List of Chris-chan videos before 2007

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The following is a list of videos featuring Christian Weston Chandler before 2007.

The only Chris videos we have from this period are from his homemade DVD, which itself is largely a compilation of whatever footage Chris had accumulated between 1994 and 2006. Aside from local news coverage and a school assignment, Chris would make videos using his Game Boy Camera or by recording directly from his GameCube. It would seem he did not own a video camera of any kind until 2004, whereupon he would begin filming himself for contest entries.

This smattering of footage is the best indication that Chris is not a regular person who simply began an elaborate performance art hoax in 2007. In these videos from 1994 to 2006 we see the evolution of the childish, self-absorbed, lonely man who would one day become the global village idiot.

Prior to 2007, Chris produced or appeared in twelve known videos.

Date Title Topics Saga Style Shirt Source Media Description
26 February 1994 Sonic the Hedgehog Watch & Win Sweepstakes Video gamesVideo games TelevisionTelevision AutismAutism RainbowRainbowboy.png Sonichu TelevisionTelevision Local news coverage of Chris's $1000 video game shopping spree, which he won from a 1993 contest on the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.
15 May 1998 Song of Christian AutismAutism Video gamesVideo games HighSchoolHighSchool RageRage TragedyTragedy LeakedLeaked LiveLive Video made for a high school class. Chris, at age sixteen, reads a poem for his class. He fails miserably.
4 June 1998 Mario Kart 64 Lego Raceway Video gamesVideo games LeakedLeaked MachinimaMachinima Chris films a videos series on his Game Boy Camera.
16 October 1999 Chris Chan in the PokéNews Video gamesVideo games SmugSmug PokéShirtPokéShirt Sonichu TelevisionTelevision The local news media do a fluff piece on the rise of Pokémon fandom, and Chris happens to be among the small children playing the game.

12 July 2001 The City of Cwicville Tour! LeakedLeaked MachinimaMachinima Chris films a tour of CWCville on his Game Boy Camera.
22 November 2003 Animal Crossing Documentary Video gamesVideo games WebsiteWebsite ComedyComedy ReasonReason LeakedLeaked MachinimaMachinima Chris spends wastes a whole hour giving tours of his two towns in Animal Crossing.
7 June 2004 The 24th Wedding Anniversary Special Video gamesVideo games ComedyComedy ReasonReason LeakedLeaked MachinimaMachinima Chris makes an anniversary tribute to his two parents in Animal Crossing, providing valuable background on his parents and how they met in a bar.
20 December 2004 So Need a Cute Girl Music Video MusicMusic SexSex TragedyTragedy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt LeakedLeaked LiveLive To promote his Love Quest Chris performs his signature hit, as well as the rare B-side track, "All I Want For Christmas is a Pretty Girlfriend". Earliest known video footage of the Sonichu medallion.
25 December 2004 ChandlerFamilyChristmas2004 OtherUnknownIcon.png TragedyTragedy LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris shows off his Christmas presents with his parents - who both seem outright forlorn, apparently realizing this is how their adult son will act for the rest of his life.
26 December 2004 ChrisAfterChristmas2004 GalpalsGalpals TragedyTragedy LeakedLeaked LiveLive Chris complains that Santa did not bring him an boyfriend-free girl on Christmas.
24 February 2005 Harvey Birdman Commercial TelevisionTelevision ComedyComedy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt Sonichu LiveLive Christian enters an Adult Swim contest to make a commercial for the Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law Vol. 1 DVD set. He calls the character "Harvey Dirdban" before yammering about his Love Quest, Mary Lee Walsh, and Sonichu.
28 November 2006 Pixelated PS3 Video gamesVideo games ComedyComedy Classic ShirtClassic Shirt Sonichu LiveLive Chris enters a Robot Chicken competition, "What would you do for a PS3?" His answer is to forsake a hypothetical cure for autism, and build one out of Legos and PixelBlocks.