Talk:Virgin with rage

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To do

  • add references to the phrase "virgin with rage" in Chris's works
  • note how he associates violence with sex (he's a "virgin with rage", sex is described in "gory" details, etc.)
  • Also how he masturbates or how he drew that picture of Megan to quell violent urges so he doesn't "fly off the handle." --Champthom 06:12, 8 June 2009 (CEST)
  • Another thing Chris stole, that line about hormones slam banging is from the first episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Good job Chris, you can't even be a horny creep without stealing something. Admiral Klank 20:37, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

Views on virginity

In my opinion, the section could be expanded with statements Chris made about virginity in general and the properties he connects with losing one's virginity.

  • He stated several times that just about everyone else loses their virginity in their teens, seemingly unaware of reality and statitics regarding this, for example that 4% of Americans will die a virgin or that 10% of males leaving higher education are still virgins, not to mention about 1 in 3 18-year olds of both sex. He might be simply unaware of this, ignore statistics in his self-centered view or because of the implication that he most likely will be one of the 4%(unless he goes to a prostitute).
  • This page could also be linked to the one where he describes his fantasy-scenario of losing it to PandaHalo.
  • He also implies that experiencing the "Power of Sex" will instantly transform his character, as he justifies his poor social skills regarding chatting up woman with "How should I know, I'm a Virgin" in the VivitheG-chat. There are probably more references of this kind out there.
  • He probably also thinks that it would prove him being hetero. Some people on the autism spectrum experience difficulties identyfying their gender preferences unless they had some kind of physical evidence (I just read of a case of a sexually deviant autist who was sexually assaulted by an older man he regarded as a father figure and therefore concluded he had to be bisexual).

Actually, that would also explain his staunt view on male homosexuality to some extent, because he can not be entirely sure of his sexual identity unless there is something to "prove" it, also evidenced by his "I'm heterosexual" video. I just want to know your opinions before including and referency stuff.Miela 13:17, 24 July 2010 (UTC)

On Chris touching Megan

There are a couple of needed citations about which specific parts of Megan's anatomy Chris inappropriately touched. It is entirely possible that Chris touched both Megan's hair and Megan's shoulder without her consent.

What supports the notion of Chris touching Megan's hair is this mail by Megan. There she states: "The way you went off on Nina because she patted me on the head was very rude and uncalled for. Just because someone else has made physical contact with me doesn't give you the authority to do so". It could be assumed from this that Chris, at some point, tried to mimic Nina by patting Megan on the head.

What supports the notion of Chris touching Megan's shoulders is this mail by Megan. There she states: "So PLEASE don't touch me anymore ok? I don't like it! And last wed you really had me pinned against the wall". What comes to mind when thinking about someone pinning someone else against a wall is for the first person to put his hands in the other person's shoulder area. However, given Chris's weight and clumsiness, it can be argued that he pinned her without the need of using his hands.

The notion of touching her shoulders can also be supported by Lucas' response: "He was constantly putting his arm around her and shit and it got to the point where she would take refuge in the midst of our group of bros". Given the relative height between Megan and Chris it is possible that he put his arm around her and rested his hand on her shoulder. Once again, given Chris's peculiar body language and general clumsiness this can't be taken as fact.

So, even thought it is quite probable that Chris touched Megan in those specific spots, it can't be demonstrated as fact given the sources available. I would recommend to rephrase the sentence to a more general description of his inappropriate touching and add Chris's attempt to kiss Megan. --Galford 18:32, 12 January 2012 (PST)

  • O.o --Shefap2 15:59, 13 January 2012 (PST)

Virgin No More?

Is there any way we can confirm this? I mean, on the one hand, holy shit. On the other, it's something so farfetched and shocking that it just doesn't seem possible! I mean, yes, we got a Facebook page, but that could easily be faked. --Blazer 10:13, 12 April 2012 (PDT)

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was just another one of Chris' plans to stop the trolls, hoping that we'll stop picking on him once he's a true and honest non virgin. I mean really what are the chances of Chris getting laid and by a Cherokee at that; the thing he's been sperging over since god knows when? --Gustofwind 20:29, 12 April 2012 (PDT)

The update regarding his "partner" informing him of how good his "large" penis felt should be an immediate red flag. --ItLurksInTheWalls 20:43, 12 April 2012 (PDT)

According to some links to Cogsdev's twitter... Chris paid a prostitute about $250 to have sex with him (according to Cogsdev's sources/contacts). If Cogsdev says it's true... it's probably true...SO, that leaves us with the probably that Chris has finally lost his virginity... but it was to a prostitute, and I'm pretty sure that's cheating.--4Macie 20:58, 12 April 2012 (PDT)

A $250 hooker? Jeez, it must have been a mess down there.

It may have been a hack

Apparently 45 minutes ago Chris Chan via his PS Vita released a statement on how trolls said he bought a hooker.

I completely agree with this. The fact that Chris is so "It put the last guy to shame" and especially the "We hit it off and exchanged numbers". Oh brother, I'm amazed he didn't resort to the "We were pre-ordering LittleBigPlanet" story yet again, a la Chloe.

In a week, no doubt this will be just another bogus lie thought up by Chris. --The World Is Yours 08:34, 13 April 2012 (PDT)

  • It was not a lie. When Chris lied about Chloe, he was lying to all of his trolls. Why would he lie to his circle of friends? Furthermore, Cogs confirms that the screencaps uploaded by Jimmy Jazz are legit.--MoarLurk 08:40, 13 April 2012 (PDT)

Chris has no real friends and he knows the trolls keep up with his Facebook. Either way, I'll believe it when I see more solid proof, right now it's just all speculation.

Not like it matters anyway; any idiot can go hire a whore; though my congrats that he obviously found one absolutely dedicated to her job, if bought all that BS she was spouting. And even touching Chris, let alone fucking him; she should get a medal. Though, with this new screencap with him screaming that it wasn't a prostitute, then sorry, that screams BS to me.

So Chris just met a random stranger who wanted to fuck him and they "hit it off". Uh huh, sure. I'm more willing to believe the hooker story, not a normal girl; at least not one without severe metal retardation. --The World Is Yours 08:46, 13 April 2012 (PDT)

  • Please read my post again. I said all images uploaded by Jimmy Jazz are legit. By that, I mean only the initial announcement and Chris's witch hunt through his friends list are real. The third one was deleted after being uploaded, as it is fake. Furthermore, Cogs has confirmed that everything Jimmy uploaded is legit. This should be all the proof you need. Chris did in fact purchase a hooker and have sex. The only thing you should speculate about is whether or not he shat himself in the process.--MoarLurk 08:53, 13 April 2012 (PDT)

Why are we assuming that Chris is telling the truth?

He has lied about his first sexual encounter before. Remember "Chloe?" --DawnDusk 08:57, 13 April 2012 (PDT)

If you read above, Cogs tweeted that he bought a hooker.