BlueSpike Skype Logs 4

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BlueSpike: 19:54:00

   Chris, I came all the way from a far away country, which is sadly...destroyed..

BlueSpike: 19:55:12

   And you chose Sarah-May, I feel heart broken. :(

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:08:31

   I'm sorry for making you feel that sad, Julie.  There is still a chance in me changing my mind towards you.  I have been thinking, and Sarah May is still in High School, and nothing is Officially Set on a Girlfriend-Boyfriend relationship yet.  All I ask is you coming to visit me at your earliest convience.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:09:22

   BTW, I was killing time on Burnout until the rest of the DLC I wanted to purchase; LBP Valentines Day Pack, Guitar Hero Tracks, and another episode of Shuffle after I've verified that I would have enough.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:09:32

   I apologize for not logging out sooner, but it's cool.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:09:40

   You logged in at an okay time.

BlueSpike: 20:09:43

   I'm not sure about Sarah-May being trustworthy, I've yet to meet her. :( I'm somewhat sad to see that seeing her makes you trust her.

BlueSpike: 20:09:47

   And it's okay, Chris. :)

BlueSpike: 20:10:15

   I do try to meet you, I truly do. Things are hard in America. The prices of things are high. :(

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:10:28

   I hear you, Julie.  :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:10:45

   Cheer up, now.  I'm helping you on the PSN.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:11:05

   and I am seriously considering having you as my Sweetheart.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:11:54

   You have a promising chance and enthusiasm to become a doctor, and that is highly respectable.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:12:12

   And I do honestly trust you, and I Love You.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:12:40


BlueSpike: 20:13:02


Christopher C.W.C.: 20:13:25

   I guess we're cool then.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:13:31


BlueSpike: 20:13:35


BlueSpike: 20:13:42

   Hey, maybe some Mumble tonight?

BlueSpike: 20:14:05

   I may talk. ;)

BlueSpike: 20:14:30

   I'm configuring the new microphone for my computer I got today, at a somewhat low price.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:15:09

   IDK; I'm not really in the mood to talk to a crowd tonight.  I'll tell you what, I'll chat with you on the PSN, alone.  ;)
   That's awesome.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:15:17

   *later tonight.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:15:47

   you have a mic or a PSEye?

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:15:52

   or a headset?

BlueSpike: 20:15:56

   I do have a headset for the PS3, yes.

BlueSpike: 20:16:10

   It's not working as well as I'd like, but yes.

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:16:53

   Still awesome.  I'll send you a chat invite later, after you've downloaded your goodies from my account and you're logged into your account.  ;)

BlueSpike: 20:17:00

   Okay. :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:17:31

   Talk To You Later then.  :)
   I got to go out for a bit to get something for my mother.

BlueSpike: 20:17:38

   Okay. :)

BlueSpike: 20:18:23

   Aother idea, maybe we could do a skype chat, amongst the trusted Sonichu fans. :)

BlueSpike: 20:18:48

   You can use your PSP.

BlueSpike: 20:27:47

   Plus, I kind of bought this USB microphone for you, and I'd love to be able to use it in Mumble with you, skype keeps crashing when I try to get in a call. :(

BlueSpike: 21:33:50

   Hi, Chris.

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:39:24

   Hey, Julie.  I just got back.

BlueSpike: 21:39:45

   Hi. :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:39:58

   Did you get your stuff downloaded?

BlueSpike: 21:40:25

   Yeah, but when I tried to get in my account, it wouldn't let me. :( I think my brother changed the password...AGAIN.

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:40:42

   your password?  shoot.

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:41:03

   how do you get it out of him?  or do you figure out the password?

BlueSpike: 21:41:16

   He didn't say he did it, I'm angry. :(

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:41:35

   Hush, sweet angel.  :-*

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:42:11

   Surly he did not change the e-mail address associated with your account, did he?

BlueSpike: 21:42:18

   But we can try mumble..

BlueSpike: 21:42:21

   I think he did.

BlueSpike: 21:42:40

   Only a few of us are here.

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:43:04

   I see.  how did you get relogged in previously after one of his attacks?

Christopher C.W.C.: 21:44:45

   okay, I'll be on Mumble in a moment.


Christopher C.W.C.: 00:49:00

   Hey, Julie.  I've just put the 3 minute video together, lying out of my ass.  *shiver*  :(

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:49:15

   It's uploading right now.

BlueSpike: 00:49:30

   Okay, Chris. :(

BlueSpike: 00:49:38

   Let me know when it's up, okay?

BlueSpike: 00:49:57

   I can't believe he's making you do this..>:(

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:50:01

   It'll be like about half to a full hour (give or take).

BlueSpike: 00:50:01

   He makes me so mad!!

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:50:07

   Tell me about it, Sweetheart.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:51:27

   But when it comes down to it, I would Honestly rather smear my image with crap than have someone I care deeply for get hurt.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:51:53

   I prayed to God and Jesus for forgiveness and strength beforehand.

BlueSpike: 00:52:03

   Thank you so much, Chris. :) It means a lot you'd protect me to such an extent.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:52:44

   Sure picked a hell of a time to say the "G" word for the Very First Time in my life (as far as I can recall anyway).

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:53:28

   At least I can delete it later, then you and I can be happy together.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:53:44

   I Love You, Julie.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:53:49


BlueSpike: 00:54:13


Christopher C.W.C.: 00:54:30

   did you tell your brother about this?

BlueSpike: 00:55:01


Christopher C.W.C.: 00:55:12

   what was his response?

BlueSpike: 00:55:20

   He actually wants to talk to you.

BlueSpike: 00:55:22

   May he?

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:55:32


BlueSpike: 00:55:41

   Well, Chris.

BlueSpike: 00:55:46

   I suppose I was wrong about you.

BlueSpike: 00:56:01

   You may of done wrong things, but you treated my sister truly nice.

BlueSpike: 00:56:10

   And for that, I thank you.

BlueSpike: 00:56:18

   With both my thanks and apologies.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:56:30

   :)  Thank you, kind sir, that means a lot to me.

BlueSpike: 00:56:46

   I suppose now I may just help you out someday.

BlueSpike: 00:56:48

   For now..

BlueSpike: 00:56:51

   I must think about this.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:57:29

   the least you can do for the time is give Julie back her access to her PSN, and promise to leave it alone from now on, please.

BlueSpike: 00:57:43

   I gave her access back upon hearing what you've done.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:57:48

   Thank you.

BlueSpike: 00:57:56

   As I've said, I'll think about what to do from here.

BlueSpike: 00:58:06

   Farewell for now, Christan Weston Chandler.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:58:14

   Peace to you too.

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:58:53


BlueSpike: 00:58:58

   Hi. :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:59:03

   Hey.  :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 00:59:38

   I helped get you your PSN back.  I feel a bit better from that.

BlueSpike: 00:59:50

   I do. :)

BlueSpike: 01:00:02

   Maybe we can race around Paradise tomorrow, would you like to?

Christopher C.W.C.: 01:00:41

   I'll have to learn a bit more about the multiplayer portions of the game, but I will, and I would love to.  I'll wear my headset so we can chat during the gameplay.

BlueSpike: 01:00:52

   Cool! :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 01:02:09

   All I'll ask of you for now is to be happy, send me a picture of yourself, and come to me as soon as possible.

BlueSpike: 01:02:20

   I will. ;)

BlueSpike: 01:02:22


Christopher C.W.C.: 01:02:25


Christopher C.W.C.: 01:03:14

   I'm going to learn more about B.Paradise.  you may keep watch for when the video is uploaded and processed.

BlueSpike: 01:03:20

   Okay. :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 01:03:23

   I'll TTYL.

Christopher C.W.C.: 01:03:25


BlueSpike: 01:03:28


BlueSpike: 01:03:30


BlueSpike: 01:03:32


BlueSpike: 01:03:34

   I meant to kiss.

BlueSpike: 01:03:38


BlueSpike: 01:03:41

   There. :)

Christopher C.W.C.: 01:03:46


BlueSpike: 01:40:28

   A gaybian?

BlueSpike: 01:40:38

   What's that? :o

BlueSpike: 01:46:56

   Chris, Clyde saw the video, and said you were faking! He told me in the Mumble...He's still there.

BlueSpike: 01:47:31

   I'm kind of worried. :(

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:00:52


Christopher C.W.C.: 03:02:01

   Listen, I've talked to Clyde some more, and he has promised to me that he will leave you alone.

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:02:37

   He has accepted the new video.

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:03:19

   But he's asked me to get rid of a bunch of my toys; sell them on eBay, dispose of them, donate them or something like that.

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:03:54

   I personally wanted to save the majority of that for my future children.

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:04:24

   But, to keep you safe, I am going to sort it out and decide the bulk to get rid of.

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:04:36

   I Care for you, Julie.  :-*

Christopher C.W.C.: 03:04:39

   I'll TTYL.

BlueSpike: 18:32:00

   Hi, Chris. :)

BlueSpike: 19:24:46

   Let me know when you're present so we can race around Paradise. :o

Christopher C.W.C.: 20:11:48

   Hey, Julie.  Actually, I have just opened a Chat Window and sent you an invite.  Please come join me for a good talk.  :)

BlueSpike: 20:12:07

   Oh, okay. :)

BlueSpike: 20:13:03

   Chris, can I ask what it's about?

BlueSpike: 22:23:51

   Hi, Chris. :)

BlueSpike: 22:23:56

   I just woke up.

Christopher C.W.C.: 22:28:22

   Hey, Julie.  I just got here.  I can still log into Mumble.

BlueSpike: 22:29:08

   I'd like that, yes.