11032009 Preface to Rescuing Kacey
11032009 Preface to Rescuing Kacey is a video Ian Brandon Anderson uploaded on 3 November 2009.
[Radio playing in background. Station identification followed by Eddie Money's "Take Me Home Tonight."]
The following presentation is for-- is for ka-- is for my-- is for my girlfriend Kacey. How ya doin', girl? I love you. Hm.
Anyway uh, [moves camera back a little bit] I had a few technical difficulties with the ma- during the making the following video. Like, uh, you know. I only got two hands. And, you know, had to handle multiple controllers. And boyosos some official (?) static between the DVD burner, and the uh, television. But at least the final result ended clean. Alright, so, anyway, enjoy the fin-- enjoy this because you know, it's about as-- it's about good as the-- as drawing the comic. Drawing the comic pages.
Let's see that copycat one-at this-- one-up this one! Hm! [glasses removal] Love you Kacey. I'm thinking of you.
[Sudden extreme closeup as Ian kisses the camerOHGODGETITAWAY]