CWC is Sad

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Revision as of 03:11, 11 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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CWC is sad (Officially 11112009) is a video uploaded on 10 November 2009. In which Chris cries over Liquid and Kacey's marriage. He shows an intense amount of stress. He's also understanding and calm witch is quite strange from someone who draw a comic explicitly showing himself shooting his unarmed romantic rival barely days ago. This is obviously an attempt at sympathy from Kacey.

It would seem Chris has bought a new PSEye, as the reduced picture quality is more in line with the videos filmed with that camera rather than the one he started using in For Kacey II, and there are no skips in the video.



[Close up on Chris's face. His expression is grim, and he sighs before beginning to speak.]

Well, Kacey, I...just letcha know...because you hung up when I was, was trying to say it...

[A short intake of breath - he is trying not to cry.]

I'm sorry for hurting you and mistraying you, but, is, is a lot, it's some...I's...I say with honest truth...but, you know, it's fun...

[Chris chokes back another sob.]

If you feel your Chris will make you happy, it's fine. Congratulations on your wedding. I wish you and Chris all happiness in the world. I'll say... [sob] I'll say a prayer for you, for a lovely wedding and a safe honeymoon...

[Chris sniffles repeatedly, followed by several sighs, obviously on the verge of breaking down.]

At least I care about you, Kacey. You mean...a lot to me. [sniffle] For more...more than just a friend. You have every right to be happy.

[Another long pause, sniffles, sighs.]

I guess I'll see you around, or talk to you again or...I guess.

[Chris sings briefly.]

It's another day...

But anyway, take care of yourself. Stay safe. God bless you. You're a sweet gentle caring person, tender loving care, Katey. I love you.

[Chris looks up and away, and the video ends.]