CWC 3D Voice Check

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CWC 3D Voice Check is Chris's latest addition to the Flipnote Hatena. Unlike his previous heavy handed attempts at popularity and ego, Chris falls back on impressions, imitating those such as Optimus Prime, Meatwad, Inspector Gadget, and Popeye. He also plagiarizes Monty Python's running joke, "And now for something completely different;" after ripping off this line, he mentions Monty Python's Flying Elephants.

While Chris's impersonations aren't quite as bad as one would at first assume based on his previous attempts, they still display a complete lack of skill and practice, and are not impressive in the least.

Interestingly, Chris tries his hand at 3D, but it doesn't really work. This was inspired by another 3D flipnote Chris commented on which he called "geinus" [sic]. This of course meant that he would steal it.

The flipnote is later taken down, most likely due to Flipnote Hatena's rules regarding copyright.


CWC 3D Voice Check
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Stardate June 30, 2010
The OFFICIAL CWC Flipnotes
For Women ONLY


[The flipnote is in "3-D", though very simplistically; there are overlapping red and blue versions of the drawing to give it a simple 3-D style]

IN 3-D!


Some "CWC" Voice Checks

[4 Cartoon Characters, some of whom Chris has used before, appear one after the other on the screen, with a drawing of TV-Set style "Static" in between. Each one is voiced by Chris, giving some stock lines from each character. Listed below with their lines:]

Optimus Prime: "Autobots, Transform and Roll Out!"

Meatwad: "I'm meatwad, I'm a ball of meat..."

Inspector Gadget: "Stop in the name of the law! Sorry about that chief!:

Popeye: "A-g-g-g-g-g-g-gug! I eats me spinach every day!"

[Chris voices each screen after this in his terrible British accent.]

And now for something completely different...




Have a good and safe Day. Christian W. Chandler

Sources - The original file (REMOVED.