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This is a collaborative project. You are free to help me simplify the Manifesto and edit this userpage, if you'd like.

The Lainchu Manifesto, broken down into bullet-points in Simple English.

The Beginning (July 2020 - September 2020)

Summary: Anaxis joins the CWCki Discord Server after becoming a casual observer of the Watchmen, rises through the ranks, and joins the Watchmen. After Naught had invited Chris into the CWCki Discord, Klop bans Chris, and creates a separate server where users can ask Chris questions, though the server got raided before any plans were set in place. Klop, deciding he didn't want to get involved with the Watchmen or the drama involved with running the CWCki server, transferred the Lainchu role to Anaxis.
  • Anaxis began casually observing Chris in 2016, and took time reading the CWCki and watching the Geno Samuel Documentary. He became a far more active member of the CWCsphere following the creation of the Discord server, where he began engaging with other people.

Arrival of the Watchmen

  • A month into his time on the server, Anaxis met the Watchmen.
    • Anaxis met Naught when he released a large amount of leaks regarding Chris in 2020.
    • Anaxis eventually would become the modstaff of the server after being very active on there.
  • Chris, still roleplaying as Sonichu, arrived on the Discord server after Naught invited him on there, and Chris got subsequently banned after making only three posts when it was deemed against the philosophy of not interacting with him.
  • Klop, the server's owner at the time, created cwc frens as a place to ask questions to Chris directly after the ban.
    • Before the setup of the server could be finished, and before Chris could arrive on it, weens have raided the server, leading to Klop transferring ownership of the server to Naught. The server was closed a month later. At the same time, the ownership of the CWCki server was also transferred from Klop.
  • Klop also gave up his role as Lainchu, and transferred it over to Anaxis.

Joining the Watchmen

Becoming Lainchu

The Days of Prosper (September 2020 - December 2020)

The Approaching Storm (January 2021 - February 2021)

Breaking Point (February 2021)

The Turbulent Period (February 2021 - March 2021)

The Days of Quiet (March 2021 - June 2021)

The Power Shift (June 2021)

Twilight of Christory (June 2021 - July 2021)

The Merge Begins (July 2021 - August 2021)

The Aftermath (August 2021 - August 2023)