Trollsona OCs
26 December 2020
Chris professes his theories on chroniclers of dimensions and individuals. He gives Clyde Cash and other Miscreants-era trolls as examples, then invites server members to share the information on Kiwi Farms.
Chris also tries to convince Kyle that he has dimensional counterparts trying to contact him.
Chris (as Sonichu)
The point that Chris Core was making with all of that last night was that regardless of rather or not a Chronicler/Creator does any work with the dimension(s) they have discovered, that dimension has already existed long before they thought of or discovered it innately. And the quality of how it’s chronicled is not as important as the events that get chronicled that would happen to the individual(s) there already or later on.
And all of you have your respective chronicler(s) as well in one dimension or another, if not in C-197.
Fun fact: You remember Clyde Cash? That OC that was misused to troll Chris?
Well that also implies much less of skills, of course quality matters.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Yeah, Clyde in C-197 actually has chronicled Each and Every individual in 1218 who played as him. And now with recent drawing, he's no longer human, but a really damaged red Sonichu.
"Julay"/BlueSpike chronicled the dude who played as them.
Blanca Weiss and Jiggliami chronicled their hooligans.
List goes on. The trolls who trolled Chris using an OC, the respective OC was chronicling and using them. Put that fact on Kiwi and see how many peoples reevaluate their respective trollsonas/OCs.
Like a retroactive account of their deeds,
Chris (as Sonichu)
It’s more than interesting, Bis.
I like the term trollsona
Relevance as well, seems like a lot of emphasis is more, personal scale and possibly reaching.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Came up with it based on terms like “Fursona” and “Ponysona”.
No shit.
Well, more that it seems to be a blindspot.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Kyle, Kylechu and your scientist-sona; they’re working with you as well.
I did prioritize known factors for staff roles, yes.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Which is another reason why we’ve been telling you to get into Cosmos-linking and astral projecting. Your self-counterparts have done that for themselves, and they can help you get the remaining details you want to answer your questions.
I think the explanation would be wanting in the end, it isn't ad hoc reasoning.
Chris (as Sonichu)
That’s part of that reasoning, but not the entirety of the grand plan.
Especially considering the greater common foes that will be attacking both Earths between both 1218 and C-197 later on.
So, more reason to know more.