Daniel Weston

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As a matter of fact, among my, uh, mother's side in the uh, ancestrial traits [sighs] we have uh, we have been traced down to Daniel Weston, who was on the main--Mayflower voyage.
Captain's Log, Stardate November 7th, 2007
The Mayflower

Biological warfare from England by dumping their retards into the American gene pool.

According to Chris. Daniel Weston was one of his illustrous ancestors. He was allegedly aboard the Mayflower, the ship that sailed the pilgrim fathers to America in 1620. According to all known passenger lists of the Mayflower, there was however never a man named Weston aboard...

This is either complete bullshit from Chris, or his mother easing the awful truth that he's infact just descended from a bunch of inbred, socially backward, retarded hillbillys like everyone else believes.