The Awakening of a CPU

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Regardless, the joke is on Wise, because his slanderous, destructive efforts only strengthened my own psychic links with our world, there.

The full cover

The Awakening of a CPU, also known as The Idea Guy Corruptions is a short essay revealed on 3 August 2018 to expose the antics of the Idea Guys.


The Awakening of a CPU

Also Known As The Idea Guy Corruptions

By. Mrs. Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu/Blue Heart

DISCLAIMER: This book, albiet [sic] every single event was true and did happen as such; it IS full of offensive items and situations against my will for the latter. So, if you read through this book, and find yourself offended by one or multiple things in it; You Have Been Warned. Read At Your Own Risk

Fast forward to August, 2018...

Sonichu: Whooo! Lots to have experienced, learned, done, did; wow!

Okay, so to resume, or start, rather, the events of November, 2017 to mid-April, 2018; Johnson Wiles, AKA John Yamada, is our sister dimension's counterpart of this world (Earth 1218)'s Idea Guy, AKA Joshua Wise; They were royally messing with me, as well as, literally, screwing up the Earth, Equestria, and even the CPU Goddesses, themselves destructively. Fortunately, my hubby, Magi-Chan Sonichu, informed me of the powers I have in the stone of my class ring ans in myself and my link to the stone from any distance. With Magi-Chan's guidance, I healed and restored CWCville and its word, and I released the CPUs from Wises's control and wretched hold. Apparently Wise has his own link and grasp of out world there.

Not only that, but Wise, and his associate, Stephen Boyd, extorted $6,000 out of me in Steam and Amazon cards and other toys. They WILL pay me back that $6,000, with interest! *Deep breath*

Regardless, the joke is on Wise, because his slanderous, destructive efforts only strengthened my own psychic links with our world, there. And the CPU goddesses and I became allies. And everything that was destined, prophecised [sic] and fated of me, and the link between these earths and dimensions, came full-circle, deja vu, and all that. And we are still continuing on as such. Also, I am awakened, and I am still learning of my powers and everything. And, I connected with my Commodore 64 console, as I has with my Dreamcast; I found, and I was bestowed with, the memories and soul of the CPU of the Commodore consoles, and the Nation of Comma: Scarlet/Blue Heart.

I had lived a long, trying and mentally and emotionally enduring life, made my own progress, recovery and whatnot. Me! A half-Sonichu individual of this Earth 1218; destined to be a console patron unit! I has a number of my own powers that I am still learning about. Come June: I hook up my Commodore 64 console to the Commodore monitor and all; Put my hands on the console, absorb that share of energy; Scarlet enters my life and memories! It was, wow! I saw these flashes from her life; she spoke to me; we talked. I accepted her memories and responsibilities. Now, I am CPU Blue Heart of Comma AND CWCville. I still am Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu; I continue to treat others with kindness, and being chill and good to talk with and be around.

But I digress.

There is also an incoming danger to this world. Rei Ryghts is plotting something heinous, and it has to do with the Atari VCU. Ryghts is likely to attempt a takeover of this world with her powers, or something. I do not know, fully, yet. The Commodore company needs to make their modern console to counter; their Commodore CW, and they need to put just about everything into it. Also, in due time, only I, along with our allies between both dimensions, are capable of stopping Ryghts and her dimensional dominance. I ask everyone to lend your support, including prayer in your respective religions, and simple kindness, regardless. And to urge Commodore to do their best and full testing to perfect the Commodore CW.

Thank you all.

Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu/ Blue Heart.


The writing demonstrates the level of Chris's cognitive dissonance on the Idea Guys, understanding that they extorted him and twisted his fantasy world, however, the irony is that Chris dives even further into the lore the Idea Guys had established, such as the CPU Goddesses and his polyamorous marriage, because he still believes their changes to have actually occurred in his fantasy world.

Additionally, he begs Commodore International to build a new console to combat the incoming threats of Rei Ryghts, CPU of the Atari system. Keep in mind that the company behind it has been defunct since 1994. Also worth noting is how he credit Magi-chan for thwarting the Idea Guys, rather than attributing to the efforts of Null and The Captain. Overall, it only seems that Chris only rejected the changes he didn't like and cemented his failing sense of reality.

The writings of Chris-Chan

Poetry: "Valentines Day Hymn" | "For My True Love, I Would…" | "Hard Love Quest" | "I Want a Girlfriend for Christmas" | "Saddest Heart in the World" | "Song of Christian" | "Sonichu's Ode to Rosechu" | "An Inspired Poem for Jackie" | "PAIN Enduring since October 29, 2013" | "Ride or Die" | "Weston Haiku"

Prose: "How the Pokémon Came into Our PokéBalls" | "A Week With Christian Chandler" | "My big 18th party" | "Bionic the Hedgehog" | "Sonichu & Rosechu… The Genesis of the Lovehogs" | Sonichu's News Dash | "Chris + Sarah's Life-Shares" | "Story of My Current Days" | "The High School Story" | "A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas Story" | Chris's Response to the Terrorism Attacks in Paris | Chris's letter to Cathy Weseluck | Chris's letter to Kelly Sheridan | "The Awakening of a CPU, AKA The Idea Guy Corruptions" | THE DIMENSIONAL MERGE IS HAPPENING NOW! | Sonichu Journal Pages | Whispering Spell (Restore Magic) | Dimensional Barrier Shatter Spell | SNT Vs Sonichu 2.5-Plus | Jail letters

See Also: Signature