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< User:Gh0$tr1d3r
Revision as of 08:21, 26 August 2020 by Gh0$tr1d3r (talk | contribs) (Passive Observer)
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When people first hear of Chris, they will become interested or facsinated. While some will evolve into White Knights, A-Logs, Enablers, or Weens, there are those who choose to keep their distance from Chris and don't want to be a negative influence on him.

These people are what we call "passive-observers".

To become a passive observer, you have to meet all of the following requirements:

1. You don't want to be a negative influence on Chris. You are fully aware that his mental health is feeble and his grasp on reality is tenuous. 2. You don't want to defend Chris, because you are fully aware that Chris is not an innocent victim and he is beyond help. 3. You don't want to express hatred for Chris, because you are aware that this makes you no better than Chris. If you do hate Chris, you are wise enough to keep those feelings of hate to yourself. 4. You don't want to finance Chris in any way, this also includes buying from him. You are fully aware that not only is Chris an unreliable seller, financing Chris means enabling and further fueling his coping fantasies. 5. You have no desire to "troll" or annoy Chris. You are fully aware that this not only is most likely to fail, its also extremely pathetic and often comes back to bite you. 6. You keep your distance from Chris.