 (I should have colored the
pages as I completed each, but I didn't think of it when I started that
comic)(although I did have to use photoshop to put together the cover,
but that's different). I will also be editing the #7 preview video
I've put on YouTube with the reading of the colored-in pages of that
I hope you've had a pleasant day today.
<br>Christian C.  :)
'''RE: Thank you​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 8/22/08 2:13 AM
I hope I see it before things get too hectic!
'''Hey, Kawaii-Pie. :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 8/22/08 2:30 AM
<br>Attachments: Best_SchuFanartEdited.jpg (97.1 KB)
I'm just checkin' in while taking a moment from the coloring; I'm about
half-way finished. I will Definitely Color as I Draw each page in #8,
as well as all future comics. :)
My day was okay; I took a brief change-of-scenery by taking my coloring
work with me to my local [[Wal-Mart]]'s [[McDonald's]] in-store restaurant;
while there, I've colored the whole Ghostbusters parody for [[Family Guy]],
which you should know if you watched the video, I gave Seth McFarline
full use of the joke. How do you feel about Family Guy, if you watch
Also, earlier, I've received a message from some jerk on [[YouTube]] who
posted a [[Sonichu (comic)|Sonichu]] Fanart gif. It was not as nice as I thought it was at
first; upon first look, it looks fantastic; the best I've seen up to
now. But after a few seconds, it transformed into an ugly art. :(P
Anyhoo, I downloaded the .gif (which is the default format for short,
repetitive animation pics), and I've captured its Better Half alone
into a .jpg (attached is the .jpg) I've had to fix his shoes, because
they were originally with a white stripe in the middle. But it's still
the best fanart I've seen. I am even thinkin' about using it for the
cover on the First Sonichu Comic of the Second Season.
Also, I will get the new logo icon made up after completing #7 comic; I
will share the .jpg of the icon with you for your open, honest
opinion(s). But the main name WILL be changed to reflect its being The
Original and The Official Sonichu & Rosechu Site, with the original
"CWC's Sonichu Site" being maintained as its short nickname.
Also, while I am thinking about it, I wanted to ask you about how you
feel about porn in your humble opinion. Honestly, and confidentially
between you and me, I see the "official" videos from companies such as
Adam&Eve, not solely as a turn-on, but as a good education of what may
be done during the act. I also appreciate it more as a virgin, because
it allows me to create a better idea for when I actually do it for my
first time. And obviously I have seen a fair share in my adult years.
I would rather be well-advised about it and the practices of safe-sex
than be dumb on anything on the topic. But if you do not feel
comfortable with seeing pornographic videos, I will not ask anymore
beyond this paragraph. If I've made you feel uncomfortable, I humbly
apologize. But I feel it a good idea to check with you about the
subject, because I care about your feelings as my gal-pal with a
growing friendship.
On another issue, I've recently received a reply letter from [[Nintendo]]
of America; it was basically a static repeat of two of the paragraphs
from the reply letter I've received back on [[2005#April|April, 2005]]. I have
written another letter in reply to that reply, making the Sonichu Hype
more obvious, and quoting the April, 2005 letter (with an enclosed
photocopy) about their Previous Suggestion to generate the Hype.
Basically I've made myself more clear with, in a nutshell of a scenario
statement, "I have my Hype, Let's talk big business."
Well, that's it for now; I will return to my coloring, and I will await
your thoughts in reply, and how your day was.
<br>Christian C.            :)
'''Hey, Blanca?​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 8/22/08 1:11 PM
R U okay? Did you get my latest e-mail I sent?  If I offended you, I'm
sorry. :_(
Also, do you have AIM; I've just downloaded it to my PC?
I hope I didn't hurt you emotionally...
Hope to TTYL,CP;
<br>Christian C.
'''I hope you're haveing a good weekend.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 8/23/08 7:34 PM
I remembered that you told me that you were going somewhere this
weekend, so I hope you are having a good and safe time.
Well, basically today, I've been continuing on the coloring of the
comic. On Saturdays, I usually catch the bunch of British Comedy shows
on my local PBS station. I generally like "Keeping Up Appearances" and
"Are You Being Served". I also catch "Monty Python" on BBC America
sometimes on satellite. Do you watch British Comedy sometimes, if you
do which show do you generally like the best?
Also, I was wondering if you had a page on MySpace that I may check
out. And I've noticed on your YouTube profile page that you have a
good number of favorites, yet not any uploaded videos. If you should
decide to upload a video, well I would enjoy watching you express your
opinion, or play a song on your guitar (you wouldn't have to sing), or
whatever you wanted to do.
Come to think of it, if you do have an AIM account and a webcam, you
and I can chat and see each other; please let me know if we can do that.
Here's wishing you a safe weekend.
<br>Christian C.      :)
'''Hey, Blanca​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 8/25/08 4:50 PM
I hope you've returned safely from your trip, and I hope to hear from
you again soon. Also, to properly quote you in the #7 comic, I will
type that Jiggliami was originally created by Blanca, but I would feel
better if I could quote you by your full name. I am able to re-edit
the comic page at any time, so ASAP, please let me know what your last
name is.
I also look forward to reading about how your trip went.
<br>Christian C.
'''Hey, Blanca, upgrade your Bookmark!​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 8/26/08 1:12 AM
Not only did I finally get comic #7 uploaded, but out of space
necessity, I had to upgrade my Tripod account. So Now, The Sonichu &
Rosechu Site/CWC's Sonichu Site may now also be referred to Officially
as Sonichu.net. Spread the good word.
Also, check our yours and Jiggliami's fun Radio Show interview that
I've promised you. :D
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, Blanca, upgrade your Bookmark!​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 8/26/08 9:01 PM
Hey sweetie. Sorry, I started school and its been kind of hectic! :D Nice to hear you got a bigger and
better site. I'll be sure to tell my friends. At least the ones that like sonic and such. :D
How are you? Also, I am too bashful to give out my full name... Just stick to Blanca W.
'''Re: Hey, Blanca, upgrade your Bookmark!​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/27/08 2:29 AM
Well, I understand your starting college; I hope you enjoy your
classes, and I wish you success in your grades. Please keep in touch
with me by letting me know what goes on with you there.
Anyhoo, I am well, thank you for asking. :) I've been busy pondering
over the Sonichu Game story to submit to JKProductions, I've created a
two-part video and uploaded both parts onto YouTube for my take on the
future Sonichu Game and Comics, and I am getting started on the #8
Comic. Also, if you recall my gal-pal, Megan Schroeder, I've chatted
with her earlier tonight; she has forgiven me for my mistake. She is
doing well, and she has been going out with a volunteer fireman for
about over a month now. It's okay, although I had her at "I Love You"
when I lost her then, I can still be happy for her successes as a true
Meantime, I'm also happy to know you, Blanca, if you and I manage to
start a true relationship later this year or so, that will be swell.
But for now, it's good to know you a bit at a time through your honest
e-mail messages. :)
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, Blanca, upgrade your Bookmark!​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/27/08 1:02 PM
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that the link to the new comic isn't there or something. :< Could you
link me it? I'm sooooo excited about it.
<br>Megan? Yeaah. Its good that you are talking to her again. I know how much you liked her. :3
'''Hey, B.W. :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 8/27/08 4:13 PM
I've just checked the link to the Number 7 comic; works good to me. If
you're talking about in association with the Number 8 cover with the
Spring Break, There is NO LINK attached to that image yet, because I
have only just started creating the comic; there will be a link added
to the image after I've completed the #8 comic and uploaded the page
BTW, do you have an AIM account with the AIM downloaded onto your PC?
I've just downloaded the AIM to mine (My AIM is my E-Mail address
without the "@aol.com"). Also, do you have a webcam on your PC as
well, so you and I can chat and see each other at the same time? If
you do have AIM, please let me know when you'll be accessing it, and
I'll be sure to boot my AIM up to chat with you. :)
I hope all is good with your classes;
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, B.W. :)​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 8/27/08 11:56 PM
Nope. I don't have one. :< Should I get one? Also, I don't have a webcam. I just have a normal camera.
===Chris likes Blanca===
'''Re: Hey, B.W. :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 8/28/08 1:10 PM
Well, I'm not saying that you have to get an AIM account; but I thought
you'd maybe like to be able to chat through IM.
I'm only trying to find a method of being able to see you from on your
side of the computer, so I can feel more confident and trusting of you
to grow our friendship better. And I feel it's a good idea to look
into chatting over IM, maybe with an attached webcam, or you could make
and upload a video of yourself doing something neat or whatever. You
know that I Like You; I'd like to be able to have more confidence in my
"Like" for you that can make it grow into honest, well-trusted "Love".
I think you can understand.
It's something you may think about looking into.
<br>Christian C.
'''Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 8/28/08 1:26 PM
I just wanted to let you know that I have finally got used to the ED
page being there, so I am able to tolerate its existence. The MAJOR
thing about the page that REALLY Grinds My Gears is all the lewd,
slanderous, parodied images of my Rosechu with a dick; SHE IS ALL
WOMAN!!! She was born with, and STILL HAS HER GOD-GIVEN VAGINA and
both OVARIES. I would Seriously Really Wish and Like VERY MUCH see ALL
the dicked-up images Removed from the page and replaced with MORE
ACCURATE Fanart of Rosechu with VAGINA.
Not only that, but it Seriously ticked me when just after I've found
the page back in [[2007#November|November, 07]], I received in e-mails a few copies of
those particular images, then I DISTINCTLY, RIGHT-TO-THE-POINT,
STRAIGHT-FORWARD TOLD all the people that sent the image copies, as
well as the people of the ED Page to "Remove Their Pickled Images".
ONLY IF they would replace their dick-headedness with Honest,
God-Blessed Images of Rosechu with VAGINIA, and ABSOLUTELY NO FRIGGIN'
Also, on a lighter note, the #8 Comic is coming along good for start,
and so is the Stories for the characters for the Video Game.
I hope that I will be able to see you via webcam or freshly-created
Have a great day, TTYL,CP,
<br>Christian C.
'''Blanca,​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 8/29/08 2:47 AM
It has been brought to my attention that some of my haters are putting
the pain in your YouTube Profile Comments. I felt it was my duty to
warn you myself; I hope you do not let those nasty comments get to you.
They're just blowing off steam from their jealousy or whatever.
After getting to know you over the e-mails, I have a feeling that you
ARE a strong woman, and that you would not let a few slanderous remarks
hinder our friendship. I want you to know that no matter how many
people may give off bad remarks, I will offer you kind compliments and
my full positive support. If you feel you need a shoulder to cry on,
my shoulder is open ALL the time for you.
I hope that I'll be able to see more of your lovely self soon. BTW,
should you make and upload a fresh video of yourself onto YouTube, you
CAN disable comments, ratings, etc from being posted onto your video.
You can also fix it so only myself, or up to 25 friends can see it.
I care about your feelings.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Blanca,​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 8/30/08 12:13 AM
I'm just going to drop that youtube channel and move to a new one cause its not worth arguing them. :(
I don't want them to come bug me, sorry I wish I could defend you more, but I am not good with dealing
with haters and those people.
'''Re: Blanca,​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 8/30/08 1:34 AM
I understand how you feel. Are you and I still growing friends?
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Blanca,​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 8/30/08 3:17 PM
<br>Attachments: l_893bd0d1a56dee1f1031b289c016af65.jpg (29.2 KB)
Of course, Christian. :D I'll work on getting an aim. I don't own a webcam, so, IDK. lol I'm kind of a broke
college student, but here is another picture. Its kind of old.
'''Re: Blanca,​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 8/30/08 5:52 PM
Thank you so much, Blanca, your friendship, and your honesty mean a lot
to me.
Frankly, I'm not "Mr. Joe Millionare" either. :) But I get by well,
and I look to the lord and god for their support as well; I am certain
that you will be blessed as well.
BTW, you looked beautiful then in that older pic, just like you did
rockin' in mid-air. :) I feel more trust and faith in you now. And
for that, I will offer my home phone number to you, it's (434)-990-0198
(I'd offer my cell number, but apparently it costs me a bundle to
accept long-distance calls on it, compared to my home phone). Most
likely, my father, Robert Franklin Chandler Jr. or my mother, Barbara
Anne Weston Chandler, will answer the first, so when either of my
parents answer, please be sure to introduce yourself as my growing
honestly close friend before asking for me. :) I have already told my
mother a bit about you, but I'll have to spot my dad on the info. You
have my full permission to call me when you like; you have earned it
through my trust. :)
Also, I already have Sonichufan1985's support on this, and I have
mentioned it to you in an earlier e-mail, to draw sexy and/or naked
pictures of Rosechu to replace the dicked-up slanders on that ED Page.
I have honestly grown used to its existence, but everytime I see one of
those pics, it makes me want to "Cry" that "Game" (if you catch the
movie pun). But I am encouraging the Good fans of my Sonichu fanbase
to help me in this protest to clean up the slanderous portrayal of
Rosechu on that page. I have already drawn up a few in the "Deleted
Scenes" of my current comic. I also encourage the fans to upload their
good fanart to the ED site and edit the page to replace a dicked image
with their piece of Better Fanart, WITH VAGINA. But if they are not
sure how to edit the page, they are free to e-mail me their image, and
I will put it in my pile of sexy/naked Rosechu images to be uploaded
later. I ask you for your support in this protest, but iif drawing
these types of drawings offends you, I will understand.
Other than that, the drawing of the whole #8 comic is coming along
well; I'm taking it one page at a time, and make an effort to draw and
color at least one page at a time.
I wish you a good day, and good health.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Blanca,​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 8/30/08 7:43 PM
What's ed again? I've heard about it, and you kind of explained it, but idk. also, I don't want to draw
those things... its kind of embarrassing.
'''RE: Hey, B-W.​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 8/30/08 11:20 PM
Christian, I think, after rereading this, that that is a powerful thing to say... you definitely should make a
video or post somewhere stating this. I mean, artistic nudes are good and beautiful, however, such lewd
and crude things like... like thingies on women, that's disgusting. I strongly believe you need to show
those bullies. >_< IDK make a video. I'm sure it would rally up your fans like it rallied me... If I wasn't so
scared they'd try to hurt me somehow, I'd go to this ed place and show them a pieve of my mind!
===Chris describes Episode 17: "Rage Against the Garbage"===
'''Re: Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sun 8/31/08 12:56 AM
Wow! I can feel your anger through your message; I can tell you
definitely have spunk, and I like spunk. :)
At least you understand how I feel about the situation. A video is a
good idea, but I would not want to personally show myself off, in a
twist-my-words-around sense, as possibly some kind of pervert or
something like that. Besides, I have good, honest friends like you and
Sonichufan1985 to share some of my pain in private, as to reduce the
But I've just had a thought, I can post some of my sexy, nude Rosechu
pics on the account page I've set up eariler on Deviantart.com, and
probably set up a blog there to rally the good Sonichu & Rosechu fans.
I may go for that after I've drawn up, or found some more sexy Rosechu
Blanca, I wish            to thank you for listening to my rant against that
[[4-cent garbage.com|4-Cent_Garbage]]            with a good heart and open mind. It makes me feel happy
to know that I            have a good woman friend that I've got to know for a bit
of a while now            to openly trust. :)
For now, let's talk about pleasant topics between you and me. How's
your waitress job been working out for you? I'd like to know what you
think about during that time, and how you see things from your
perspective there. You are a creative woman, I feel certain that you
can paint a good picture of your time there. :)
Currently, in the comic, I am working on the pages where Sonichu and
Rosechu are going up in the elevator of the 4-Cent_Garbage building to
see Jason. But I should fill you in on that story, so here it is
copied and pasted, the "sneak peak" at the first episode of [[Sonichu 8|Comic #8]],
as told to Sonichufan1985 weeks ago.
So, with that, here's the preview for beginning episode of Comic #8.
Sonichu and Rosechu had just finished making love after their date; the
two are Living together, Rosechu goes on the internet, after learning
from [[Kellie Andes]] (my old High School Sweetheart among the graduating
class of Y2K), who I give the honor of finding the ED site in the
comic. But instead of calling it Encyclopedia Dramatica, I call it
"4-Cent Garbage." So with the matching page details down to the last
letter, Rosechu is examining the "Chris-chan" page in shock. Enter
Sonichu, who just got out of their shared bed. Rosie shows Sonichu the
shocking page; Sonichu goes into shock of the typed details. He is
surprised to find the hand-drawings I made up, which to him look like
photographs (especially the one with him and Rosie doin' their thang).
And finally, he throws up after seeing the crude drawings of Rosechu
with a dick. He goes on to even exclaim that last time he check, she
HAD both her Ovaries. And even brings up a planned parody of Playboy
magizine, "Pok'eBoy", with centerfolds of Rosechu, that were done under
Sonichu's supervision; she is on the cover as well (but in a
two-piece). And after exausting a gasp from the stress, Rosie escorts
him to the bed to rest, and suggests later to go to the 4-Cent Garbage
building to try to reason with them.
Then, DELETED SCENE, Rosie goes back to the computer, realizing that
she can change the pics on the page, she goes into another room and
takes nudie pics of herself. :D With a few self-crotch-shots. Then she
returns with SD Memory card in hand, thinking she has enough pics,
uploads and replaces most of the dick-imposters. Then she realizes
there were more imposters then she had her own nudie pics for. Then she
gets the idea to ask Bubbles and Angelica to help.
BTW, when I say DELETED SCENE, I mean that I will draw the pages as
Page #+A for myself, but I would not upload the pages to be scene in
the final print. So, I'm letting you in on some really juicy stuff
here; Please keep it under your hat, I am trusting you, Robert Simmons.
Anyway, later, Sonichu and Rosechu find the 72-Story tall 4-Cent
Garbage Publications building. They get there with help from Magi-Chan
with teleportation. So they enter the building, and speak to the
receptionist (a red devil), who at the moment is getting himself
discreetly horny, with his chair back facing our heroes. Sonichu says
to him, "Excuse me, we have a 2-O-Clock appointment with the head of
your company. And without turning around, the devil replies, "Yeah,
sure, go to the opposite side of the column in front of me, and take
the elevator to Floor 66+6". "Wouldn't that be 72?" Sonichu replies.
"Yeah, sure, if you want to be technical. Get goin', I'm busy here,"
the devil replies harshly without eye-contact. Then our heroes start
their way to go around the column; Sonichu says as he passes the devil,
"Gee, Thanks," sarcastically. After Rosechu presses the elevator
button, Sonichu says to her, "Can you believe how RUDE that guy was?!!
He wouldn't even turn himself around even for a second." Rosie replies,
"Sonichu... forgiveness." "Eh...Alright," Sonichu replies, "It just
really grinds my gears." As they take the elevator up, Sonichu says,
"If the first floor has a jerk like that, I can only imagine what else
could be among the other stories here."
And, we see on the second floor a multiple number of computers, all but
one with passed-out drunks in front of them. And the nerd to his left
just recovers from his hangover, and the still sober guy says, "You
ready to go, pal?" "Yeah", he replies. Then the first guy says, "Great.
I'm gonna pass out now," drinks a can of beer in one gulp, falls back
and collapses into his slumber. Ugh... A good joke... to represent the
expert HTML jerks behind ED.
And a few random floors up, with a relative joke on each floor.
Then, our heroes get up to the 72nd floor, exits the elevator, and are
greeted by Jason (yes, Jason Kendrick Howell, but for the comic, just
Jason) in a booming voice, with his woman slave, dressed like a
sadistic mistress or S&M queen, on a leash, Kathleen (his real 17-year
old girlfriend, Kathleen Nicole Wallace) "behaving" and staying silent.
(Can you believe the world with such cruel people like him for real?)
Sonichu steps forward and complains about the slanderous webpage about
me, and after taking a deep sigh after releasing his stress upon his
explanation, calms down and humbly asks Jason to remove it from their
website. Obviously, Jason says no. Then Sonichu gets really angry, and
shoots a Thunderbolt upon him; he deflects it with a parody of the Dark
Force. Then Sonichu runs towards Jason to "Mach Punch" him, but he
stops Sonichu, within an inch before impact, dead in his tracks,
levitates him and tosses him back, to be caught by Rosie. Rosie then
comforts him, and tells him, "There's no reasoning with him, Sweet
Bolt; let's just go now." "But..." Sonichu replies. "Forgiveness...
just like Jacob taught us," Rosie affirms. And with a final angry
glance, Sonichu staggers back to the elevator door with Rosechu helping
him with arm around him.
And, DELETED SCENE, Jason tells Rosechu, "That's right go. Go, and play
with your Pickle." Then he chucks a Real Vegetable Pickle, and it hits
Rosie on the head, as she carries Sonichu. She pauses, Sonichu stands
still next to her on his own, she picks up the pickle on the floor,
quivers a moment, then becomes enrage with fires of fury. She turns
around, takes a few steps towards Jason, pauses, bends down to unzip
her boots, looks back to Sonichu and tells him to get ready (for her
quick striptease). She jumps high out of her boots, goes into an aerial
spin jump, undoes her skirt, tosses that to Sonichu, he catches it.
Then her shirt. Then she lands five feet in front of her boots, in
nothing but her C-Cup Bra and panties. She shouts to Jason, "I've got
three shocking bits for you, Jerk!" She undoes her bra from the front,
reveals her left breast, then her right and tosses the bra back to
Sonichu. She jumps, ninja warrior stance in mid-air, drops her panties
to the floor under her... pounces onto Jason's face, her vagina opening
landing on his nose, her legs wrapped tight around his head. She
squeezes his head with her legs, rubbing her pussy in his face with
fury. After half-a-minute, jumps off him, lands between her panties and
her boots on floor, her naked butt and back, facing Jason, who is
alive, but fainted, his hood is down, revealing his face, with dizzy
spiral in his eye. She turns her head and looks at him, like a bull
after taking down its opponent. Then she collects her panties and
boots; walks victoriously with Sonichu holding the rest of her clothes
back to the elevator. She would clothe herself on the way down with her
Sweet Bolt in awe of her, and turned on.
No naughty bits, or tits, would be drawn in exposure, but as sure as
the American Flag is Red, White and Blue, Rosechu is ALL WOMAN.
I hope you've enjoyed that, and I look forward to hearing about your
thoughts from your job. Don't forget that you can call me when you
feel up to it.
Christian C.<br>
==[[September 2008]]==
'''RE: Hey, B-W.​''' from Blanca to Chris on Mon 9/01/08 1:41 PM
My job is going alright. I'm a very nervous person and shy...so it takes some getting used to. I made a
ton of tips last night! You know, labor day weekend and all that! Do they celebrate where you are? We
hold fireworks.
'''Re: Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 9/01/08 3:58 PM
I think there is a general celebration of Labor Day in [[Charlottesville]],
but I'm not totally certain. Good for you on your successful weekend
at work. What's the name of the restaurant you work at, and how long
have you been working there? Do you have to wear a uniform there (if
you do, I would like a pic of you in it)?
Also, I've checked, and apparently, I have unlimited nighttime minutes
on my cell phone beyond 9:00 PM, so you can try to call me then on my
cell at (434)-760-0848. I look forward to when I can chat with you
over the phone, or through AIM. :)
BTW, kinda random question, but how were your grades from your years in
High School?
<br>Christian C.
'''Hey, B-W :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 9/04/08 3:00 AM
I haven't heard from you in a while; I hope you are doing well. Please
reply to let me know what's been good with you.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, B-W :)​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/05/08 4:03 PM
Oh? You didn't get my last e-mail? I'm sorry. Things are kind of hectic, but I was waiting on your reply
haha. I guess I am still doing ok. Not getting much sleep from homework and all that. How about you?
Things going ok?
'''Re: Hey, B-W :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/06/08 12:48 AM
It's been a bit stressful on me lately; I have been Protesting against
the Encyclopedia Dramatica bullies for their "Fanart" of my Rosechu
being portrayed with a dick. Every time I see those heinous things, I
feel like I'm gonna puke. I have been protesting with my own drawings
on how Rosechu should be drawn in the nude; with a vagina. BTW,
Rosechu has been 18 since Comic #5; I've made the official correction
statement on Sonichu.net as well.
And on the Sonichu game front, [[JKProductions]] said they got a "notice"
from Nintendo and Sega for JKProductions NOT to make any games of
Sonichu or Rosechu. So I'm dropping JKProductions with due respect.
And I will wait to talk to Nintendo and SEGA for myself. Not only
that, but if you look at JKP's blog page, they've drew their own
remakes of my Electric-Hedgehogs as freakin' aardvarks. It pissed me
Aside from the stress, the #8 Comic is progressing well; I will add 3
or 4 pages to the "Spring Break" Episode to depict the turning of ages
for all the Electric-Hedgehogs drawn up to now. BTW, what age did you
have in mind to start Jiggliami at?
I'm sorry for missing your previous e-mail; must been a misdirected
piece of data. If you'd like to copy/paste the message from that
e-mail to your reply to this one, that would be cool. I'm sorry you've
been losing sleep for yourself, but it's possible you'll get used to
such a schedule. Are any of your classes in the morning? If so, you
may have a problem of staying awake during those classes. I've found
Afternoon classes were better for me, because I was able to get more
sleep, and I was more able to stay awake during those classes.
If it helps, you think of me being there with you in your classes,
encouraging you to keep paying attention; this is important. I pray
for your success. :)
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, B-W :)​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/06/08 9:20 AM
Yeah, one of my classes is in the morning. Was hard to find all the classes I needed for this semester,
hehe. My last e-mail was kind of embarrassing now that I think about it... I kind of want to know what
shampoo you use, because your hair is really pretty, er, you know what I mean. I use generic suave...
maybe I need to switch to whatever you are using.
Also, its good that you are fighting back. You need to show them that their bodies are what their sex is.
'''Oh yeah​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/06/08 9:53 AM
Oh and Jiggliami is like 21-22. She's like the older woman in my mind. Bubblegum-popstar describes her
so well! But I think behind the scenes, like, when she is alone with men, she's super flirtatious, kind of
like a femme fatal, but without the fatal part cause she's a good person.
'''Re: Hey, B-W :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/06/08 8:54 PM
Thank you for specifying Jiggliami's age; I will be sure to make her
age obvious during her Spring Break Concert. BTW, I respect your
decision should you decline, but would it be alright if I enlisted
Jiggliami's help in mine (and Story-Wise, Rosechu's) Protest against
those jerks (of whom I've also referred to as "Garbage Sacks") as well,
by which I mean depicting a few nude drawings based on tasteful poses
as seen in Playboy magazines?
Your question about my personal details that may sound embarrassing are
cool for you to ask me; you have earned that right in my eyes. Anyway,
I use Head & Shoulders currently; for a while I used Selsun Blue
shampoo for some dandruff, but once that was well-conquered, I've
switched to Head & Shoulders. I also use [[AXE]] "Purifying" Shower Gel
for the rest of my body; I like this particular AXE Shower Gel, because
it makes me smell like a Pine Forest. For general hand-washing, my
family and I use Oil Of Olay bar soap (the ones in the Pink Packaging).
Were there any other fun questions in that e-mail as well, or any other
questions other than that/those? You don't have to be afraid to ask
me; you have earned your way to my heart. :) Also, don't be afraid of
opening yourself up to me in respect; I have an open heart and open
mind for you.
Well, considering most of your classes are Art-Related, you will likely
be exercising your arm as you paint or draw, falling asleep probably
won't be too much of an issue. But I recommend having a soda or a
coffee before your classes, just in case.
<br>Christian C.
Give me a call sometime.  <3
'''RE: Hey, B-W :)​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/06/08 9:02 PM
Oh, I don't think I can call you just yet, I haven't switched cellphone plans yet, so no long distance calls
for me just yet. I was kind of wondering how you made that medal? Or did someone make it for you? I'm
very curious about it, because its kind of cute, would you mind showing me a close-up picture of it?
Oh, and you can use Jiggliami for your protests, just keep it taste full. I would draw it myself, but its way
too embarrassing. ^^;;
===Chris repeats his porn question===
'''Hey, B-W :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sun 9/07/08 12:54 AM
I'll take a more current pic of the medal soon; I made it myself with
Crayola Model Magic Clay, keyrings, necklace, colored it with Acrylic
Paints, and reinforced its full strength with a coat of super glue
(hung in mid-air to dry). Actually, in addition to the autographed
traced copy of the Jiggliami poster I've showed you earlier, I also had
planned to make and send with it a recreation of Jiggliami's medal.
Thank you for your support in my peaceful protest; I will send you
copies of Jiggliami's centerfold pics as well; I think in the end, you
can be pleased with how she will be drawn. :)
BTW, you never did answer my previous question on how you felt about
porn in general; I've found the copy of that e-mail and copied the
single-paragraphed question to the bottom of this e-mail, in case you
missed it.
I'm gonna take a shower, so I'll TTYL,CP;
<br>Christian C.
Also, while I am thinking about it, I wanted to ask you about how you
feel about porn in your humble opinion. Honestly, and confidentially
between you and me, I see the "official" videos from companies such as
[[Sex toys|Adam&Eve]], not solely as a turn-on, but as a good education of what may
be done during the act. I also appreciate it more as a virgin, because
it allows me to create a better idea for when I actually do it for my
first time. And obviously I have seen a fair share in my adult years. I
would rather be well-advised about it and the practices of safe-sex
than be dumb on anything on the topic. But if you do not feel
comfortable with seeing pornographic videos, I will not ask anymore
beyond this paragraph. If I've made you feel uncomfortable, I humbly
apologize. But I feel it a good idea to check with you about the
subject, because I care about your feelings as my gal-pal with a
growing friendship.
'''Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/09/08 9:18 PM
I've just uploaded Episode #17 of the #8 Comic onto Sonichu.net. I
want your sound judgmental and honest opinion about it message of
protest against the "Garbage". But I should warn you, and I've just
updated the introductory page of the comic with this sound note:
"**TAKE HEART, for I, Christian Weston Chandler, am delivering honest
and very important messages in your TV-14 Extended Comic, and TV-MA
Uncensored comic pages.**
Which is WHY I OFFER Three different Viewable Versions of the 17th
Episode, so you can view the version that is approriate for your AGE
<nowiki>**</nowiki>ALSO, I wish to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR that I, Christian Weston
Chandler, a Sound-Minded Virgin, DO NOT SEE Women as " Sex Objects"; I
HONESTLY SEE Women as my Equal; Human Beings who have Every Rights as
Any Person in this World Do. And I CARE About How Women feel.
Story-Wise, Rosechu is ONLY doing what she, herself, as an Individual,
"4-Cent_Garbage.com", which is EncyclopediaDramatica.com! And Every
they FEEL for or against what they each set their individual sights
Ladies, I Care. I Seriously DO."
I just wanted to make certain you understand that.
Hugs for you;
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, B-W.​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 9/09/08 9:30 PM
Don't worry Christian, I know you well enough to know you never mean harm with your drawings and
comics. I can't wait to read the comic!
'''Re: Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/09/08 9:38 PM
You are simply Awesome!    Thank you. :)
'''RE: Hey, B-W.​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 9/09/08 9:47 PM
Also, I just realized I never answered your question... porn doesn't necessarily bother me... but it is very
embarrassing... I did take sexy pics that I wanted to show you for reference, just so you could study a
real woman's physque, but I am too embarrassed to show now... maybe I will send you one later.
'''Re: RE: Hey, B-W.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/10/08 12:48 AM
Wow! You were ready to share your sexy side with me? While I
understand how you feel a bit embarassed, I feel positively elated that
you feel honestly ready to open up to me that much. :) I'm so happy.
Seriously, you do not have to feel embarassed; I promise to keep your
sexinees to myself. If I can show you my sexiness in return; just tell
me what pose you'd like to see me in, and I will do it just for you.
<br>Christian C.
===Chris suspects Blanca's identity===
'''Hey, B-W​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/10/08 11:45 PM
I've just checked out your MySpace profile. In your pics, your hair is
blonder than in the two pics I have of you; did you dye? Also, didn't
you tell me earlier that you were 25, not 22, and that you live in
Kentucky, not Kansas? Please explain.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Hey, B-W​''' from Blanca to Chris on Thu 9/11/08 11:38 PM
Wait, what? I don't have a myspace profile. It must be another Blanca.
'''Hello​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 1:02 AM
I am not sure if I can trust you now, "Blanca", I've theorized the
difference between the 1900bw@live.com and the kawaiikitsune@yahoo.com,
but after the deception I've received from possibly you, I felt
traumatized. So I've checked the Latest E-mail from 1900bw; it matches
the following message from the yahoo address on "Showing me your "Sexy
I have no suggestions to make; if INDEED the "Blanca" at 1900bw and the
"Blanca" at the yahoo address are NOT one in the same person; I would
require IN-Person or Honest Video Proof to reinstate my trust.
But at the moment, ONLINE-Wise, I am not sure rather to trust the you
at 1900bw or not at the moment. I am sorry.
'''RE: Hey, B-W​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/12/08 12:59 AM
I just sent you a few messages on youtube... but please... ugh..
Listen, those ed people did this. I don't have a myspace, I use a facebook. That's why it says I live in
Kansas and that I am 23 on that myspace.
'''RE: Hello''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/12/08 1:07 AM
Well.. just know that I approached you from THIS E-MAIL. I've never had a yahoo name in my life. I
mean, this person, their pictures don't even look like mine. I want you to ask them to draw Jiggliami for
you and you'll see that I am Blanca and that they are some sort of impersonator. You don't have to trust
me or tell me anymore of your life... but just know that I have your cellphone number... has anyone
called you on it? I did some research... and if I really was a troll or whatever, I would've handed it out to
those monsters. But I didn't and I won't. I just don't want our friendship ruined over a prank. I was
offering you pictures of me, yeah, but only because I thought it would help your art out. I did get a
haircut and hair dye done today, but I never got it lighter.. I actually dyed it black... because, I don't
know.. I've been stressed out and now I come home from school and work to find some bitch has been
impersonating me and soiling my name. I'll prove to you I'm real somehow, but don't break off
communication with me, please? We can talk about Sonic or Pokemon or something... but don't leave me
high and dry... please?
'''Re: Hello​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 1:15 AM
My cell phone number, yes. Well, while I have NOT received any prank
calls on my Cell Phone, It's not certain. I will not leave you "high
and dry"; Call me on my cell phone Tonight; I will make my final
decision after that action.
'''RE: Hello​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/12/08 1:17 AM
I don't have long distance, can I text you? Or is that equally bad? Could you give me a day to get a
'''Re: Hello​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 1:21 AM
I will give you a maximum of one week; the sooner, the better. Please
prove my theory of different people between addresses correct.
'''RE: Hello​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/12/08 1:22 AM
Ok. You got it. I'll try to give you a call tomorrow, ok? Is there any time that would be best?
'''Re: Hello​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 1:25 AM
Any time during the day is fine; do not set your number to private.
'''RE: Hello​''' from Blanca to Chris on Fri 9/12/08 5:47 PM
I just realized, I could call you from a skype account and it would be free. Its free user to user. If you are
willing to accept that, then just go to skype.com install and make a username... but this time, make it a
username no one would suspect you of having. I don't want people trying to trick you into making you
think they are me.
'''Re: Hello​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 6:07 PM
I've had previous trouble with Skype, so I feel it's better to call me
to my cell. But you may still call from your Skype account to my
phone; I hear it's like about 10 cents a minute.
'''Skype​''' from Chris to Blanca on Fri 9/12/08 8:07 PM
Alright, I've just installed Skype; I've already had an account from my
PSP-2000 (I had trouble with my headset). But I have a mic and
headphones on my PC. So, my Skype name is Chris_Chan_Sonichu; I have
it open now, so if you get this message before like 10PM tonight; you
can try to call me for free.
'''RE: Skype​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/13/08 12:20 AM
Gosh darn it. I'll try to see if you are on tomorrow before I head to work. I'll try to talk to you later.
'''Re: Skype​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/13/08 1:50 AM
Can you give me a specific time for when you call me?
'''Skype-On​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/13/08 4:36 AM
I'll turn my Skype on at about 2PM, today the 13th, and wait for your
call hopefully short after.
'''Slight delay​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/13/08 2:15 PM
I'll be on with my skype starting about 4-5 PM today; call me.
'''RE: Slight delay​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/13/08 3:22 PM
Alright. I'll be on in case you see me and I'm not calling you just send me a call, I might be getting ready
so I'll hear the beep. About 4:30 I need to go out.
My skype is bw1900blanca, just so you know its me.
'''RE: Slight delay​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/13/08 3:22 PM
Alright. I'll be on in case you see me and I'm not calling you just send me a call, I might be getting ready
so I'll hear the beep. About 4:30 I need to go out.
My skype is bw1900blanca, just so you know its me.
'''RE: Slight delay​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/13/08 4:01 PM
I turned off my comments on my youtube channel, maybe you should do the same.. all those people just
keep posting stupid stuff... now they accuse me of being [[Robert Simmons V|Robert]]... ugh.
'''RE: Slight delay​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sat 9/13/08 4:12 PM
I'm on right now.
'''My Home address​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/13/08 7:40 PM
Here's my Home Address, Blanca, if you feel more comfortable in sending
me paper copies of your sexy pics through snail-mail first class:
Christian W. Chandler
<br>[[14 Branchland Court|14 Branchland Ct.]]
<br>[[Ruckersville, VA]] 22968-9545
I fully trust you; I am soo happy that I can, and I am even MORE
Happier to finally be able to hear your voice. You have a sweet, nice
voice. <3
I'll check in about 10 tonight to see if you're available to talk some
more; if not then, I'll check in again at 11, then Midnight. Meantime,
I have my British Comedies that I can watch.
I am happy to be able to honestly open my heart for you. I'm so happy,
I feel like I'm gonna burst. If you were here, I'd hug you out of
I hope you feel happy too.
Talk To You Later, Cutie Pie;
<br>Christian C. :)
'''Hey, Blanca​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sun 9/14/08 1:15 AM
I'm on my Facebook, checkin' off Friend Requests, and I took the
liberty of searching for your Facebook page that you said you had. I'm
having trouble finding it; would you e-mail me your Facebook Name, or
log onto your account and send me a Friend Request (or maybe you may
have, and I might have mistakenly missed it while checkin' off the
Requests). Anyway, please reply to let me know.
Also, let me know if you'll be free to talk this afternoon or evening,
Sept. 14, on Skype, and if so, what time? Or I can suggest 3 or 9 PM.
<br>Christian C.      :)
'''RE: Hey, Blanca​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sun 9/14/08 10:29 AM
I made myself unsearchable. :< And I'm too worried about letting something as private as facebook slip
out of my grasp. Anyway, I'm too busy today to get on skype. I can drop you random e-mails in our e-
mail tag, but I've got homework and things to do today.
'''That's cool​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sun 9/14/08 1:16 PM
Well, I can't say how worried others may feel, but you are only doing
what you feel for yourself is a safe measure. If you feel that it may
be too much, you can either feel like "Well, you can't be too careful,"
or "I might be paranoid". Either way, I wouldn't worry Too Much about
privacy hackers; the best you can do is make yourself as invisible as
possible to the hackers, have a well-detailed, possibly
complicated-sounding, password, and pray.
You go ahead and complete your homework. But let me know which times
on each day is best to find you logged-onto Skype, so I can talk to you
some more. :)
You are a very interesting, funny and cute gal; always remember that I
Trust You, Blanca.
I'll Talk To You Later, Cutie Pie,  <3
<br>Christian C. :)
<nowiki>**</nowiki>Keep a happy thought. My happy thought of the Now and forever in
memory is talking to you; if I am your happy thought, then I feel good
in knowing that I've helped you feel better.
'''RE: That's cool​''' from Blanca to Chris on Mon 9/15/08 10:40 PM
I guess I shouldn't be so worried... I'm just, ugh, IDK. Anyway, I've been gone cause of a huge power
outage that happened in the cincy-ky-in area... Just got power back today. :<
How have you been tho?
===Sarah Jackson love triangle===
'''Re: That's cool​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 12:00 AM
Hey, Blanca, it's good to hear from you again. I'm sorry about your
power failure. At least you are safe and well. I have been feeling
better since talking to you, thank you for asking. I feel soo lucky to
have a close friend like you.
Blanca, would you send me that sexy pic of yours in your reply to this
e-mail? I'm gonna be honest with you, over the weekend, I met this
other woman over the internet, developed a good trust with her.
Basically, I'm feeling in-between with you and this woman, and I want
to make more certain which one I should save myself for. I have told
her about you, and I only want to be as fair as possible. I'd hate to
make you fee bad, sad orl jealous, because I honestly care about you
and your feelings a lot, Blanca Weiss.
I understand if this comes as a big surprise to you. But believe me,
YOU are the first I've said "I Love You" to openly and honestly. Let
me ask you, do you want me, in an honest relationship or sexually, more
or equal to bad?
I humbly apologize for letting this come between you and me, but I want
to be as fair as possible about this ordeal, since I've known you
longer, and I've entrusted you more trust in the time you and I spent
together over the internet.
I do not want to leave you sad, or feeling alone, because I would hate
to put you in a state of emotions I have felt myself before.
I care.
<br>Christian C.
'''I don't know if this is right, but...​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 12:07 AM
I'll let you in on her, her name is [[Sarah Jackson]] from Alabama; she
lives with her younger Autistic sister Rose, and their mother; their
brother died in the army, he left them his old Sega systems. Rose was
a major Sonic Player; she found me on the internet, and led Sarah my
way; that's basically how she and I met.
If you want, you may talk to her to help sort this mess out with me,
her e-mail is sarah_bug1109@yahoo.com, and her YahooIM name is Sarah
Jackson. I have developed feelings for both of you, I don't want to
lose either of you, and I hope we can sort this out like calm human
beings, with no cat fights.
Chrstian C.
'''Hello'''​ from Blanca to Sarah Jackson on Tue 9/16/08 12:58 AM
Hey there, I'm Blanca. I don't know, but has Christian mentioned me to you? He mentioned you to me.
Well, I was wondering... what are your intentions with him? I don't necessarily trust you, because this is
the internet. I don't know if you are with those ed people, but I pray you aren't and that your intentions
are honest. If you aren't with ed, then if Christian chooses to pursuit you, I will be ok with it and move
on, but if you aren't and you are of that wicked wiki, read on:
I care about Christian a lot and I would not see him hurt by anyone, especially not someone pretending to
be a girl to get their kicks from hurting an innocent man who is autistic. I hope you realize what kind of
monster you are. Honestly, what do you have to gain from hurting him? Oh? Are you going to get more
naked pictures of him? Going to rob him of his dignity? You know what. Go do something more
productive, like get a job, read a book. I don't know. Do something. What kind of person purposefully
tries to ruin the life of an autistic... its beyond me.
Anyway. Sorry if you aren't with those ed people... but lately I cannot stand them. I wish there was
something I could do about them, but the best thing to do is lay low. If you are a real person and you are
seriously looking to be with Christian, I suggest you lay low too.
'''RE: I don't know if this is right, but...​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 9/16/08 1:14 AM
Christian, have you talked with this person over the phone? Suddenly, I have this feeling she isn't who
you think she is. I might be paranoid, and I don't want to undermine you, but I think this person might be
the person who made that fake myspace. Think about it. I never had a yahoo account.. and suddenly
after all that stupid stuff happens, this girl appears.. and she has a yahoo account.
Doesn't that seem a little funny to you? Ask her to talk to you. If she cannot vocally speak with you, I
would say you can keep talking to her, but don't trust her with any personal information or pictures...
I'm not trying to sound like a jealous ex-girlfriend, but I actually do care about you Christian... All these
people are trying to hurt you and I am doing my best to keep my eyes pealed and ready to spot shady
people. Let's talk tomorrow at 10 PM, ok? We'll discuss this Sarah person. I have computer nerd friends
who would be more than happy to help me... If she is real.. and if you.. I guess pick to go after her...
IDK. IDK if I could talk to you anymore, cause I would feel betrayed. However, if she is fake, I will do
whatever it takes to have her (or him) ruined.
You are pretty important to me Christian, and I am NOT going to let some idiot from ed or youtube or
wherever come by and hurt you again.
'''Re: Hello''' from Sarah Jackson to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 1:31 AM
Ive heard of you, girlie. I could ask you the same thing, considering that your account was already once
"Hacked" by one of those people!!!
<br>I personally think that YOU are one of those ED people yourself, and I just want you to know that if you get
in the way between me and my sweet bear I will claw your eyes from your FACE! ! !
<br>Chris is a sweet and loving man and he has feelings for me. . . you obviously blew it with him or he wouldnt
be talking 2 me in the first place. . . so u can just go and jump off a cliff, sister!
<br>You couldnt possibly love him the way I have come to, so just give this pathetic game UP!
<br>I will tell him about the slandorus things you have written to me, too, and then we'll see how much more he
trusts you!
'''RE: Hello​''' from Blanca to Sarah Jackson on Tue 9/16/08 1:40 AM
My account was not hacked, Sarah. Someone made an alternative e-mail to mine and somehow tricked
Christian into thinking it was me. I didn't know Christian was that trusting. I'm sorry if I came off as
angry or upset at you. I don't know who you are and, frankly, you come off sounding way young. How old
are you? 12?
'''FW: Hello​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 9/16/08 1:43 AM
Look at this e-mail Sarah sent me. I will let you see my e-mail before she obviously edits it.. I'm sorry
Christian, I don't want to... to cause stupid drama. I don't trust this girl... look at the way she addresses
me after I calmly state my position and my general distrust of people on the internet.
''Editor's note: Here, Blanca put a copy of her first message to Sarah, and Sarah's reply.''
===Chris imagines his future dates with Blanca===
'''Blanca, I just wanted to thank you.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 5:08 AM
Thank you for showing me that you are truly willing to go the distance
for me.
I also wanted to let you know, and hope that you will keep within your
heart; keep the final version of that drawing of you and me in your
plain sight, I Promise, from the bottom of my happy heart, That WILL Be
Our Future. I want you with me as soon as possible. Until then, I
will humbly wait for you. Blanca Weiss, my Heart belongs to you now;
please treasure it well. :)
Also, I would like to ask for more Fresh Pictures of yourself from
multiple angles (making yourself nude in any of the pictures is purely
optional, but I would appreciate it for my personal reference). And I
would like you and me, in the majority of our future chats, use Skype,
with our microphones, headphones and webcams activated, so we can hear
and see each other as much as possible while you are in Kentucky.
While I'm thinking about it, did you say you'd might be able to make it
for Thanksgiving Break? If not sooner, I would appreciate your
presence. And if at that time, you feel ready, my virginity shall be
yours. :) I know I said it before in your previous pics, but you
STILL have a HAWT Body. Oh, my GAWD! :)
Also, I'd like to share my ideas for our beginning dates during our
first time together. If you'd like, I am willing to offer my couch in
my bedroom for you to sleep on during your stay, although my room, and
a chunk of my house is cluttered. Otherwise, you may look up a hotel
room to stay in within Ruckersville or Charlottesville, VA on
You may also want to punch in my home address on
http://www.mapquest.com to get a map to it. In case I didn't give you
my address yet, it's
14 Branchland Ct.<br>
Ruckersville, VA 22968<br>
The First Day: After you get yourself checked in, should you stay at a
hotel, or when you are on the way to my house, after getting in or
around Charlottesville or Ruckersville, call me on my home phone at
(434)-990-0198 to let me know that you are on your way. You can meet
my mother and father, chat with them a while and get to know each
other. Then you and I, we can go upstairs to my bedroom to just hang
out, watch TV, or chat a while. Maybe even some video gameplay with
Guitar Hero or something. For dinner that evening, our First Date, I
will take you out to McDonalds, Arbys, Burger King, or a small
restaurant like that. Then I'd let you go back to your hotel, or bring
you back home. NO SEX on the first night, but if you'd like to make
out, I'd welcome it.
The Second Day: If you're in a hotel room, I would bring my PS2 or 3,
and we can play some more and hang with each other some more. If at
home, we can still play and hang. For Lunch, I'd take you to this good
all-you-can-eat Pizza/Salad/Soup/Desert Buffet that I know of in
Charlottesville, then we can take in a Romantic Movie at the theater,
or we can walk the Downtall Mall, and/or a walk in the park. I hope
I'm painting a good picture for you. If we take in the movie, you and
I can sit in the back, darker area. And if it doesn't bother you, I
may "Yawn and stretch" my arm around you to your other shoulder. If
you want to take it further, you may pull my hand on your shoulder a
little closer to your breast (of course, this is optional), and I'd let
you cop a reach into the popcorn bucket, or under that to cop a feel.
Stop me if I'm bothering you any. And you and I can make out in the
theater. And if you feel like it that night in the privacy of mine or
your room, you can take my virginity, or we can wait till the third
night, if there is one before you have to go back to Kentucky. Either
way, I would wear a condom then, and in the future until our Wedding
Night. :)
And basically, I'd try to be better or equal for each future dates
beyond that. :) I hope I've put a smile on your face after the wild
imaginings from those first two dates. :)
You may offer your humble feedback to all that in your reply.
Also, I would like to ask you, should you be here on a Sunday Morning,
would you be willing to come with me to my Methodist Church as a
Visitor? If you do, I would take pride in being with you there and
showing you off as my Girlfriend. :D But seriously, I would honestly
appreciate just having you with me there. We do sing from a red or
black book at points during each service, but you don't have to sing if
you don't want to.
That will just about do it for now; I look forward to the next time I
see your name on my AIM or Skype list appear, showing that I can chat
with you some more. :) Mics, headphones and webcams.
I am humbly yours, with Honest Promise of the drawing you kindly drew
to be Our Future, from the bottom of my filled heart.
"Looooving yoooou is easy, 'cause you're beauuuutifuuuuuuuul."
Talk to you later, Cutie Pie,<br>
Christian C.<br>
'''Just wanted to let you know​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 5:16 PM
I have told my close friend in Utah, I've honestly known since my early
Sweetheart Search Days; her name is [[Anna McLerran]]. No Worries about
anything between me and her; we are Only Good Friends, plus Anna's a
Lesbian. But Seriously, You can Trust her as a friend. I suggested
that she introduce herself to you as one of my older gal-pals, so she
will e-mail you soon. She'll e-mail from her AIM address of
annamclerran, or her sketchybananinja@hotmail.com, or
sketchybananinja@gmail.com. She also has Skype if you'd like to
friendly chat with her that way as well.
Remember, Blanca, my heart is yours, and I will wait for you. I look
forward to our next Skype chat. Also, after you've finished the
drawing of you and me, please send me the .jpg scan of the drawing, so
I will have it as well to better remember my Promise to you that IT
Will Be Yours and Mine Future. :)
Talk To You Later, Cutie Pie,
<br>Christian C.
'''Re: Hello'''​ from Sarah Jackson to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 1:43 AM
Im 27, dear.
<br>How old are YOU?
Look, you dont trust me, that much is obvious, but I dont trust YOU either.
'''RE: Hello​''' from Blanca to Sarah Jackson on Tue 9/16/08 1:47 AM
I'm not going to answer. The fact that you can't type like a decent person makes me think you are closer
to being 12. Seriously. You are one of those ed people. Aren't you? Miss "Sarah Jackson".
'''Re: Hello'''​ from Sarah Jackson to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 1:56 AM
How dare you!
<br>You dont know a thing about me!
<br>Your just scared and angry because you know that Chris loves me more.
'''RE: Hello''' from Blanca to Sarah Jackson on ​Tue 9/16/08 3:25 AM
Sorry hun. He just declared his love for me over skype while we were both on webcam. But that's ok. You
already have a lot of burden on you, like your sister and your mother. I think you should take care of
them. You are a great person to watch over them, you know?
Let me know how Rose is doing, k? Maybe I can help somehow sometimes, idk.
'''Re: Hello​​''' from Sarah Jackson to Blanca on Tue 9/16/08 3:46 PM
While my heart is broken Blanca, Im a big woman and I can let him go if it means he can be happy with you.
U know how u can help?
Dont do it. . . he's too good of a person to have it done on him again. U keep him happy and dont break his
heart, you and I can be freinds. You hurt him, in any way, and you'l have ME to answer to.
<br>Because while u and Chris may love each other, Chris and me are freinds. And freinds protect each other.
so keep him happy.
'''Let me make a minor correction​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/17/08 12:32 AM
In my previous e-mail, I said that my heart was yours, that might have
been taking it too far than how it is now, so my heart is still mine,
but I have my feelings for you. I love you like a Loved One.
'''I still love you​''' from Chris (cwcsonichu@aol.com) to Blanca on Wed 9/17/08 4:12 AM
Please please please.
I am desperate to get laid.
Please have sex with me, if anything but simple pity, please. I am on
my knees! I will gladly present you with a real Sonichu medallion as a
sort of payment.
Please consider my request.
'''A Major Update​''' from Chris (chrischansonichu@aol.com) to Blanca on Wed 9/17/08 7:51 AM
Those [[trolls]] have hacked into my CWCSonichu AOL, MySpace, Facebook, ebay and YouTube accounts; I've taken
measures to prevent them from doing any further damage.
So, my NEW AOL address is ChrisChanSonichu@aol.com
Please DO NOT Share my new e-mail addresse with ANYONE; I'm trusting you with my heart.
I have deleted the CWCSonichu@aol.com account; at least they'll have lost the trail for now. I will NOT be setting up any
new MySpace, Facebook or YouTube accounts for a while. And I am totally blocked from logging into them, or my ebay
I just can not believe this is happening to me.
Anyway, I'll TTYL; BE SURE to Reply to THIS E-Mail Address, and NOT CWCSonichu, and Upgrade your AOL Buddy
Take care, :)
<br>Christian C
'''(No Subject)​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 9/17/08 2:23 PM
Hey, Christian. Sorry to hear about that troll. >_< ugh. Make sure you delete the e-mail you sent me in
your "sent" folder, or else they will find your new e-mail. I haven't gotten e-mailed by your friend from
Utah. Er, or was that an email sent by a troll? This is rather confusing.
Sorry I haven't been on... things are WAY hectic with school because of the black out. I -WILL- be able to
talk to you tomorrow at 11 AM if you can make it. Just for 30 minutes, but then I have to run to class. k?
'''(no subject)''' from Blanca to Sarah Jackson on ​Wed 9/17/08 2:49 PM
Of course, Sarah. :< Its ok. Christian told me you are a pretty cool cat. I -know- you can find a nice man
'''Re: (no subject)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/17/08 11:02 PM
I've managed to DELETE Everything from my old AOL Mail account. I'll talk to you tomorrow at 11AM.
'''Just so you know,​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/17/08 11:04 PM
[[Megan Schroeder]] at AIM poliziegwalt, or yoshimitsuharakiri@yahoo.com, and [[Anna McLerran]] at AIM annamclerran, or
sketchybananinja@gmail.com or @hotmail.com ARE HONESTLY LEGIT; THEY ARE TRUE, CLOSE FRIENDS OF MINE.
'''Blanca, r u still there?​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 9/18/08 11:35 AM
I'm on my Skype account, waiting to chat with you. You started talking at 10:10 AM; approximately 50
minutes before I got on.
Log on and call me; I'll wait a bit longer;
<br>Christian C.
'''In case you haven't logged into Skype yet,​''' from Chris to Blanca on Thu 9/18/08 11:56 AM
[11:37:53 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says:
<br>I'm still here, B-W.
<br>[11:49:06 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I've lost a lot of sleep from the whole bunch of Chaos yesterday.
I could not go to sleep that late night, after finding out that my stuff was starting to be Hacked.
<br>[11:50:51 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I stayed up, trying to recover as much as possible, and
destroying the CWCSonichu account; I got a 7-hour nap from 3-10 PM yesterday. Then I had to fix up
my website for better security.
<br>[11:53:11 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: Anyway, before I came back to my PC on time at just before 11
AM today, I got a short 1 1/2 hour slumber. I need some more sleep. Can you log back into Skype for
you and me to chat and see each other about 5:00 this afternoon?
<br>[11:53:50 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I will be on time myself. Hope to see you then.
I've copied this from my last entries into the Skype chat to-be-delivered to you area; it's true. I'll be
back on at 5 or 10PM Today; Please be logged in to your Skype account ON TIME; NOT an hour early. I
will be on time at both times myself.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: In case you haven't logged into Skype yet,​''' from Blanca to Chris on Thu 9/18/08 5:50 PM
I'm sorry Christian, I woke up late and was about to be late for class, my greatest apologies. I'll try to
make it this time, ok? 10 sounds good to me, as I will have a window of free time.
'''Ami B-Chan​''' from Chris to Blanca on Sat 9/20/08 5:57 PM
It's me, Christian. I'm sorry that I missed talking to you earlier this afternoon; I had overslept. I'm
getting over some of the stress of the recent chaos. It has been a real mess. Anyway, I'll try to make it
to talk to you over Skype tomorrow at about 2 or 3 PM. Please reply by sending me a chat message over
Skype (even though I am not on there at the time, I do still end up getting your message there. Be sure
to address me by your nickname we've decided upon recently.
<br>Christian C.
'''RE: Ami B-Chan​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sun 9/21/08 2:46 PM
Hey trey, im talking to you on skype right now silly
'''Re: Something came up​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 9/22/08 12:18 AM
Thank you, Ami B-Chan. You are a Loved One to me too. :)
'''Something came up​''' from Blanca to Chris on Sun 9/21/08 7:57 PM
Hey, something came up. I'm sorry if I don't make it tonight. Just know that I love you. :*
''Editor's note: The following message cut off at the right side of the page.''
'''RE: Something came up​''' from Blanca to Chris on Tue 9/23/08 1:36 PM
Someone, it could have been a hacker. sent me this on skype last night FROM YOUR account
Blanca Weiss, there's something I need to inform you about.  First, I wish to thank you ever so much for your support in my Sweetheart Search, as we
<br>6:46 AM
But, it is with heavy heart, because I truly deeply care for you, as a person, as well as your feelings, I've found someone else who I could really
<br>6:46 AM
We have learned A LOT About each other, and we have found that she and I, we are Truly Compatible.
<br>6:47 AM
I'm sorry, Blanca.
<br>6:48 AM
I'm sorry that I've had to inform you with heavy heart.  But, you have truly proven yourself as a True Friend, and I will never forget what you have
<br>6:48 AM
I feel for you.
<br>6:49 AM
I understand that the pain is soooooooo hard to bear, but you'll get over it eventually.
<br>6:49 AM
And you and I, we can still be Good Friends.
<br>6:52 AM
if you really want to call it off FINE.
'''Hey, Ami B-Chan​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 9/24/08 7:05 PM
I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay? Please reply and let me know how you are. I would feel just terrible
if something bad happened to you. And I'd feel worse if you've hurt yourself because of me putting a hold on the
romantic relationship.
Please let me know that you are alive and well. I love you, Blanca, my Loved Friend.
Christian C.
'''Hey, Ami B-Chan <3​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 9/29/08 11:31 AM
Blanca, in case you haven't logged into your Skype and got my messages yet, I have Wonderful News, of which I will
now copy and paste in this e-mail.
[9:22:55 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: Blanca. :)
<br>[9:23:02 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I have Wonderful News.
<br>[9:23:38 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I FINALLY HAD my Dream that I have been waiting for for soo long; the dream
revealing the name of my Sweetheart-to-be.
<br>[9:24:24 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: the scenario was simply, after talking to her over the internet, I went to the local
Hotel to meet her, and her name came up Often, and was Burned into my Memory and my Heart...
<br>[9:24:39 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: SHE is YOU. :)
<br>[9:25:04 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: YOU, Blanca Weiss, ARE MY SWEETHEART-TO-BE!
<br>[9:25:34 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: my heart was confused for the long time, but NOW IT IS FINALLY CONFIRMED;
<br>[9:25:58 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: So, I will go ahead and mail you the Medals and the drawing this morning.
<br>[9:26:25 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I am soo happy. I hope you feel better emotionally, and delighted as well. :*
<br>[9:26:33 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I'll talk to you later.
<br>[10:40:36 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I just sent the medals and the drawing to your aunt and grandmother, and I
wrote a letter on the back of the drawing for you, as well as drew up a short hand drawing of my dream of you being
revealed to me as my Sweetheart.
<br>[10:42:31 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: After you get here, I would like to meet you in the lobby of the hotel you will be
staying in, as it was revealed to me in my dream.
<br>[10:43:26 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: in the letter, I gave a specific instruction for your relatives to HOLD the package
for you, and give it to you Right After you arrive to see them. They should get them Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
<br>[10:44:36 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: the Two Medals are in a plastic box, sealed with a single piece of scotch tape,
with a loose end, so you can simply pull the strip upward to open the box to get your medal out of the box.
<br>[10:47:52 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: Also, I only sent you the Medal piece from my neck; I am holding onto the
necklace part, as it is an obsticle course itself to put on and take off. I gave you your own necklace for your Jiggliami
Medal; if you don't like that necklace, you may use one you already have instead. and should you want to secure the
medal part to the necklace, I can easily do that for you with twist-ties I've save a bunch of from numerous Autbots and
<br>[10:48:11 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I am soo happy that my heart is finally set after soo long. Praise God and
<br>[10:48:52 AM] chris_chan_sonichu says: I will wait for you to call me today. but I ask that you call me like before 2:30
PM this afternoon, or after 7:00 PM tonight.
<nowiki>:) :) :)</nowiki>
<br><3 <3 <3
I hope that you ARE feeling better, and that you feel delighted after reading that God and Jesus have finally revealed their
Guiding Me To You. Also, I thank you for your Honest, Loving Devotions for me, and I wish to thank your brother, Jerry,
for giving me the emotional beat-down yesterday that led to you and me getting back into Trusting terms. I am soo sorry
for betraying you while my heart was confused and lost. But now I am finally found and guided by God and Jesus; Praise
them, and my Heart is Truely Set For You.
I hope to hear from you today. The reason I asked for before 2:30 or after 7:00 today, is because I have set up a
meeting with my congregation's new Pastoral Counsoler to talk about an unrelated issue.
I feel happy. I hope you're feeling happy too. :)
Talk To You Later, Cutie Pie, Blanca Ami B-Chan Weiss.
<br>Christian C.
'''Another thing, Ami B-Chan​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 9/29/08 2:14 PM
I also put a Delivery Confirmation on the package I sent to your aunt and grandma. You can track the status of the
medals online at www.usps.com. The Delivery Confirmation Number is 0308 1400 0001 4439 1585.
I hope to talk to you soon.
Peace, and stay safe,
<br>Christian C.
===Chatlogs with Smeagol and Sarah Jackson===
'''The earlier chats.''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/30/08 2:52 AM
These are the chats from earlier, starting with the one between me and smeagol:
[[smeagol]]92055: So tell me, Christian.
<br>sonicman126: yes, sir?
<br>smeagol92055: How's the comic coming?
<br>smeagol92055: Believe it or not,
<br>smeagol92055: I actually like reading it.
<br>smeagol92055: Even though I kid and make jokes.
<br>sonicman126: :)
<br>sonicman126: I am half-way done with Episode 18
<br>smeagol92055: I'm also making a comic.
<br>sonicman126: I should have it finished by mid-October.
<br>smeagol92055: It's an 1800-page graphic novel about my experience in the Marine Corps.
<br>smeagol92055: I call it Contract Days.
<br>smeagol92055: A few pages of it are in my Deviant gallery.
<br>smeagol92055: (BTW, I've gotten better since then, lol)
<br>sonicman126: It's alright. as long as you take full enjoyment in drawing your novel, it won't matter how your drawing style is; as long as you tell the story in the best way you can.
<br>sonicman126: I wish you luck on its publishment.
<br>smeagol92055: Thanks.
<br>smeagol92055: I'm not sure if I'll ever finish it...
<br>smeagol92055: the story is so massive!
<br>smeagol92055: It's an entire four-year period of my life
<br>sonicman126: all you can do is take your time.
<br>smeagol92055: Yeah, I guess.
<br>sonicman126: don't rush.
<br>sonicman126: otherwise, you story may seem slapdash.
<br>sonicman126: and no one wants a shoddy job.
<br>sonicman126: do your best.
<br>smeagol92055: So, if this isn't too forward, how's things with the Panda?
<br>smeagol92055: Thanks
<br>sonicman126: she and I are just friends now.
<br>smeagol92055: really?
<br>smeagol92055: Wow, sorry to hear that.
<br>sonicman126: but God has finally revealed my True Sweetheart-To-Be, so it's okay.
<br>smeagol92055: I thought she seemed like the girl for you.
<br>smeagol92055: Really?
<br>smeagol92055: that's good news.
<br>smeagol92055: How did he reveal her to you
<br>smeagol92055: ?
<br>smeagol92055: If you don't mind my asking.
<br>sonicman126: in a dream last night.
<br>smeagol92055: Sorry I'm not up on my current events, I'm rarely on the Internet these days.
<br>smeagol92055: Oh, how nice.
<br>smeagol92055: Oh, also, sorry if I pissed off your friend; I couldn't get ahold of you, so I found her Livejournal page.
<br>smeagol92055: She seems a bit angry about something.
<br>sonicman126: it's alright.
<br>smeagol92055: Not my business, probably.
<br>smeagol92055: I don't want to pry.
<br>sonicman126: I won't go into details, but it's alright.
<br>smeagol92055: Good.
<br>smeagol92055: So how did you two meet?
<br>smeagol92055: She said you were friends and that you used to be more than friends, but that's all she would say.
<br>sonicman126: we have been chatting on the internet for over two months now; we have met ON the internet, we have talked through Microphones and Webcams.
<br>smeagol92055: Oh, nice.
<br>sonicman126: so she is Real and True.
<br>smeagol92055: So,
<br>smeagol92055: if you don't mind my asking,
<br>sonicman126: and She genuinely cares about me.
<br>smeagol92055: is she single?
<br>smeagol92055: Do you know?
<br>sonicman126: Hells Yes.
<br>smeagol92055: She's cute.
<br>sonicman126: Hells Yes.
<br>smeagol92055: woah, lol
<br>sonicman126: :)
<br>smeagol92055: hells yes to single? Or to cute?
<br>smeagol92055: or both?
<br>sonicman126: BOTH
<br>smeagol92055: nice.
<br>smeagol92055: So...
<br>sonicman126: you will learn her Identity in the End of the #9 Comic.
<br>smeagol92055: I know you've had, er, revealing photos in the past... has it ever been reciprocal?
<br>smeagol92055: Nice.
<br>smeagol92055: Looking forward to it.
<br>sonicman126: what do you mean by reciprocal?
<br>smeagol92055: Like, has anyone ever taken off their pants for you onine? Or their shirt?
<br>smeagol92055: I guess what I'm asking is, is Sarah cute all over?
<br>sonicman126: before, yes.
<br>sonicman126: but Sarah is not the name of my Sweetheart-To-Be.
<br>smeagol92055: I like a girl who's not too... fluffy, shall we put it.
<br>sonicman126: and Sarah is cute.
<br>smeagol92055: but she looks pretty well-endowed, in any case.
<br>sonicman126: but if you want to go after her, I'd wait a week or so before introducing yourself; give her time to recover.
<br>smeagol92055: Really?
<br>sonicman126: Sarah Jackson is single.
<br>smeagol92055: What happened to her? She get in an accident?
<br>sonicman126: No.
<br>sonicman126: just an emotional upset.
<br>smeagol92055: ah.
<br>sonicman126: I gtg talk to my Sweetheart-To-Be some more; she is waiting for me.
<br>smeagol92055: I'm going to make a wild guess here and say... was this emotional upset related to your dream?
<br>sonicman126: you may say that.
<br>smeagol92055: hmm.
<br>smeagol92055: Well, I'll give her a few days.
<br>sonicman126: she lives in Alabama.
<br>smeagol92055: Don't want to strike too early, ya know?
<br>sonicman126: she is 27
<br>smeagol92055: Not a problem.
<br>smeagol92055: I live in California.
<br>smeagol92055: I travel a lot with my job.
<br>sonicman126: she has an Autistic sister; lives with her and their mother.
<br>smeagol92055: My wife knows about my open relationship.
<br>smeagol92055: She has one too.
<br>sonicman126: YOUR WIFE?
<br>smeagol92055: Yeah.
<br>smeagol92055: We're modern.
<br>smeagol92055: It's no biggy, it keeps us both straight.
<br>smeagol92055: No lies.
<br>sonicman126: You would be TOYING WITH SARAH'S HEART!
<br>smeagol92055: It's rather refreshing.
<br>smeagol92055: Oh, no I wouldn't.
<br>smeagol92055: Woah, pal, no one is toying with anyone's heart.
<br>sonicman126: JUST LEAVE HER ALONE; go do your wife.
<br>smeagol92055: Sounds to me like she could use a good fling to get over her "emotional upset".
<br>smeagol92055: woah.
<br>smeagol92055: Don't judge, pal.
<br>smeagol92055: Don't judge things you don't know about.
<br>smeagol92055: That's not very Christian of you.
<br>sonicman126: I may not know about relationships, but I know a LOT about True Friendships.
<br>sonicman126: and Sex Without Love is a Sin.
<br>smeagol92055: Who said anything about friendships?
<br>smeagol92055: Ha.
<br>smeagol92055: Sin.
<br>smeagol92055: What an antique concept.
<br>sonicman126: Sarah Jackson is my Friend, and I can not and will not let you use her for Loveless Sex.
<br>smeagol92055: Look, obviously you and I disagree, so let's just agree to disagree and leave that subject alone.
<br>smeagol92055: ok?
<br>sonicman126: fine.
<br>sonicman126: just leave Sarah Jackson out of your twist.
<br>smeagol92055: I don't judge you for taking your pants off and putting things up your butt.
<br>smeagol92055: So don't judge me for the things I do.
<br>smeagol92055: Which my wife knows about fully.
<br>smeagol92055: This is the 21st century, friend.
<br>smeagol92055: Everyone is doing it these days.
<br>sonicman126: Also, Sarah is a Virgin; she wants to ONLY lose it to her True Sweetheart.
<br>smeagol92055: Oh, did she tell you she was a virgin?
<br>sonicman126: yes.
<br>smeagol92055: She's 27; sorry to tell ya, pal
<br>smeagol92055: that kind of shit only exists in storybooks.
<br>sonicman126: just leave her alone.
<br>sonicman126: let's agree to that.
<br>smeagol92055: unless she's got some sort of grody secret, like a penis, she's not as virginal as you're making her out to be.
<br>smeagol92055: Tell ya what.
<br>smeagol92055: I won't tell you anything about my encounters with Sarah.
<br>smeagol92055: Is that enough for you to sleep at night?
<br>sonicman126: now you are being just a duck.
<br>smeagol92055: Because what you're doing right now is cock-blocking.
<br>sonicman126: For Good Reason.
<br>smeagol92055: And cock-blockers lose it all in the end, buddy.
<br>sonicman126: to protect her heart.
<br>smeagol92055: Think about all the times guys have done it to you.
<br>smeagol92055: How frustrated it made you.
<br>smeagol92055: So wait...
<br>smeagol92055: she's upset, and you want me to wait a week to contact her?
<br>smeagol92055: Why a week?
<br>smeagol92055: Why that specific timeframe?
<br>smeagol92055: let me think.
<br>smeagol92055: Why would you want to keep me away for a week?
<br>smeagol92055: The only reason would be...
<br>smeagol92055: if you yourself couldn't talk to her for a week either. Am I right?
<br>smeagol92055: You just don't want anyone else befouling your stomping grounds.
<br>smeagol92055: So looks like I've got a week's grace period to talk to her without you interfering.
<br>smeagol92055: I can do a lot in a week, Christian.
<br>smeagol92055: And even if I can't, I can still do the one thing I'm after.
<br>smeagol92055: So don't mess with me or her, and I won't mess with you, all right?
<br>smeagol92055: Then everybody can be friends.
<br>smeagol92055: You'll thank me for this.
<br>smeagol92055: Maybe I'll even persuade her to throw you a bone.
<br>smeagol92055: If you know what I mean.
<br>smeagol92055: Are you there, Chandler?
<br>smeagol92055: No?
<br>smeagol92055: Come on, be an adult about this.
<br>smeagol92055: Don't sulk.
<br>smeagol92055: It'll happen.
<br>smeagol92055: And in a week, she won't even remember you exist.
<br>smeagol92055: And then I'll drop her after I've got what I want.
<br>smeagol92055: You like that shit?
<br>smeagol92055: You like knowing that someone else is gonna fuck your girl, Christian?
<br>smeagol92055: Ooh, I'm gonna give it to her soooo good.
<br>smeagol92055: She's gonna LOVE this dick.
And now, the one between me and Sarah J. that soon followed.
[[Sarah Jackson|sarah_bear1109]]: Maybe I was too harsh
<br>sarah_bear1109: Ive calmed down a bit
<br>sarah_bear1109: I talked with Rose
<br>sarah_bear1109: about the whole thing
<br>sonicman126: that's good.
<br>sonicman126: I'm glad you're alright.
<br>sarah_bear1109: She called you a butthead.
<br>sarah_bear1109: heehee
<br>sarah_bear1109: She said that she would kick your butt but it would keep u from finishing the next issue on time
<br>sonicman126: lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: I know youre a good freind.
<br>sarah_bear1109: and I know u havent had a lot of relationships in the past
<br>sarah_bear1109: so I cant really keep hating u for not knowing how to treat people.
<br>sarah_bear1109: But listen, please, honey, I need u to understand, we are FREINDS and FREINDS ALONE.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I cant afford to love u anymore.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Or be loved in return.
<br>sonicman126: I fully understand, and I humbly thank you for keeping me on as your friend.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Maybe someday
<br>sarah_bear1109: but not now.
<br>sarah_bear1109: thats the first right thing youve said tonight.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Humility is a step in the right direction.
<br>sonicman126: :)
<br>sarah_bear1109: And I accept.
<br>sonicman126: good.
<br>sonicman126: Listen Sarah, there is something I have to warn you about.
<br>sarah_bear1109: What?
<br>sonicman126: that guy, Smeagol; after you left, he contacted me on peaceful terms.
<br>sarah_bear1109: yeah, he seemed nice.
<br>sarah_bear1109: He was funny.
<br>sarah_bear1109: After u took his comic down, I mean.
<br>sonicman126: he complimented my Sonichu work, and gently told me about his 1800 page Graphic Novel he's working on.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Yeah, he told me the same thing.
<br>sarah_bear1109: it sounds cool
<br>sonicman126: eventually, he asked me about you.
<br>sarah_bear1109: He was in the Marines, did u know that?
<br>sonicman126: yes.
<br>sarah_bear1109: That is SO cool
<br>sonicman126: he did mention that.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I love a military man.
<br>sonicman126: there's more, Sarah, so please stop typing.
<br>sarah_bear1109: not to say I think any less of u, of course.
<br>sarah_bear1109: ok
<br>sarah_bear1109: u there?
<br>sonicman126: I told him a small bit about you; you in Alabama living with Rose and your mother.
<br>sarah_bear1109: uh huh.
<br>sonicman126: and that you were single.
<br>sarah_bear1109: RE AL LY
<br>sonicman126: but it gets worse.
<br>sarah_bear1109: worse?
<br>sonicman126: While he seemed like he wanted to Comfort you.
<br>sarah_bear1109: thats not actually bad...
<br>sonicman126: He actually wanted to USE YOU.
<br>sarah_bear1109: about what?
<br>sarah_bear1109: Wait, comfort me about what?
<br>sonicman126: from your emotional trauma.
<br>sarah_bear1109: . . .?
<br>sarah_bear1109: did u
<br>sarah_bear1109: did u TELL SOMEONE ABOUT OUR FIGHT?!!
<br>sonicman126: let me copy and paste the whole chat for you.
<br>sonicman126: no.
<br>sarah_bear1109: A COMPLETE STRANGER
<br>sarah_bear1109: ?!!
<br>sonicman126: no, I did not go into details.
<br>sarah_bear1109: So how did he know I was upset?
<br>sarah_bear1109: unless someone told him
<br>sarah_bear1109: and the only person that has this new email is YOU
<br>sonicman126: let me copy and paste the chat for you, and you can read it for yourself.
<br>sarah_bear1109: send it to me in an email
<br>sonicman126: okay, please wait.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Christian, please tell me you did not go spreading around our business with a complete stranger.
<br>sarah_bear1109: If u did, dont lie to me.
<br>sonicman126: I did not.
<br>sonicman126: I sent the chat in an e-mail.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Well see.
<br>sonicman126: you may read it for yourself.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I got it.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Give me a minute
<br>sonicman126: okay.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Oh really.
smeagol92055: Like, has anyone ever taken off their pants for you onine? Or their shirt?
smeagol92055: I guess what I'm asking is, is Sarah cute all over?
Christian Chandler: before, yes.
<br>sonicman126: I meant in their youtube video.
Christian Chandler: I may not know about relationships, but I know a LOT about True Friendships.
Christian Chandler: and Sex Without Love is a Sin.
sarah_bear1109: Uh huh.
<br>sarah_bear1109: So that seems like a double standard, you masturbating 4 me
<br>sarah_bear1109: and then calling it a sin 2night
<br>sarah_bear1109: u cant have it both ways!!!
<br>sonicman126: READ HIS WORDS.
<br>sonicman126: not mine.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Ohhhhh, no.
<br>sarah_bear1109: You BOTH get your words read.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Because it takes 2 to carry on a conversasion, chris!
<br>sonicman126: okay.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Okay, so he's a stupid guy,
<br>sarah_bear1109: that doesnt make him a villain
<br>sarah_bear1109: he said himself that his wife and him have an open relationship
<br>sarah_bear1109: Im not saying Im letting him near me,
<br>sarah_bear1109: but thats the way theyve chose to live theyr lives,
<br>sarah_bear1109: and who am I to judge?
<br>sarah_bear1109: And who are YOU to judge?
<br>sarah_bear1109: if they can sleep with that knowlege at night
<br>sarah_bear1109: then thats theyr own business.
<br>sarah_bear1109: TALK 2 ME
<br>sonicman126: I am
<br>sonicman126: I was trying to protect you from him doing somthing so meaningless and unloving with you.
<br>sarah_bear1109: HELLO
<br>sonicman126: but, you're cool with him and his ways? he may force himself onto you.
<br>sarah_bear1109: phhhhh
<br>sonicman126: I was only trying to protect you, as my close gal-pal
<br>sarah_bear1109: Im a southern girl
<br>sarah_bear1109: let him try
<br>sarah_bear1109: I'll lop his nuts off and brand his ass with a double J
<br>sonicman126: okay.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Im 237 pounds, Chris.
<br>sonicman126: Wow.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I can take any lilly-livered California boy that tries it.
<br>sonicman126: alright. I just didn't want to see you get hurt again.
<br>sonicman126: I warned you.
<br>sonicman126: that's the best I can do on that for now.
<br>sonicman126: I'll leave how you handle the situation in your hands.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I'll take care of this moron.
<br>sarah_bear1109: I like military guys, but I'll tell him Im not interested.
<br>sarah_bear1109: He;ll take the hint.
<br>sonicman126: I hope so.
<br>sarah_bear1109: In the future, dont talk about me to anyone.
<br>sarah_bear1109: even if they ask
<br>sarah_bear1109: if they want 2 know about me
<br>sarah_bear1109: let them come 2 me themselves.
<br>sonicman126: fair enough.
<br>sonicman126: I Promise you, Sarah Jackson, not to talk about you with anyone else.
<br>sarah_bear1109: good.
<br>sarah_bear1109: GOOD.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Thats how the trouble started LAST TIME
<br>sonicman126: I understand.
<br>sonicman126: just one favor.
<br>sarah_bear1109: whats that
<br>sonicman126: should he use excessive force,
<br>sarah_bear1109: trust me, a shotgun blast to the knees will do the trick just fine, sweetie.
<br>sarah_bear1109: thanks.
<br>sarah_bear1109: 4 caring about me.
<br>sonicman126: :)
<br>sarah_bear1109: Although...
<br>sarah_bear1109: all this talk about him "giving it to me"
<br>sarah_bear1109: have got me a little...
<br>sarah_bear1109: y'know...
<br>sarah_bear1109: ;p
<br>sonicman126: I understand. lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: hmmm.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Let's try that again.
<br>sonicman126: lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: joking
<br>sonicman126: LOL
<br>sonicman126: :D
<br>sarah_bear1109: all this fighting works a girl up, you know?
<br>sonicman126: you do what you have to do.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Gets the juices flowing
<br>sarah_bear1109: gets her in the mood
<br>sarah_bear1109: does it get u in the mood?
<br>sonicman126: Don't tempt me; Let Blanca Tempt me. :)
<br>sarah_bear1109: sorry
<br>sarah_bear1109: its hard, though you know?
<br>sonicman126: lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: youre hot.
<br>sonicman126: thank you.
<br>sarah_bear1109: and Ive already seen the goods
<br>sonicman126: lol
<br>sarah_bear1109: maybe some day
<br>sarah_bear1109: after you realize what a perfect girl I am for u
<br>sarah_bear1109: gotta go to bed now.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Talk to u later
<br>sonicman126: okay. take care and stay safe.
<br>sarah_bear1109: Good night
<br>sonicman126: good night.
There you go.  Also, I wanted to ask you, some person e-mailed me a week or two ago, with the enclosed pic that he says is a pic of you; please lo
Take care, stay safe, and I look forward to our next chat/talk, Sweetheart.
Christian C.<br>
===Sweetheart PSP===
'''Pink PSP Information​''' from Chris to Blanca on Tue 9/30/08 8:59 PM
Okay, Blanca, apparently I've told your brother about the PSP, so that's where I remembered telling you (but not really).
In any case, the story was that I was going to originally give it to Megan for her birthday, but then she dumped me like
that. So, I've been holding onto it, saving it for my True Sweetheart. It is gently used, ONLY BY ME, and I had it souped
up with the latest PSP Update Data available, and saved on the Memory Stick, there are choice PSP Themes, images,
PSP Commercial Videos, and recommended internet bookmarks. In addition to the basic stuff and all that I've given it, it
is being cozily housed in a Target Store Zipper Pouch; the PSP fits in it like a glove. And here's the fun part, the Pouch
UNFOLDS into a Reusable Shopping Bag, and it can be refolded back to its pouch form. :)
As for the games I'll include with the PSP, I've already mentioned the PSP UMD Games, "Ape Escape: On the Loose"
and "BUZZ! Master Quiz"; rated "E" and "E-10+" respectively, the 2GB Memory Stick Duo currently has about 1500MB
Free Space in it. So, the listed games I can download to the Memory Stick to be played will have their respective File
Sizes and ESRB ratings with each item.
<u>Playstation One Classics</u>
E- Crash Bandicoot- 467MB
<br>T- Tekken 2- 485MB
<br>T- Medievil- 331MB
<br>E- Jumping Flash- 269MB
<br>E- Wipeout- 75MB
<br>T- Syphon Filter- 384MB
<br>E- Hot Shots Golf 2- 156MB
<br>T- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night- 356MB
<br>E- Destruction Derby- 66MB
<br>E- 2Xtreme- 60MB
<br>E- Jet Moto- 74MB
<br>E- Rally Cross- 103MB
<br>E- CoolBoarders- 42MB
<br>E- Spyro the Dragon- 342MB
<br>T- Twisted Metal 2- 323MB
<br>E- Wild Arms- 300MB
<br>E- Warhawk- 244MB
<br>E- Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back- 103MB
<br>E- Jet Moto 2- 115MB
<br>E- Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped- 106MB
<br>E- Jet Moto 3- 329MB
<br>E- R-TYPES- 244MB
<br>M- Syphon Filter 3- 399MB
<br>E- Rayman- 97MB
<br>T- Street Fighter Alpha- 80MB
<u>PSP Games</u>
E- Beats- 238MB
<br>T- Syphon Filter: Combat Ops- 68MB
<br>E- Ape Quest- 236MB
<br>E- Go! Puzzle- 43MB
<br>&nbsp; - The Cryptics Digital Video Comic- 190MB
<br>E- Flow- 90MB
<br>E- Echochrome- 46MB
I can also hook you up with a good number of Demos, aviailabe through the Playstation Network, as well as The PSP
Demo Center - If at first you don't succeed, read the instructions. For more information on the Playstation
Classics and PSP Games I have listed, you may look them up on the PC PLAYSTATION®Store. And if you would like
to Purchase any of the games, movies or TV shows I have not purchased yet on my PSN Account, please let me know,
and we can work out the details of how and when you can reimburse me for the price of the downloadable software.
Movie and TV sh ow files can only be purchased ONCE at a time; if the file was deleted from the Memory Stick Duo or
my PS3; that's it, the movie or show file would have to be RE-PURCHASED.
The same is applied for Rentals. The way the Rental Files work is that AFTER it is downloaded, it is playable for 2
weeks before Playing the Movie/Show file the First Time. After the First Playback; then it is good for 24 Hours from that
very second. The movie/show file will remain playable until the Expiration Time, when after that moment, the file will NO
LONGER be playable. So, the file is READY to be Deleted then, but you would have to delete it yourself.
Also, should you create your own PSN account, then buy or download a free demo from YOUR account to the PSP, then
you would no longer be able to play the Game or PSN Video files that were Originally downloaded from My account,
because the PSP or PS3 HAS TO be syncronized with the individual holder's account.
For more information on use of the PSP, you may visit PlayStation.com for that information, under the PSP tab.
After you and I meet, and before you have to return to Kentucky, I will go over the functions of the PSP with you
personally, and how you may customize it for your individual preferences. :)
I will make sure to make the investment on one or two Skype Capable PSP Headset(s), so we can talk to=2 0each other
away from our laptops or PCs as well, for FREE. :)
I look forward to our next chat over Skype, as well as our first in-person meeting.
I Love You, Blanca, my Ami B-Chan girl. :)
Take care and stay safe,
<br>Christian C. :)
==[[October 2008]]==
''Editor's note: The following message cut off at the right side of the page.''
'''RE: The earlier chats.​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 10/01/08 2:11 AM
No way! i hardly let anyone take pictures of me in my bathing suit nevermind in the nude. these chat logs look very suspicious it sounds like they a
'''RE: Pink PSP Information​''' from Blanca to Chris on Wed 10/01/08 2:17 AM
yay! can we play some of these games online together as well? :)
'''Reply to your E-mail replies, and IM finish.​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 10/01/08 2:46 AM
Hey, Ami B-Chan. I read your two replies; I have deleted that nudie pic from my PC, and by "chat logs", do you mean
the ones I e-mailed to you, or something else?
Definitely NOT the Playstation Classics, but I DO KNOW that Syphon Filter: Combat Ops is DEFINITELY ONLINE
capable. [[Quizzes|BUZZ! Master Quiz]] is Multiplayer capable, but ONLY within the short-range; not over wi-fi. The big difference
you will need to learn in the world of PlayStation Portable is Ad Hoc and Infrastructure. Although, Sony classifies Both
terms for Wi-Fi, when it comes down to it, "Ad Hoc" is Short-Range (like classic link-cable distance within approximately
20 feet or so), and "Infrastructure" is TRULY Logging onto Wi-Fi and playing someone else on the same game title, or
downloading additional content for the software from the internet. The full details behind them can be found in each
game's respective manual, the PSP manual, or online at PlayStation.com.
At least, after we both have our PSPs and the Skype PSP Headsets, we can talk to each other, lying on our beds. :)
Even better, talking to each other while lying in the same bed. My sweet baby-heart; you must have been soo sleepy to
fall asleep; you are soo cute. :) It's alright, I am there with you in heart. <3<3<3
Sleep well, and have a sweet dream with me in it. :)
<br>I Love You, Blanca.
<br>Christian C.
'''Re: Hey it's me again''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 2:58 AM
I see, may I ask why you are revealing my identity to Chris if you hate him so?
'''Re: Hey it's me again''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 3:07 AM
'''Profile comment''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 3:29 AM
===Chris sends a bunch of pictures of himself===
'''A few good pictures for you. :)​''' from Chris to Blanca on Wed 10/01/08 4:53 AM
<br>Attachments: EyeCreate.zip (1865.3 KB)
I thought I'd take a few pics of myself for your enjoyment, Ami B-Chan. :) Let me know how you like them, and if you'd
like any of them to be the wallpaper for your PSP. <3<3<3
I'll talk to you later; today or tonight.
I Love You, Blanca, my Caring, Devoted Sweetheart.
<br>Christian C.
'''Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on 10/01/08 4:18 PM
You're planning to see him...but you're not dating him. Why are you letting chris think you actually like
him if you don't? I smell a troll. I am danielishapopovski on deviant art and you told me someone was
probably pretending to be you again,trying to fool chris. But then,that new person who would be trolling
chris would have your face, and knows where you work. So either you're dating chris and ashamed to tell
the world,either you're an epic troll.
'''Re: Re: Hey it's me again''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 4:49 PM
Well you never did answer my question. Why are you helping Chris if he is just a selfish asshole? Do you
think he can be reformed? You of all people should already know that this cannot be. You and many
others have tried to warn him and help him out but to no avail. Once again, I have also tried to help
Chris out, but now I probably wont speak to him ever again ( I haven't sent him a message in over a
week). The reason why I asked for you to keep our coresondence a secret was for Chris' benefit. I figured
it would be better for him to think that his friend Robert had simply vanished than if Robert was exposed
as a troll. Of course if this is your plan, you are one hell of a mean ass bitch. I can't bring myself, to
expose to the net any of the stuff that Chris has told me, despite his asshole nature. So I ask once again,
why do you wish to expose me to Chris?
'''Re: Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 4:52 PM
but on deviantart you said he was a loser and you didn't care for him. makes perfect sense.
'''Re: Re: Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?​''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 7:04 PM
I still think you're trolling. Either that or you are mentally ill.
'''Re: Re: Re: Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 7:32 PM
haha,i'm not mad...I'm just curious to know what kind of person you are. I don't understand how someone
like chris can be loved. And I didn't fail..I mean,it's not like you're hindering ED's plans or anything. You're
just killing some lolz by making chris happy,but even his happiness won't stop people from stealing his
medallion and spamming his noodz. Anyways,it was nice talking to you :3 Peace out mah niggah
'''Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 7:58 PM
Yeah...he might have given his sonichu medallion to someone but I doubt it. The sonichu medallion is for
him,the rosechu medallion for his sweetheart,the blachu medallion for his dog or something and he
probably has some other medallions. If we can't have the sonichu medallion,we might be able to get
another one. I bet he even made a Jiggliami medallion by now haha..
'''Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Chris+you=TROO LOVE?''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 8:04 PM
Look at the ED talk page...Looks like someone found out the truth.
<br>Hahaha...Yew troll yew. I knew you were trolling all along. It's okay. Chris will probably keep trusting you
anyways. You've known chris for months,right? Just tell him it's a poser,he'll probably fall for it again.
'''poop''' from [[Svenka]] to Blanca over YouTube on Fri 10/03/08 9:44 PM
'''Re: Re: Re: Hey it's me again''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 8:25 PM
Perhaps, but I haven't done anything to hurt Chris, I haven't leaked any of our conversations to ED nor do
I plan to. I was just telling you that I will probably stop being is friend and stop talking to him, which
does not mean I will leak any of our conversations with him. Everything I have said to him is between
him and me. As I said in the previous email, I WAS A TROLL, but after that first email conversation with
him I decided to help protect him. I thought he was just a misunderstood person who has been crippled
by a mental disorder. I know that anon has no heart for these things and I was felt sick for ever having
to think I was part of that. I changed my ways soon after I spoke to him. I only continued to make videos
so anon would never hurt me because they would think I was still trolling. If you were Chris' friend you
would not say anything to him about this. I would rather have him think that I just disappeared rather
than break his heart by finding out that I was originally a troll.
'''Re: Re: Re: Hey it's me again''' from sonichufan1985 to Blanca over YouTube on Wed 10/01/08 8:36 PM
Chris is still your friend? That's funny because friends would not have posted all of his personal emails on
their deviant art account and posted all of those hateful remarks as well. Yes I may have begun this
relationship with Chris has a troll, but I would never compromise his trust by leaking all of our messages.
You need to quit being such a hypocritcal and stupid bitch.
'''Oh, those EDiots...''' from [[Arjen Van Dierten]] to Blanca over YouTube on Thu 10/02/08 4:04 AM
They're really trying to blow it for you on the talk page.
Well, hopefully the medallions arrived by now.
'''Did You See This?''' from [[Arjen Van Dierten]] to Blanca over YouTube on Sat 10/04/08 12:49 AM
Vivian spent three hours trying to convince Chris that he was wrong, only to get nowhere.
If this is the same guy you spoke to last weekend, then we all are pretty much fucked, as he seems
unbreakable at this point.
'''Good day, this is Robert''' from Robert Simmons (sonichufan1986@gmail.com) to Blanca on Sun 10/05/08 9:05 PM
To Ms. Blanca, aka Kawaiikitsune123,
Good day, this is [[Robert Simmons V]], aka Sonichufan1986. As you may have heard from Mr. Chandler,
my email and youtube accounts have been hacked. It has been a rough week for me on this first week of
October but I am feeling better now. My evil and mean cousin Andrew has been punished for his evilness
and his meanness. Also I was able to contact Mr. Chandler, reading his words helped make things
better. He is a true friend. Anyways I just wanted to contact you to let you know how everything is
going with me. I have heard from Mr. Chandler that the both of you are now coming back together. First
and foremost, let me just say that I am very happy for the both of you.
Also another thing I want to talk about is that I have heard from my cousin Andrew that he has sent you
many nasty and slanderous emails and youtube messages. Please believe me in that those messages did
NOT come from me. Andrew and his friend Kevin (who is part of ED) had hacked into my email days
before I even knew it was hacked. I know that you may not believe me and I understand if you dont
want to talk to me again for fear of me being a ED spy. But please know this Ms. Blanca, aka
Kawaiikitsune123, I really do hope that both you and Mr. Chandler will have a wonderful romantic
relationship and share a happy future with each other. I also wanted to say that I appreciated your help,
support, and friendship in our youtube messaging despite it not being long at all. I am saying this as
Honest to God as my witness, for my name is Robert Simmons V, who was formally known as
Sonichufan1985 beforehe got hacked and know is known as Sonichufan1986. Take care Ms.
Kawaiikitsune123, I dont know if you believe it's me but I will always support both you and Mr. Chandler.
Good bye.
The REAL Robert Simmons V, aka the NEW Sonichufan1986
===Chris sends pictures from Anna's birthday party===
'''Here are the pics from Anna's 20th​''' from Chris to Blanca on Mon 10/06/08 2:22 AM
<br>Attachments: 0689-ANNABD2.zip (1994.4 KB)
Let me break the images down for you, Ami B-Chan; pictures 0689, 0691 and 0696 are Only Anna; 0690, 0692, 0693 and
0697 are Anna with another gal-pal of ours, LInnea (Also Trustworthy); 0694 is me and Anna; the only pic of just the two
of us; and 0695 is EVERYONE, including me, who were invited to the party. It was fun. :)
Enjoy, and Peace,
Christian C.
'''Did You See This?''' from [[Arjen Van Dierten]] to Blanca over YouTube on Mon 10/06/08 3:54 AM
You're Emo Now
"Yeah she's cute. That's the exact reason why I'm afraid that she's not a troll. Chris doesn't deserve a girl
like that and I will be really butthurt if she ever offers her body for that creepy bastard. It's more likely
than you think since low self-esteemed emo bitches are ok with creeps like Chris. Or I'm just
paranoid...disregard that I suck cocks. --Pencil 14:12, 5 October 2008 (CDT)"
Oh, LSN's getting ready to upstage you he's apparently obtained a copy of Chris-chan's DVD and is
awaiting its delivery.
Just thought I'd let you know.
* [http://rapidshare.com/files/152554112/BlancaCWC2.zip Download]
[[Category:Historical Documents]]

Latest revision as of 23:41, 8 January 2010