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This article will act as a namespace for the misinformation variant of the "Unreliable" template, explaining what kind of misinformation was once on the subject's respective articles, as well as on other websites.


GiBi did not redact a phone number when showing screenshots (under red censor bar; screenshot was uncensored in his video). The number allegedly belonged to the Suitress. This was the basis for much speculation.

GiBi, a semi-popular Christuber would attempt to make a daily series regarding the Incest Saga of Christory. He would consult several conflicting sources for information regarding the act, one of which was Bella, who was already framing the Suitress as being the voice in the incest call. Bella would try to convince him that she wasn't "Kelly Osborn", which GiBi kept arguing for, while also leaking the Suitress's phone number in a video. While talking to Bella, he would also attempt to make several comments regarding his findings and get more information on the matter in a megathread about Bela on the Kiwi Farms, reacting to many opossing comments on his findings rather unprofessionally. This predictibly would get him under scrutiny by the Farms.

  • Before the uploading of the infamous video by him where he leaks the Suitress's phone number, GiBi would mention on the Kiwi Farms about getting information on the leaks from a "friend" of his, alongside Bella. The "friend" that GiBi was talking to was presumed to be The WCT. In actuality, the friend was a CCCC user that went under the username "LavenderBonez" on that server, who seemed to be supportive of the Suitress leaking a chunk of the incest call, even going as far as calling her a "hero".[1]
  • The GiBi section of the Orbiter Wave page initially characterized his leaking of the Suitress's number as intentional from being prompted by Bella's disinformation. The section originally stated that Immediately accepting Bella's story that the entire scandal was the fault of the Suitress, he then leaked the Suitress's phone number in one of his videos for thousands to see. It appears to be speculation that there was a link between the phone number leak and Bella's story. The section was also revised to clarify that the leak was in the form of screenshots of text messsages between Bella and the Suitress in which a phone number was not redacted.

Isabella Loretta Janke

There were many instances of misinformation resulting from the chaos around the Incest Call, gossip on Kiwi Farms being taken at face value, and Bella's alleged plots towards Chris.

  • It was initially written that Bella wanted to film Chris having sex with an autistic woman for blackmail purposes. This appears to be a rumor loosely based on two excerpts from the Incest Call, the first in which Bella discusses her friend the Suitress (who held a crush on Chris) and tries to encourage Chris to pursue a relationship with her; and the second in which Bella said she would create a slideshow of romantic stuff between Chris and the Suitress during the Everfree Northwest convention festivities. Bella does not seem to actually state wanting to put any sexual content into the presentation.
  • It was initially written that Bella self-assigned her bodyguard role for Everfree Northwest, however Chris had assigned her the role.[2]
  • It was initially written that Bella had a blackmail plot involving the Incest Call. This appears to be wild speculation.
  • It was once written on the Discord page that Bella was a member of the Official CWCki Server before the call. This was loosely based off a policy on the server where mentioning or talking about her is prohibited, as moderators on the server were notified about harassment on the server, and were concerned of the possiblity that either she or her friends would report the server if they found out that anyone was discussing her.

The Suitress

To many, the Suitress is a much more sympathetic Christorical figure than most, especially when compared to others in more recent years. This is in part due to Bella's attempt to frame her as being responsible for Chris's affair, The WCT having partially revealed her identity, the Christuber GiBi accidentally revealing her phone number during these accusations, as well as being the first to reveal that Chris was having such an affair in the first place. As a result of this, as well as her previously being a well-known Chris fan, great pains were made in the CWCSphere to conceal her identity, including on this website. Ironically, these attempts to conceal her identity, as well as the general need in the community to protect her had led to the unintended result of having her true involvement with Chris very hazy, which led to her motives becoming very difficult to make out.

  • It was a commonly held belief that the Suitress wanted to be Chris's sweetheart. While she had admitted to having an actual crush on him, the Suitress had never actually stated to have a desire to be a sweetheart of his, or to be in a long-term relationship with him. She would claim in texts, however, that she was "fine with the friends with benefits thing" and that Chris considers her his "first real sweetheart".[3] Likewise, Chris would also promise to her in a recording regarding Everfree Northwest to not be enraged at the G5 merchandise that may show up, and state that he "loved" her.
  • It was initially written that the Suitress had been recruited into Bella's Chess Club Discord server. She had actually been invited into a separate server, chess group #15. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft [the Suitress] and CWC", however the actual content was Chess Club and chess group #15 chatlogs.
  • Claims have been made that the Suitress was "institutionalized" or brought to a "mental hospital" following the events of the Incest Call leaks. This rumor seemed to originate sometime after the revelations. This is an overexaggeration of a statement a Kiwi Farms user made regarding an interview he had with one of the Suitress's friends, where he claimed that her parents were thinking of putting her in "inpatient psychiatric care", around the time when her internet privledges were revoked following the leaks.[4]
  • Most important of all, throughout the Incest drama, many people would speculate the exact reason as to why the Suitress had decided to leak calls where Chris admitted to commiting incest, despite her motivations for doing this being very difficult to pinpoint.


One of the primary members of the Watchmen, the WCT had gained infamy as a result of collaborating with Bella.

  • It was initially written that The WCT had been recruited into Bella's Chess Club Discord server. He had actually been invited into a separate server, chess group #15. This error was based on mislabeled folders of Discord server chatlogs which were passed around on Kiwi Farms - the folders were labelled "Chess Club" and "Chess Club ft [the Suitress] and CWC", however the actual content was Chess Club and chess group #15 chatlogs.
