CWC AC: City Folk Update

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Christian announces that a deal has been made with Nintendo of America to introduce Sonichu and Rosechu as characters in the new Animal Crossing: City Folk game, although he seems to believe that early versions of these characters have somehow escaped into the internet.

He then segues into the real big news, which is that Shigeru Miyamoto is also working with him to produce Sonichu video games, on the condition that he makes edits to his comics to remove references to real people and eliminate his fake advertisements. Christian is king of the world right here and you can hardly tell that this is the same person who was so totally crushed by the trolls on September 11 and October 21.



Captain's Log, Stardate January 6th, 2009.

For the loyal Sonichu fan base, I have an important announcement. [clears throat] For those of you who own a Nintendo Wii and the Animal Crossing: City Folk game, you'll be interested to know: Sonichu and Rosechu, actual villagers, coming to your town, February 24th, 2009--my twenty-seventh birthday. So, uh, yeah. Although there was an accidental, er, there was an accidental where one or two might have picked, uh, up a early version of Sonichu, but, uh, y'know, turn off your WiiConnect24 so he doesn't get away. Turn off your WiiConnect24. And, uh, also with that [clears throat] I am als--I am definitely in talks, uh, aside from the Nintendo associate who I've b--who has informed me about the Animal Crossing deal, as was, uh, la--as well as their lawyer of--the lawyer of Nintendo of America, who I will not reveal their names, keep them...s-quiet there.

If--if--if everybody po--if everybody who owns a Wii...c-continues to, uh, continues to praise Sonichu and Rosechu and the franchise, then we can definitely begin talks of actually making the video game! And hopefully I can make--and y'know, I mean, Pokemon: Lightning Version, we can see if we can get that on DS and, uh, Game Boy Advance version of Sonichu's Adventure, but also y'know, I'm willing to [clears throat] go ma-multiplatform between Sonichu's Adventure, or--and as well as, uh, Christian Weston Chandler's Adult Chronicles, y'know, just a couple of video games idea--if not, at least they'll be on DS and Wii, the Sonichu Adventure. Yeah. So, uh, y'know, between the Wii and the DS and PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3--never on Hex Bawx.

But, uh, that doesn't mean, don't go ahead, trade in your old Hex Bawx if you already have one and you're enjoying it. [clears throat] Because I do not mean to, uh, put down personally anybody who owns a He--who owns an Xbox 360 or original Xbox. I mean, y'know, in my humble opinion...I just don't care much for it. But, uh, I'll let y'all worry about it--your own opinons, so...don't hate me because I hate the Hex Bawkx...

[jump cut]

Also, another topic of, uh, interest that I feel I should, uh, mention. Because of, uh--upon the lawyer's suggestion, as well as, uh, Mister Miyamoto, who has he--who has he had been talk--he has been in talk with, I have, uh, I am, uh, working on the, uh, edits among the comics, y'know, with name changes of some of the characters, 'cause they'r--some of them are based on real life but most are not--and also I had to, uh, talk with the, uh, lawyer, and, uh, sort out which were, uh, rel--which were most relative to S-to Sonichu himself and the franchise, as well as, uh, those that are only relative to me and my person, and those that were not relative to either one. So, but, y'know, I found between the, uh, first eight com--the first nine, zero to eight--all those comic books, are definitely relative for, y'know, linking past...references in the Sonichu adventure stories. Just past references, like y'know, especially the origins, and, uh, you know...the short adventures I had between the Electric Hedgehogs over there and those among those, and such.

But other than that, uh, y'know, the fake advertisements I thought up, y'know, just to--just to fill the void, just to make it more comic-book-like, definitely, uh, most--I--I--only a few, only a few of which were not relative to Sonichu franchise, like you know, you know, couple of ads that I--I think there was like only three that I found, only three--the Axe, the Got Milk, and the MySpace advertisements that I thought up. But, you know, not canon. And, uh, also, a few name placements among the--in the comic series, uh, I will definitely be, uh...changing those as well. But that's, uh, within the--that's, uh, I'll take care of all that within this week. And y'know, that's just a simple edit the JPEG, and reuploading it! Simple enough.

[jump cut]

Main topic, I'm getting off track here. Sonichu and Rosechu, in Animal Crossing: City Folk, for Nintendo Wii! And also, make sure--and also, I have imported my Chris character from Wild World, into the Wii. And y'know, I'm just getting started in City Folk, and, uh, I will be, uh, puttin' out the, uh, friend code, at least to a select few at first, and I may expand to, uh, more beyond that. And y'know, just to let y'all see what I did with my Wiimote and Nunchuk...look, Sonichu colors. And I painted silver C's around the "Wii," y'know, make it more like "CWIIC!" and then, y'know, just keepin' it C.W.C. there. OK! So...on my bir--on my twenty-seventh birthday, officially, Sonichu and Rosechu become villagers in Animal Crossing: City Folk. So, enjoy, continue to make Sonichu and Rosechu very popular and praise him very much; then we can get the games made. All right! That's about it for now. Have a good day.