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CADD stands for Computer Aided Draft and Design. It's pretty much a 2 year course that teaches you how to use MS paint, as of the 2 years Chris has only produced 2 pieces of work. While one might assume they are 2 big projects over a long amount of time, the two pieces of work he produced was a map of his mall and an incredibly large 3d Mayors office about the size of a football field with nothing much inside it .

Chris has 2 degrees certificates in CADD.

Looking at his current art, he'd have been better of spending his tuition fees on fucking Legos.


In Sonichu 5, Christian claims he got his CADD degree in May 2006. He has, however, allready been suspended from PVCC for over a year by then, so chances are large they just gave him the certificate to shut him up, and to stop Bob Chandler from suing them for playing kick the autistic. If this is true, it could mean that Chris never even finished his CADD classes.

Usage in the Comics

Chris's CADD degrees apparently come into use within his comics, he even alludes to them assisting him at many points in his comic for example Sonichu & Roeschu's Benifit house. However the few basic measuring skills he may have picked up from his CADD courses are made even more pitiful by the fact he never use a ruler nor are his drawings to scale despite, defeating the purpose of even learning CADD courses in the first place.
