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Oh yes he did.

Christian Weston Chandler loves his original character Sonichu so much that he wears a hand-made Sonichu medallion on his neck. In public. The Sonichu medallion, along with his trademark Ernie shirt, is perhaps his most famous characteristic. Over the years, Chris has produced numerous medallions of his electric hedgehog characters. As of March 2009 all known medallions have been destroyed through the efforts of trolls, although Chris has demonstrated that he is working on a new one.

Origins and Purpose

An early version of the medallion, with a bad paint job, Shrinky Dink charms of Sonichu, Rosechu, and the Chaotic Combo.

Chris himself can no longer recall when he made the first medallion except that it was sometime between the creation of Sonichu in 2000 and the publication of Sonichu 1 in 2004. Not remembering the introduction of your signature accessory within a margin of error of less than four years seems like a critical lapse in memory, but this is Chris we're talking about. The earliest known footage of Chris wearing the medallion is his So Need a Cute Girl video from 20 December 2004, in which he feels it necessary to explain what it is, suggesting that it is a relatively new feature.

In a Mumble chat on 10 February 2009, Chris revealed the reason for the medallion and that is...because he wanted to. It's "like a nametag" for him. In one of his ED edits, Chris says that his medallion "dentifies him for the high-funcioning Autistic individual that he is" [1]. It sure does!

Each medallion is constructed from Crayola Model Magic, a non-toxic, easy-to-use modelling clay intended for small children. Chris wedges a keyring into the edge of each medallion, from which he can attach a chain to go around his neck. Medallions are painted in the color schemes of the characters they represent, with copyright information scrawled on the back. Additional detailing varies, but Chris is known to have applied Shrinky-Dink charms to certain medallions as a form of authentication, to prevent counterfeiting.

The Sonichu Medallion

Spoiler: he even wears it during his sex fantasies
The SPECIAL SYMBOLS to identify the TRUE and HONEST medallion.

Chris's primary medal is his Sonichu medallion, which he has rarely been seen without for the past five years. This medallion of course depicts his main character, Sonichu. Within the canon of Chris's Sonichu comics, the medallion is the source of the anchuent powers that allow Chris to assume his electric hedgehog alter ego, Chris-Chan Sonichu. As he explained to Shigeru Miyamoto in his business proposal, the medallion gives him no special powers in real life. In several videos, Chris says that in order for it to be a TRUE and HONEST video, it will be of him wearing the medallion. In this manner he attempted to cast doubt on the videos he posted confessing homosexuality, since he was not wearing his medallion in that footage.

Since the discovery of Chris on 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica, it has been understood among trolls that the Sonichu medallion is Chris's most cherished possession and that he would cry like a bitch if it were ever taken from him, making its capture a prime objective. This has only proven partially true. Chris does not seem to have a special attachment to any one particular medallion, but merely his ability to always wear one at all times. Further, all successful efforts to eliminate the medallions have resulted in relatively little outrage; Chris is always more concerned with his internet girlfriends being fake than he is over losing his property because of them.

In September 2008 an anon on /v/ offered a story and photograph suggesting that he had met Chris in real life and tricked him into giving the medallion to him; however, 4chan and ED are filled with high-functioning autistics who all immediately analyzed the details of dozens of pictures and determined the "stolen" medallion to be a forgery. This conclusion was reaffirmed when Chris himself decided to post a video announcing that the medallion had never been stolen, defiantly claiming that nobody would take it from him.

Chris claimed to have made multiple Sonichu medallions and that he would sometimes wear these decoys to frustrate attempts to steal the one true medallion. It would remain unclear whether he was bluffing until October 2008 when the team of trolls posing as Blanca Weiss tricked him into sending all of his medallions to them.

Yes, he even wore it his god damn college graduation

The package they received contained no less than two yellow Sonichu medals--one with the special markings identifying it as the "real" one, and another with no markings. It may be assumed that these were the only two medallions he owned at that time, but whether either of them was the very first may never be known; it's possible Chris has replaced his Sonichu medallion numerous times.

After sending the medallions to Blanca, and being told by Blanca that trolls had stolen them from "her," Chris created a new, slightly larger Sonichu medallion and posted a video explaining that Blanca had recovered the original one and sent it back to him, and that he had modified it. This new medallion boasted a special peg on the reverse side which could be used to hold Chris's high school ring, which somehow made it copy-protected.

This was presumably the medallion that Max forced Chris to cut into pieces and shove up his ass on 3 March 2009. The idea of Chris literally inserting these chunks of ceramic into his rectum (and therefore risking anal tearing and sepsis) was highly controversial. Some have argued that he merely placed them between his buttcheeks (either in an attempt to deceive Max or out of ignorance of how to get them in there), but in any case, it has been covered in fecal matter. Whatever happened, Chris thinks that his father would "have another heart attack" if he knew the details.

Although Chris has shown he has been making a new medallion, he has not worn any medal since the 3 March 2009 incident. He now argues that his high school ring may be accepted as a symbol of his truthiness. However, since this statement was made without the medallion, this is false and Chris has disproved himself.

The Blake Medallion

He's too angry to show his fangs

A medallion for his "dark side". In the comics, worn by Reldnahc Notsew Naitsirhc.

The Rosechu Medallion

Medallion Rosechu.jpg

A medallion for his future Sweetheart. The Rosechu Medallion is worn by Chris' imaginary sister Crystal in the comic.

The Jiggliami Medallion

A medallion made for the troll Blanca (KawaiiKitsune)


See Also