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January. 2004:
This is a collection of various other documents related to [[Chris]].
==Edits to his Encyclopedia Dramatica page==
===Why the hatred?===

Well, here it is, Y2K4 (2004)! My one resolution is to get myself a matching girlfriend. Rather it will happen is somethingelse. I plan to try again at PVCC. January 6: Today, I had an appointment with my optometrist, and big half-brother, Dr. David Alan Chandler, for an Eye-Exam. I needed new lenses, but I can keep my current frames. But apparently, he has an 8-year-old daughter, Savannah. So for about 8 years, I’ve been an uncle and didn’t know it. Of course, this also makes my parents into grandparents as well. Needless to say, we were happy to know about that.  :D January 31: Well, it’s the end of another month, and I still don’t have a girlfriend. Maybe my latest idea, the Sonichu’s News Dash! newsletter, will make the ladies take notice of me. Next stop: my Birthmonth, February (I’ll be 22 on the 24th this year)..
Months ago, I have found from this page being the first of a number hate against me, [[Christian Weston Chandler]]. *[[sigh]]* Among the number of you all, my name has been dragged through the mud, my e-mail and [[MySpace]] have been hacked for the e-mail information and random information that have been twisted into mockery of my person, my integrity, my honesty, my compassion, my heart, my soul, my being. Not only that, but the names of my two best [[gal-pals]], [[Megan Schroeder]] and [[Anna McLerran]], and my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, [[Sonichu]] and [[Rosechu]], have also been dragged through the mud of mockery along with mine. Not only were my feelings were hurt greatly, but also those of Megan and Anna, and a number of my acquaintances within my small social circle were shocked and terrified that such cruelty, such mockery, such hatred was built from the number of those who have added more and more to this disgrace of a description of my being.
February/March/April, 2004

February 9, 2004: Mary Lee Walsh made it illegal to distribute the News Dash; I AM VERY ANGRY AT THAT XXXXX! In response, Iplan to incite the masses, and hope they DEMAND the return the News Dash so my chances on getting a girlfriend can be restored. I have also declared WAR on them as well!
For a while, I was angry and enraged, and I shoved information and drawings regretfully drawn beyond my personal boundries down the throat of the webmasters of the page, in attempt to kill the hype and hatred against me. But No More, I give up on trying to edit the page to be more positive, or to delete the page altogether.
But I have ONE Question, that I put unto you all, the individuals who have taken part in creating this web page, and I would appreciate an Open, Detailed and Honest Answer from each of you in simple e-mails or reply on this discussion page.
Why do you hate me so much?
What did I do against you to cause the hatred against me? What physical or emotional harm have I ensued unto you? Why do you hate me for being myself in this world full of people who can't help but be themselves? I've had nothing against any of you. I don't even know any of you personally, as far as I know. I have nothing that any of you have already, so Why?
I leave you with that to ponder and ponder again over.
Christian Weston Chandler.
===Chris to ED again (lol wut)===
Hey, B-Itches, Quit your barkin'.
I have returned to my comic drawing, one page at a time, so you can quit your slanderous, unrequired cries for attention. Also, I LAUGH at your mockery of a medal imitation; yours looks MORE like a sugar cookie I had with lunch...from a Grocery Store; Free Cookies!
The neighbors have been complaining, and they have provided over a Thousand signatures on the Petition; let your [[ED|Encyclopedogia Bitchmatica]] get its injection for eternal sleep.

March 2, 2004: That XXXXX, Mary Lee Walsh, got on my, and my parents’, nerves! She played SOCIAL DIRECTOR, and tried to frame me, just to giver her an excuse to boot me out of PVCC! All I’ve been doing was trying to get a girlfriend… IS THAT SOMUCH TO ASK?! I am very devastated, due to my SHATTERED HEART that XXXXX caused unto me! My life sucks.
Middle Finger in your "Ear Lot Evil".

April 29, 2004: Sonichu and I were featured in the PVCC newsletter, the FORUM, but still nothing. Oh, to become popular andto get a girlfriend is very hard.  ? My Mom MAY help me next month… GOOD LUCK.

I did get to rub my Nintendo Power FAME in the XXXXX’s face! Heh-heh!
===About his family===

August, 2004:
I have been living with both my mother and father. I have two half-brothers and a half-sister; they were all grown-ups when I was born. My mother's son, [[Joseph Cole Smithey]], is a famed movie reviewer in NYC; www.colesmithey.com is his website. My father's son, [[David Alan Chandler]], is an Optomologist in Chesterfield County; he was the one who told me that I was nearsighted and needed glasses. He is also married, and has a beautiful daughter, Savanna. My only niece as of yet. My father's daughter, [[Carol Suzanne Chandler]], is a Math [[Chris and English#Spelling|Geinus]]. not much is currently known about her, but last time my father checked, she is a Government Official in D.C. I never knew my grandparents; they died LONG BEFORE I was born.

Well, it’s another month; still no girlfriend. But I have a NEW idea that I am sure will REEL in a girlfriend on a FATEFUL RED STRING. August 5: I’ve had my worst trip to the Mall. I was working with my Heart on a [[Red String of Fate|Red String of Fate]], when from out the blue,a JERK COP shatter my Heart and ripped up the Red String! I am very mad and upset, because that JERK took my idea for a fall, just like that XXXXX at PVCC did! >(
And if you have so much free time to play the cruelest game of "[[KICK THE AUTISTIC]]", then you CAN and SHOULD put the time to better use; volunteer for a social chore; take up the culture in tasteful art; go out and socialize.

September, 2004:

September 4: While I was at the mall, for the 8th week today, I realized something: since I have been using a sign to state my being single & lonesome towards an 18-22-year-old BOYFRIEND-FREE woman, I, in the event, was trying to sell myself like a new car. I may be able to put that idea to good use. September 6: At the mall on this Labor Day, I was taking another go on my Love Quest. I told that JERK COP off when I pulled some of my Fun Cards and told my Lonesome Virgin story, intimidated him and shouted “NO” into his face. In short, today was my Independence Kay, but I am still alone. September 11: I was not bothering anyone at the mall today while I was trying to “Sell myself,” when I got ARRESTED for trying; I fortunately did not go to Jail. But I have been stripped of my right to go to the Mall by myaelf; I would be required to bring my Mom or Dad with me. My independence, and my SOUL, were practically MURDERED. (8( September 16: I got SUSPENDED FROM PVCC by the Board, and I have that Meddling XXXXX to thank for this as well. I am SUPER ANGRY! >8( My Dad is blood-thirsty for revenge as well. He’s going to write to US PRESIDENT, George W. Bush Jr., and Laura Bush, to help me get allowed back to PVCC. WE ALL CURSE DEATH upon that XXXXX, Mary Lee Walsh! >8( September 26: It’s been over a week since my SUSPENSION; I am DEPRESSED, LONELY, SAD and BORED! I have nowhere to go to attract a Boyfriend-Free woman. I’ll be writing to Santa Clause this year, hoping that will bring me one. (8(
===Another message to ED===

March 29, 2005: Well, at the mall today, my heart had a extremly fast recovery, then it became Majorly Shattered again. I went to the mall, like normal, I picked up some chicken nuggets and a drink, then I went to my spot. I pulled up a chair to sit and eat my food on. Then, from out of the blue, this cute girl approached me, and she asked me if I was looking for a Girlfriend (Her name was Hanna, and she was 18-Years Old). I said yes, and we small-talked for a bit. Then she invited me over to Starbucks for coffee. After she left, I became very excited and “Oh My God” all over! After calling Mom, and eatingmy nuggets, I lefted the chair with such cheer and grace, and spun around with it like a dancer. Then I put it back where itwas. I felt that my Love Quest had finally come to an end, and I so elated that my Shattered Heart had a full, fast recovery. I went to Starbucks, and we talked about basic things. I showed her my Sonichu Scrapbook; she was very impressed. I gaver my E-Mail, and both my Phone Numbers, on a “Sonichu Site” card, and she gave me her E-Mail address. I was very attentive as I took notes about her, and maintained eye-contact. As I left her, I gave a “Double-Take” flirt. That was the rise; now here comes the fall. As I was sitting at my spot, thinking about future steps for later dates, Anna and Dana told me that when they talked to Hanna, she told them that she was setting me up in a prank. I could not believe it, so I found and asked Hanna. Sadly, it was true. Then in major shock, my heart Shattered again by 85%, and I let out a big “NOOOOOOOO!” So, my Love Quest has restarted, and as for that date of ours, I’ll always remember it, but as far as I’m concerned, it doesnot count as my First Date. I was not as happy, as I was today, in a long time. I am once again Heart-Shattered and sad, but I will not give up on my Love Quest, because there has to be One True Boyfriend-Free, Datable, Non-Pranking Girl out there somewhere!  
I AM ADDING THE POSITIVITY THIS HELL-HOLE OF A WEBSITE NEEDS; you just do not appreciate the POSITIVITY I AM ADDING TO THE PAGE. What I am doing is a STAND against OFFENSIVE, UNNATURAL, UNREQUIRED Additions to ANY Female Image. What I am doing is a STAND for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN Everywhere, because NO WOMAN would EVER want such a Horrific Twist of Fate. What I am doing is a STAND against the VERY THING that is NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!!!!

June 22, 2005: Let me begin this entry with what happened two days ago. I had my setup at the McDonald’s at Wal-Mart, and apparently complaints were made. The two manajerkss, a Seinor Comic, and a Black, Fat Jerk (he looked a lot like the leader of the Jerkops at the Mall, whom I refer to now as the Jerkhief) approached me and took me for a fall with my trying to find a Boyfriend-Free Girl, like I have been doing for the past over one-year and ten-months. We argued and disputed, until the two of them left to call the police. While they were gone, I had taken off the sign from my Nintendo DS and hidden it on the back cover of my diary. When the Jerkops came, they were all like “What seems to be the problem?” And the Merried Seinor Comic was like, “Where’s the Sign?” And I was, “What sign?” And another argument was had between the four of us, in which I NEVER gave any of those JERKS Eye-Contact, because none of them deserved it!. So, I got kicked out from the McDonald’s, not the Wal-Mart, for the rest of the day. Now for what happened today, I was starting to setup my things, and the B-Manajerk was getting in my face (I feel that he really hates me), and he was like, “Don’t set up your stuff. Don’t push me.” I was not going to use the Nintendo DS sign today, anyway. But he did not want my Pixelblock sculptors at all. I stood up against that Manajerk; I continued to build, and I dictated my situation into his face (with a song and dance). He went up to the Wal-Mart Manajerk, and he was like, “Hey, Let’s talk.” But I sat silent for a minute, then I said to him, “I do not speek to any Man other than myself, because they all have taken all the pretty girls leaving me with none.” Verbal Combat had started, and during the fight, I ran off, still giving verbal punishment, as well as da finger, and many “Curse-Ye-Ha-Me-Has.” I nearly backed up onto him with my car, and I gave him another finger. Then I dashed off. I needed someone to talk to, so I went to the mall and talked to Anna. She was a positively great help. She listened attentively, and she gave me a terriffic suggestion, tell my One-Year and Ten-Month Old Story to the Daily Progress. It was such a great idea, because I could bad-mouth those Jerks, as well as the Jerkops, Scott Manajer, and Mary Lee Walsh. Also, with my story, I may actually attract an 18-23-Year Old Boyfriend-Free, caring, smoke-free, non-alcoholic, white girl. So I dashed home and printed a second copy of my diary, and dashed to the office; the Female Reporters were in a meeting, so I left a message on an answering machine, thanks to the secretary who helped me. I’ll go back there tomorrow afternoon and try again, unless she calls me before then. Now, I feel sad, because I have nowhere else to go to attract a Boyfriend-Free Girl, and I feel very furious with those Manajerks and all Men other than myself and my father. Also, the top reason for medetesting those JERKS was that they all have taken all the pretty girls, leaving me with none. That reason is now the number two reason. The new number one reason is they ALL are AGAINST me in finding a Girlfriend of my own. But I will not give up on my long and teidous Love Quest; I’ll find a new Attraction Spot, somewhere in Charlottesville, Virginia. There has to be at least one 18-23-Year Old Boyfriend-Free, caring, smoke-free, non-alcoholic, white girl out there somewhere.
So, Draw Breasts, Vaginas, Uterus, Ovaries and the God-Given Eggs within them, you Two-Inch Short Dick-HEADS!!!!!!!!

July 20, 2005: … I was at the new Target store, just hanging around, not bothering anyone. And, from out of the blue, these two Manajerks asked me to leave, because they said that I was loitering; I was NOT! I was there hoping to find an 18-23-year old, Boyfriend-Free girl, like I usually do. Then, from out of the blue, after I told them off, they came back with two Jerkops! I was slightly intimidated, but mostly annoyed and ready to strike back on them. They asked me to leave, and never return. I did not want to leave. I would have left peacefully, in fact, I was ready to go, but I had a prepared speech to say to them stupid Jerkops. And, during the middle of my speech, they chased me, pulled my pants, and pinned me to the floor. Five Jerkops dog-piled on me as I struggled to get free. A thousand pounds of sausages on my 180 pound body was seriously a cut-off for my Breathing Flow. They handcuffed my wrists and legs, and they hog-tied me! Not only did I felt humiliated from being the victim, but I was angry at them! Not only for handcuffing me, but once again thwarting my efforts in trying to find a Boyfriend-Free Girl. They drove me to the county jail, but fortunately, they did not keep me there; I was released to my family. But now I have to go to court on July 29 at 9:00 AM at the Albemarle County Courthouse, close to the Downtown Mall. So now, I feel very miserable, sad, lonely and rejected. And, while I had the handcuffs on me, both my hands, mostly my right, were seriously cut off from blood flow, and they both felt numb. It was terrible. But my mother and I are going to get back at them in court, in fact, I learned that the Jerkop who arrested me was called Bagget (that was the only thing about the situation that was hilarious; replace the “B” with an “F,” and you can see how funny it was).
Sincerely, Christian Weston Chandler, A Man For The Women, For the Women's Rights, For the Women's Justice, For the Women's Peace.

Reference to ED:

Months ago, I have found from this page being the first of a number hate against me, Christian Weston Chandler. *sigh* Among the number of you all, my name has been dragged through the mud, my e-mail and MySpace have been hacked for the e-mail information and random information that have been twisted into mockery of my person, my integrity, my honesty, my compassion, my heart, my soul, my being. Not only that, but the names of my two best gal-pals, Megan Schroeder and Anna McLerran, and my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, Sonichu and Rosechu, have also been dragged through the mud of mockery along with mine. Not only were my feelings were hurt greatly, but also those of Megan and Anna, and a number of my acquaintances within my small social circle were shocked and terrified that such cruelty, such mockery, such hatred was built from the number of those who have added more and more to this disgrace of a description of my being.

For a while, I was angry and enraged, and I shoved information and drawings regretfully drawn beyond my personal boundries down the throat of the webmasters of the page, in attempt to kill the hype and hatred against me. But No More, I give up on trying to edit the page to be more positive, or to delete the page altogether.
===Prank date (March 2005)===
"One day in March, 2005, I now go to [[Fashion Square]], on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with my Nintendo DS, GBAVideos, GBAJukebox, my Sonichu Scrapbook, and I've brought up some courage to start saying "Hello" to the girls I find very pretty, and possibly Boyfriend-Free.
Earlier this week, a girl, who shall remain nameless in this story, finally noticed and approached me. I was hoping for a moment like this. And she asked me to have a beverage with her and talk about things. I was very ESTATIC, and my SHATTERED Heart had a speedy recovery back to 100%; We had a nice "Mini-Date," I maintained Eye-Contact, I was very attentive, and I took notes about her. I thought she was very pretty, I enjoyed her charming wit, and I found her to be a very nice and lovely girl. But, later on, as I was figuring out steps for future dates, I learned from a couple of Gal-Pals, that I have previously made at the Shopping Center, that my new girlfriend was not serious; she was setting me up for a prank. I could not believe it at first, so I found and asked her myself. Unfortunately it was true. I was shocked, and my heart was re-shattered down to being 15% intact."
===Joshua Martinez===
Look, pal, if you REALLY WANT to TAKE DOWN someone who HAS a REPUTATION, consider one [[Joshua Martinez|JOSHUA MARTINEZ]].
Ladies come a runnin' from at least as far as New York City to his house in Dyke, VA; not just any ladies, but STARS like Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jessica Simpson and plenty other whores. He also has been Piggy-Backing on the Stardom of Vanessa Hudgens; singing with her in her Latino Albums, and starring with her in various HBO movies, and even worse, TRANSFORMERS 2. He has her and some other gal named Brittany for BOTH HIS SIMULTANEOUS GIRLFRIENDS; DUAL Marriage in the works here.
He's a more LUCKY S.O.B. than I can ever surmount to.
Joshua Martinez.

But I have ONE Question, that I put unto you all, the individuals who have taken part in creating this web page, and I would appreciate an Open, Detailed and Honest Answer from each of you in simple e-mails or reply on this discussion page.
===Sonichu Copyright Notice===

Why do you hate me so much?
If I should see the "Sonichu" name used to describe any character, other than my original Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, I will send you an E-Mail to inform you if you have intruded into Copyrighted territory, and request that you remove the name from your website, or forum entry, and change it to something else. If, however, you do not abide to the request, or not reply to the E-mail within 14 days, I may take legal action against you.

What did I do against you to cause the hatred against me? What physical or emotional harm have I ensued unto you? Why do you hate me for being myself in this world full of people who can't help but be themselves? I've had nothing against any of you. I don't even know any of you personally, as far as I know. I have nothing that any of you have already, so Why?

I leave you with that to ponder and ponder again over.
===The Man in the Pickle Suit===

The man in the Pickle Suit tricked me once again!

Christian Weston Chandler.

aim away message
==AIM away message==

I am away from my computer right now, but, Spread the word about the following issues, please:
I am away from my computer right now, but, Spread the word about the following issues, please:

This webpage ([http://encyclopediadramatica.online/Chris-chan http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Chris-chan]) has been haunting me since November, [[2007]]; I wish I had never found the dang thing, and I wish it to be taken down forever. But the numerous jerks who contributed to twisting and turning my words into adulturious lies and mockeries will not want it taken down. Strike against them for me; create an account for yourself, and delete the whole page under "Edit". Go forth, and force its downfall; god knows the number of falls I have taken in forcing its downfall as well.

This webpage (http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Chris-chan) has been haunting me since November, 2007; I wish I had never found the dang thing, and I wish it to be taken down forever. But the numerous jerks who contributed to twisting and turning my words into adulturious lies and mockeries will not want it taken down. Strike against them for me; create an account for yourself, and delete the whole page under "Edit". Go forth, and force its downfall; god knows the number of falls I have taken in forcing its downfall as well.
And I have just learned of the individual responsible for putting the webpage up in the first place, Jason Kendrick Howell at howellgames@gmail.com; send him as much HATE as you can, until that heinous page is taken down!

Also, please, you and all of the Sonichu Fans, spread the word to [[Nintendo]] of America's doorstep in e-mails, snail-mail, phone calls, etc. about the fame of my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, so that NOA and Sega can get behind me and help me make him as great as I'd like him to be.

And I have just learned of the individual responsible for putting the webpage up in the first place, Jason Kendrick Howell at howellgames@gmail.com; send him as much HATE as you can, until that heinous page is taken down!
Thank you.
Christian Weston Chandler.
==Epistle to the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church==
The following is a note Chris intended to deliver via [[Rocky Shoemaker|Rocky]] to the other parishioners at his [[Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church|Church]]. It was leaked on 30 [[March 2013]] at the [[CWCki Forums]]:
**Please Print ([[Chris_and_money|in multiples]]) and [[Chris_and_his_Ego|Share This Message with EVERYBODY at Church]]**     
I, Christian Weston Chandler, will not be attending church for a long time.  

I feel that ever since Reverend Elizabeth Foss left our church, it has greatly gone downhill for me. Ed Winkler Banned me from the church for a month. He has Banned me from Speaking my peace during the Sharing of Joys and Concerns, and from that, I have felt unnecessarily Silenced. I also feel my meetings with Rocky no longer have much effect on me or my life. My life continues to be at a disappointing standstill of sadness, loneliness and great stress. Only the people way older than me ever do so much as greet me, and I have very little to share in common with any of them. Nobody even close to my age, or even in their twenties, gives me much to do, or include me in their conversations.     

Also, please, you and all of the Sonichu Fans, spread the word to Nintendo of America's doorstep in e-mails, snail-mail, phone calls, etc. about the fame of my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, so that NOA and Sega can get behind me and help me make him as great as I'd like him to be.
Aside from that, I am hated by a number of people for [[Autism|reasons beyond my full understanding]], because I always tried to be a [[Death threats|good]] [[Homos#Hatred_of_homos|and]] [[Kill De Jack|nice]] person for a long time. And in public, I am constantly overlooked, ignored or ostracized by Everybody. Even speaking out gets me absolutely no attention. I continue to be paranoid of most everyone, because of [[Chris and reality|them likely being among the Internet Trolls that still continue to haunt and taunt me]]. I am still long desperate for a woman to be my [[Sweetheart]]. I am tired of being single, dang it. I continue to serve my family the best I can, and [[Chris_and_his_Ego#Fishing_For_Sympathy|I continue to feel sad, depressed and lonely]]. My heart feels numb, and I am forced to keep a great emotional distance from Everybody outside my house and home. I am an autistic mental and emotional mess, and there is very little I can do to help myself, beyond my knowledge. And God sees fit for some (hate-filled) reason to continue to curse me as a jinx.    

And, so, the church is not helping me much in my life, mentally, or emotionally, at all. So I will not be coming back for a long time.     

Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

Christian Weston Chandler.  
While the precise date of the note is not currently known, we can discern it was written after [[July 2011]], as this was the time Ed Winkler (who is mentioned in the note) became a pastor at Wesley Memorial.<ref>[https://archive.ph/avCAr]</ref>

chris to ed again (lol wut)

==Chris thanks the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church==

Hey, B-Itches, Quit your barkin'.
The following note was written by Chris and posted on the website of the [[Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church]] on 2 March 2014:<ref>[https://archive.is/9iIi1#selection-343.0-347.9]</ref>

I have returned to my comic drawing, one page at a time, so you can quit your slanderous, unrequired cries for attention. Also, I LAUGH at your mockery of a medal imitation; yours looks MORE like a sugar cookie I had with lunch...from a Grocery Store; Free Cookies!
Thank you all for your donations and prayers in my [[Barbara Chandler|mother]] and I’s misfortune with the [[Destruction Of Chris's House|fire in our house]] on January 10th morning. Our insurance, State Farm, agent was most helpful to us with temporary hotel accommodations, and our current [[Rental House|rental house]] residence. It will take up to six months for the reconstruction of our original house. Our [[Clover and Snoopy|dogs]] and [[cat]] have settled in our new home well as well, and we are faring okay. Financially, it is slim, and we are unsure of being reimbursed for our turned-in receipts to our agent. But we have recovered many to most of our belongings from the house that did not get destroyed in the fire, as well as replacing some of them. . . . Aside from that, my mother and I are suffering to recovering from bronchitis (hit me first on the tenth of February; hit her a week later; we have prescribed antibiotics, juice and chicken noodle soup to help us recover). I have been feeling better lately. Again, thank you all so much for caring and helping us in our time of loss and need. — Christian}}

The neighbors have been complaining, and they have provided over a Thousand signatures on the Petition; let your Encyclopedogia Bitchmatica get its injection for eternal sleep.
==Chris's wingman==
{{Main|July 25, 2014 Leaks}}
On 25 July 2014, a correspondence between Chris and an unidentified person was leaked on the [[CWCki Forums]] (now known as [[Kiwi Farms]])<ref>https://kiwifarms.net/threads/fun-chris-conversation-dropped-july-25-2014.4389/([https://web.archive.org/web/20140727073605/http://cwckiforums.com/threads/fun-chris-conversation-dropped-july-25-2014.4389/ archive])</ref>. The exchange, which took place between 28-30 June 2014, mainly revolved around the unidentified person giving Chris advice on how pick up girls on [[OKcupid]]. It is not clear through which medium did Chris and other person corresponded, but it appears to be text messaging, as the other person mentions it takes him a long time to text. One of the main highlights of the correspondence is Chris admitting in an unambiguous manner to having lost his virginity to a prostitute.


Middle Finger in your "Ear Lot Evil".
[[Category:Historical Documents]]

about his family

I have been living with both my mother and father. I have two half-brothers and a half-sister; they were all grown-ups when I was born. My mother's son, Joseph Cole Smithey, is a famed movie reviewer in NYC; www.colesmithey.com is his website. My father's son, David Alan Chandler, is an Optomologist in Chesterfield County; he was the one who told me that I was nearsighted and needed glasses. He is also married, and has a beautiful daughter, Savanna. My only niece as of yet. My father's daughter, Carol Suzanne Chandler, is a Math Geinus. not much is currently known about her, but last time my father checked, she is a Government Official in D.C. I never knew my grandparents; they died LONG BEFORE I was born.
{{The Internet}}

Latest revision as of 19:50, 5 November 2022

This is a collection of various other documents related to Chris.

Edits to his Encyclopedia Dramatica page

Why the hatred?

Months ago, I have found from this page being the first of a number hate against me, Christian Weston Chandler. *sigh* Among the number of you all, my name has been dragged through the mud, my e-mail and MySpace have been hacked for the e-mail information and random information that have been twisted into mockery of my person, my integrity, my honesty, my compassion, my heart, my soul, my being. Not only that, but the names of my two best gal-pals, Megan Schroeder and Anna McLerran, and my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, Sonichu and Rosechu, have also been dragged through the mud of mockery along with mine. Not only were my feelings were hurt greatly, but also those of Megan and Anna, and a number of my acquaintances within my small social circle were shocked and terrified that such cruelty, such mockery, such hatred was built from the number of those who have added more and more to this disgrace of a description of my being.

For a while, I was angry and enraged, and I shoved information and drawings regretfully drawn beyond my personal boundries down the throat of the webmasters of the page, in attempt to kill the hype and hatred against me. But No More, I give up on trying to edit the page to be more positive, or to delete the page altogether.

But I have ONE Question, that I put unto you all, the individuals who have taken part in creating this web page, and I would appreciate an Open, Detailed and Honest Answer from each of you in simple e-mails or reply on this discussion page.

Why do you hate me so much?

What did I do against you to cause the hatred against me? What physical or emotional harm have I ensued unto you? Why do you hate me for being myself in this world full of people who can't help but be themselves? I've had nothing against any of you. I don't even know any of you personally, as far as I know. I have nothing that any of you have already, so Why?

I leave you with that to ponder and ponder again over.


Christian Weston Chandler.

Chris to ED again (lol wut)

Hey, B-Itches, Quit your barkin'.

I have returned to my comic drawing, one page at a time, so you can quit your slanderous, unrequired cries for attention. Also, I LAUGH at your mockery of a medal imitation; yours looks MORE like a sugar cookie I had with lunch...from a Grocery Store; Free Cookies!

The neighbors have been complaining, and they have provided over a Thousand signatures on the Petition; let your Encyclopedogia Bitchmatica get its injection for eternal sleep.


Middle Finger in your "Ear Lot Evil".

About his family

I have been living with both my mother and father. I have two half-brothers and a half-sister; they were all grown-ups when I was born. My mother's son, Joseph Cole Smithey, is a famed movie reviewer in NYC; www.colesmithey.com is his website. My father's son, David Alan Chandler, is an Optomologist in Chesterfield County; he was the one who told me that I was nearsighted and needed glasses. He is also married, and has a beautiful daughter, Savanna. My only niece as of yet. My father's daughter, Carol Suzanne Chandler, is a Math Geinus. not much is currently known about her, but last time my father checked, she is a Government Official in D.C. I never knew my grandparents; they died LONG BEFORE I was born.

And if you have so much free time to play the cruelest game of "KICK THE AUTISTIC", then you CAN and SHOULD put the time to better use; volunteer for a social chore; take up the culture in tasteful art; go out and socialize.

Another message to ED

I AM ADDING THE POSITIVITY THIS HELL-HOLE OF A WEBSITE NEEDS; you just do not appreciate the POSITIVITY I AM ADDING TO THE PAGE. What I am doing is a STAND against OFFENSIVE, UNNATURAL, UNREQUIRED Additions to ANY Female Image. What I am doing is a STAND for EVERY SINGLE WOMAN Everywhere, because NO WOMAN would EVER want such a Horrific Twist of Fate. What I am doing is a STAND against the VERY THING that is NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!!!!!!

So, Draw Breasts, Vaginas, Uterus, Ovaries and the God-Given Eggs within them, you Two-Inch Short Dick-HEADS!!!!!!!!

Sincerely, Christian Weston Chandler, A Man For The Women, For the Women's Rights, For the Women's Justice, For the Women's Peace.


Prank date (March 2005)

"One day in March, 2005, I now go to Fashion Square, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with my Nintendo DS, GBAVideos, GBAJukebox, my Sonichu Scrapbook, and I've brought up some courage to start saying "Hello" to the girls I find very pretty, and possibly Boyfriend-Free.

Earlier this week, a girl, who shall remain nameless in this story, finally noticed and approached me. I was hoping for a moment like this. And she asked me to have a beverage with her and talk about things. I was very ESTATIC, and my SHATTERED Heart had a speedy recovery back to 100%; We had a nice "Mini-Date," I maintained Eye-Contact, I was very attentive, and I took notes about her. I thought she was very pretty, I enjoyed her charming wit, and I found her to be a very nice and lovely girl. But, later on, as I was figuring out steps for future dates, I learned from a couple of Gal-Pals, that I have previously made at the Shopping Center, that my new girlfriend was not serious; she was setting me up for a prank. I could not believe it at first, so I found and asked her myself. Unfortunately it was true. I was shocked, and my heart was re-shattered down to being 15% intact."

Joshua Martinez

Look, pal, if you REALLY WANT to TAKE DOWN someone who HAS a REPUTATION, consider one JOSHUA MARTINEZ.

Ladies come a runnin' from at least as far as New York City to his house in Dyke, VA; not just any ladies, but STARS like Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jessica Simpson and plenty other whores. He also has been Piggy-Backing on the Stardom of Vanessa Hudgens; singing with her in her Latino Albums, and starring with her in various HBO movies, and even worse, TRANSFORMERS 2. He has her and some other gal named Brittany for BOTH HIS SIMULTANEOUS GIRLFRIENDS; DUAL Marriage in the works here.

He's a more LUCKY S.O.B. than I can ever surmount to.


Joshua Martinez.


Sonichu Copyright Notice

If I should see the "Sonichu" name used to describe any character, other than my original Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, I will send you an E-Mail to inform you if you have intruded into Copyrighted territory, and request that you remove the name from your website, or forum entry, and change it to something else. If, however, you do not abide to the request, or not reply to the E-mail within 14 days, I may take legal action against you.

The Man in the Pickle Suit

The man in the Pickle Suit tricked me once again!

AIM away message

I am away from my computer right now, but, Spread the word about the following issues, please:

This webpage (http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Chris-chan) has been haunting me since November, 2007; I wish I had never found the dang thing, and I wish it to be taken down forever. But the numerous jerks who contributed to twisting and turning my words into adulturious lies and mockeries will not want it taken down. Strike against them for me; create an account for yourself, and delete the whole page under "Edit". Go forth, and force its downfall; god knows the number of falls I have taken in forcing its downfall as well.

And I have just learned of the individual responsible for putting the webpage up in the first place, Jason Kendrick Howell at howellgames@gmail.com; send him as much HATE as you can, until that heinous page is taken down!

Also, please, you and all of the Sonichu Fans, spread the word to Nintendo of America's doorstep in e-mails, snail-mail, phone calls, etc. about the fame of my Electric-Hedgehog Pokemon, so that NOA and Sega can get behind me and help me make him as great as I'd like him to be.

Thank you.


Christian Weston Chandler.

Epistle to the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

The following is a note Chris intended to deliver via Rocky to the other parishioners at his Church. It was leaked on 30 March 2013 at the CWCki Forums:

**Please Print (in multiples) and Share This Message with EVERYBODY at Church**

I, Christian Weston Chandler, will not be attending church for a long time.

I feel that ever since Reverend Elizabeth Foss left our church, it has greatly gone downhill for me. Ed Winkler Banned me from the church for a month. He has Banned me from Speaking my peace during the Sharing of Joys and Concerns, and from that, I have felt unnecessarily Silenced. I also feel my meetings with Rocky no longer have much effect on me or my life. My life continues to be at a disappointing standstill of sadness, loneliness and great stress. Only the people way older than me ever do so much as greet me, and I have very little to share in common with any of them. Nobody even close to my age, or even in their twenties, gives me much to do, or include me in their conversations.

Aside from that, I am hated by a number of people for reasons beyond my full understanding, because I always tried to be a good and nice person for a long time. And in public, I am constantly overlooked, ignored or ostracized by Everybody. Even speaking out gets me absolutely no attention. I continue to be paranoid of most everyone, because of them likely being among the Internet Trolls that still continue to haunt and taunt me. I am still long desperate for a woman to be my Sweetheart. I am tired of being single, dang it. I continue to serve my family the best I can, and I continue to feel sad, depressed and lonely. My heart feels numb, and I am forced to keep a great emotional distance from Everybody outside my house and home. I am an autistic mental and emotional mess, and there is very little I can do to help myself, beyond my knowledge. And God sees fit for some (hate-filled) reason to continue to curse me as a jinx.

And, so, the church is not helping me much in my life, mentally, or emotionally, at all. So I will not be coming back for a long time.

Sent from my iPhone

Stay Safe,

Christian W. Chandler

While the precise date of the note is not currently known, we can discern it was written after July 2011, as this was the time Ed Winkler (who is mentioned in the note) became a pastor at Wesley Memorial.[1]

Chris thanks the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

The following note was written by Chris and posted on the website of the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on 2 March 2014:[2]

Thank you all for your donations and prayers in my mother and I’s misfortune with the fire in our house on January 10th morning. Our insurance, State Farm, agent was most helpful to us with temporary hotel accommodations, and our current rental house residence. It will take up to six months for the reconstruction of our original house. Our dogs and cat have settled in our new home well as well, and we are faring okay. Financially, it is slim, and we are unsure of being reimbursed for our turned-in receipts to our agent. But we have recovered many to most of our belongings from the house that did not get destroyed in the fire, as well as replacing some of them. . . . Aside from that, my mother and I are suffering to recovering from bronchitis (hit me first on the tenth of February; hit her a week later; we have prescribed antibiotics, juice and chicken noodle soup to help us recover). I have been feeling better lately. Again, thank you all so much for caring and helping us in our time of loss and need. — Christian

Chris's wingman

Main article: July 25, 2014 Leaks

On 25 July 2014, a correspondence between Chris and an unidentified person was leaked on the CWCki Forums (now known as Kiwi Farms)[3]. The exchange, which took place between 28-30 June 2014, mainly revolved around the unidentified person giving Chris advice on how pick up girls on OKcupid. It is not clear through which medium did Chris and other person corresponded, but it appears to be text messaging, as the other person mentions it takes him a long time to text. One of the main highlights of the correspondence is Chris admitting in an unambiguous manner to having lost his virginity to a prostitute.
