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It's like the Mona Lisa of Fail.

ShecameforCWC.JPG is a Rule 34 Chris drew as part of a campaign to fight ED by "replacing negativity with positivity"[citation needed]. Arguably the most controversial of all of Chris's artistic canon, and this single image managed to invoke such drama and ruin the closest relationship with a person he ever had, with Megan.


The drawing fails in so many ways that it manages to capture the true essence of fail that is Chris:

  • the artistic skills of an eight year old
  • a complete unfamiliarity with the female anatomy (the vagina is not one long hole and you could never do that sort of thing with a real vagina, looking like that).
  • close attention to the parts that interest Chris, namely genitalia and breasts, yet a tiny head he had to squeeze in, most likely because he started with the latter and realized "Oh, she needs a face."
  • in contrast, Chris pays close attention to making sure he's wearing his Medallion of Fail in the scene, his eyes are fucking different colors, etc.
  • "ShecameforCWC" seems to reinforce Chris's narcissism, that when a woman orgasms, it's for his sake and not her own pleasure. Plus, a smug look on his face as he gives a thumbs up while fingering her.
  • He's wearing his fucking medallion while having sexual relations with a woman.
  • the fact that this is his best and only friend, Megan.
