User talk:Champthom

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Champ tomas

okay like i'll have all the subtitles backed up on my hd so far, did you have i have like 8gb of cwc shit on my computer? yeah i know right. so anywayyyy i have decided to credit ppl on both the caption titles (for example, "iamstraight by champthom") and the video descriptions for double the fun!!also if i can't upload the subtitles i can ask tito to. i should be fine though. Abejita Cortez 19:09, 17 February 2011 (PST)

PSN Tracker

I'm not sure if you're the right person to ask, but I recently got Chris to add me on the PSN. How would I contribute to the PSN tracker? Dillon627 09:19, 22 February 2011 (PST)

Thanks. I'll try to start updating it when I can. Dillon627 12:12, 22 February 2011 (PST)

I apologize

I apologize for doing something wrong while transcribing Kacey Call 8. I want you to know that I am currently still working on the transcript, but as you can imagine, it is not walk in the park... It's a little over 35 minutes long and I'm sure you know how hard it is to transcribe audio. I also want you to know that I will try to do better in the future. --4Macie 16:34, 4 March 2011 (PST)

  • I do appreciate the effort, I do ask though you add this template to pages that aren't completely transcribed. That way, people can pick up the slack so it's not all on you. I do appreciate your work and I hope you continue transcribing. --Champthom 16:51, 4 March 2011 (PST)
Thanks for deleting the thinger-ma-bobber. Now that I look back at the edits, that should've been obvious..but I fail at computer stuff as it is so I'll blame it on that. :P --4Macie 18:51, 6 March 2011 (PST)

Re:Comic Categories

Sounds like a good idea.--trombonista 18:02, 4 March 2011 (PST)

Always here

Wallflower policy here:

I have never left, friend. I merely got a new job that causes me to work long hours. Once my time becomes free-er and my heart level recovers from Mumble translations, I shall return full-time. I still check here once a day or more.

Want a pizza roll? Message me if you want a pizza roll. --Ronichu 19:06, 7 March 2011 (PST)

Edit: I'll post it in the right place later tonight. --Ronichu 19:17, 7 March 2011 (PST)
  • Just did it dude, thanks for the help. --Champthom 19:17, 7 March 2011 (PST)

Anything I can do at the moment?

I've watched the CWCki for a while now and now that I've joined, I'd like to know if there is anything specific I can help with. Thanks. --Ctahu (t/c) 17:50, 19 April 2011 (EST)

Can do

Sorry I took so long to reply, it was 3AM here when you left the message and I just got it. I'll keep IRC open for whenever you're available. Freecell (t/c) 07:10, 23 April 2011 (PDT)



Just when everyone- EVERYONE- thought Chris had shriveled up, dried out like a prune and flat out fucking died- you delivered. Technically it was Freecell who uploaded them and obviously some beautiful, honest woman persuaded him to do this, but in my reality Champthom knows all, sees all... so yeah.

Holy shit. Honestly, if we get nothing else for 2011...

... I want you bad.

--Ronichu 08:17, 29 April 2011 (PDT)

Possible new article

I noticed after I signed up a couple weeks ago that the articles on the retconned Asperchu characters were an absolute clusterfuck, so I've been experimenting in my sandbox for a while now on merging the Chaotic Combo (Asperchu), Basement Rosechus and Mitch Sonichu pages. I added some new images and had Freecell look at it and make his own additions, and he thinks it's ready for the main namespace. Obviously though, that will involve moving pages and fixing broken redirects, and being the boss around here you get the final say. When I was working on this, the title I had in mind was "Asperchu parodies", but that's just my suggestion. Have a look at it and tell me what you think. --Old meme 08:19, 17 May 2011 (PDT)

  • I've seen it, it's pretty good, but not sure about the name, as they're "parodies" in the same way Sonichu is a "parody" (which is, not really). Come up with a better name and we might be able to do something. Perhaps if you post on the portal here you could get some feedback. Nice work though, keep it up.--Champthom 21:25, 17 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Thanks. I'll do that now. --Old meme 06:32, 20 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Champthom ma boi, that message has been on the community portal for four days and I don't think anyone has noticed it. Do you want to come up with an article name yourself? Only I want to get this page up so I can start using my sandbox for other purposes. --Old meme 06:16, 24 May 2011 (PDT)
  • Thanks again. Tell me when you have a title for the page. --Old meme 07:15, 27 May 2011 (PDT)

Yo Champ! It's been nearly a month now. Have you got a title for me yet? I spent quite a while on that article and I want to see it up soon. --Old meme 09:33, 14 June 2011 (PDT)

  • Holy crap, thanks for reminding me dude. Alec's suggestion is kinda lame, too wordy - "Alternate interpretations of Sonichu characters" (I think he might have misunderstood me), I think "Asperchu parodies" might work. Man, I am awful at procrastination, lol. --Champthom 19:05, 14 June 2011 (PDT)
  • It's up now, and looking good. Thanks for sorting everything out Champ. Now to get to work on another merged page about Chris's shitty transformers. This will take a while. --Old meme 08:07, 17 June 2011 (PDT)
  • Oh, and while I'm here, a couple of weeks ago I decided to rewrite the Sonichu (game) page. I only just realised after looking back on it that I subconsciously created another merged page while doing so. I condensed Pokémon: Lightning Version, Sonichu Adventure and Sonichu Advance into that one page. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but take a look at it and fix it as you see fit. I didn't even know until now that I did that. --Old meme 08:17, 17 June 2011 (PDT)


Don't worry about it. I'm just sorry I wasn't online to see it sooner. Freecell (t/c) 08:31, 26 May 2011 (PDT)

Glad I was able to help since I missed the show. Griffintown 17:12, 26 May 2011 (PDT)

I suck donkey balls

I was trying to upload a new version of this file and make it into this file so I could use it in an article. Somewhere down the line, I fucked up. The first one now displays the old image in file mode and the new image as a thumb on article pages, while the new one has a fucked up name that I think was automatically assigned when I tried to upload a new version of the other one. Please fix this for me? kthnx. --Old meme 14:50, 21 June 2011 (PDT)

Check out this shit

I feel it's getting to the point where I'm just spamming with the ammount of times I keep asking you to look at a new article in my sandbox. Regardless, you said you wanted me to have a look at maybe rewriting the templates for the sagas and the like. I plan on doing so, along with a few other templates while I'm at it, but I am on my third sandbox already and I think making a fourth would be pushing it at this point. Even if I wasn't though, I think now would be a good time to show them to you because I am just about done. I'm awaiting Freecell's revisions for some of them, but he's taking a while and I'm sure whatever problems he would find, you would also. Anyway, here's the first. It's a reworking of the Samurai Pizza Bots page and it merges Prower and Armoraxe into it as well, so we have a page on the entire team instead of a few pages on some of them. The second one is a rewrite of the Decepti-Clone article, which has a bad name anyway because Decepti-Clone is the name for evil robots in general, but the page is about S.A.V.s. In my revision, I merged the original page with Jerkop Punislav and Crackder so it's actually about Decepti-Clones in general rather than just one type. I would suggest the name of the actual title for this page be Decepti-Clones plural. Just sayin'. Sandbox 3 is just a rewrite of Sarah Hammer, but I sandboxed it instead of just rewriting the article as normal because I also merged Queen of the Cherokian Clan into it, because she is literally a one panel character with no more importance at all. Anyway, I'm submitting all of these for approval, and I promise you that after this and the Sonichu (game) mergings are over, I'll stop merging so much shit and creating more work for you for a while. I'll take a break and work on those templates instead. --Old meme 06:21, 24 June 2011 (PDT)

  • Dude, I have bad news for you - I am the world's worst procrastinator. I put off EVERYTHING until the last minute, so if I don't reply to your message right away, that's probably because I'm on the Internet dicking around. I also work at night and sleep during the day most of the week, so on those days I maybe get to check the CWCki for 10, 15 minutes and that's mostly to see if anyone has been vandalizing. Anyways, your articles - your first one, on the Samurai Pizza Bots is pretty alright. My only complaint is the tone, it's rather informal. Now mind you, I don't mind that tone sometimes and I think some articles get away with it but I know that some people prefer a more formal tone and I believe their argument has merit. I have the next few days off, I'll see what I can do to critque your article and give you some ways to improve it. Your Decepti-Clones article seems better than the one we have, but I'll give it another look, it has a lot of details from the comic that I need to refresh to see the context (the later comics I mostly skimmed because Chris stopped giving a shit at that point). I really need to wait on seeing the Sarah Hammer article, that is yours versus the one we have as I don't want to get the two confused. Like I said, I can critque your articles for you. You don't have to work on those templates or the saga stuff if you don't want to, I usually say that when people ask "Why don't we have x?" I say "Because you haven't made it yet!" You're obviously a very dedicated wiki editor which I like and I expect great things from you, just keep up the good work and bear with me.--Champthom 07:42, 24 June 2011 (PDT)
    • I appreciate it Champ. I'm only on here a few days a week anyway, I figure while I am I may as well fix things up. No need to rush anything here, I can wait. There are plenty of other articles I could be working on that don't require the sandbox. Plus Freecell still needs to make his edits before this is moved to the main namespace. I'll take the formality thing into consideration and see if I can make the article a bit more serious when I do the spellchecking. And honestly, I do want to give the templates an overhaul. Some of them are laughably outdated compared to some of the articles using them. I think Dethchemist was actually working on some templates too, but I don't know if he still is or not. Either way, leave me a message on my talk page when you get around to reading the stuff, and I'll make the appropriate corrections. --Old meme 09:22, 24 June 2011 (PDT)