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Chris weighing himself??? Is he gonna start a weight loss plan for Jackie? --CaseHa 25 October 2010

Sign your posts and take the topic to Speculation for a discussion (admins are cracking down on forum-like posts). --Caboose -1 16:18, 25 October 2010 (PDT)

Not enough data to work with unfortunately. We have no idea how accurate that scale is. The second he steps off of it, it could read -40 pounds. Secondly a person could put all their weight on the balls of their feet with that type of scale and screw with the measurement (you should have your weight on your heels). Sucks. This could have been good material to work with. Mupkids 19:08, 25 October 2010 (PDT)

  • I've speculated on the Chris and Health talk page that its because his muscles have nearly completely atrophied. Therefore, he wouldn't weight so much. --IconOfEvi 20:39, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
  • I'd argue for one of these explanations as well. I'll be the first to admit that I am a dumpy guy who isn't in very good shape, but there's no way in hell I weigh 12-15 lbs. more than CWC by legitimate means. Granted I am about 3/4 of an inch shorter than him by most estimates, but still. So either I am heavier by virtue of actually still having muscle mass left in my body, or I basically need to go jump off a cliff now because that's just embarrassing :( --Bluedeanie 20:48, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
    • I'm nearly 300, but I have muscle too. Still, it could be less. I blame school and not being able to goto Tae. Point being though that muscle accounts for a lot of weight. The fact that Chris weighs 220 or whatever is more indicative to me that he has nearly zero muscle mass/power. --IconOfEvi 21:11, 25 October 2010 (PDT)
  • Do this is just me or the scale's number goes up before he steps down? Griffintown 08:07, 26 October 2010 (PDT)
  • God damn, this scared me for a minute. I way nearly twenty stone and yet I don't even look as fat as Chris does. :| --Black Pickle 15:49, 26 October 2010 (PDT)
  • See, this is why I can't watch programs like 'the biggest loser' without rolling my eyes and switching channels while muttering 'oh for crying out loud'. Since I started to work out a pair of months ago, I gained nearly 4 kg AND went down a size, and I'm a girl. If I can put on muscle like this, much more can a guy with half the effort. Chris has his muscles so atrophied that it is no wonder the scale shows so little. TLDR he's not faking it, but has a low weight for all the wrong reasons. - LNHill 18:27, 26 October 2010 (PDT)
  • For the record, these kinds of bathroom scales are horribly inaccurate, and given the looks of it it's a very old model. I have a pretty old scale like that at home, and it's often off by 10-20 pounds. KingoftheJuice 22:12, 26 October 2010 (PDT)
More importantly BMI and weight are near worthless from a medical standpoint: they don't tell anything about what the weight is made of or if the fat is visceral or not.(Obviously a 125w27/h36 is totally different from a 125w36/h27)... If we had his waist and hip size we could actually figure out something. Lacking that, going by his given torso size, appearance, and comparable people, something around 37% fat is a reasonable guess. This means even though his body weight doesn’t sound terible, his organs are being strangled by visceral fat, a likely reason as to why a GP would put a 20-something on Lipitor(he went off it bc the fat aggravated liver trouble it causes).-Kei 18:04, 27 October 2010 (PDT)