Shout out to Fans in Hospital

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"Shout out to Fans in Hospital" (officially "12242009 - Shout out to Fans in Hospital..MOV") is a video uploaded on 24 December 2009 where Chris gives a shout out to to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who in 1999 perpetrated one of America's deadliest school shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.

Official description: [none]



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Greeting my fans. [Inaudible] Captain's Log, but more of a shoutout. I just recieved... eh... a message in the mailbag and I feel like it's appropriate. Ya know, a couple of Sonichu... couple of my fans, uh, wanted to go to a high school in New Mexico by the names of Dylan and Eric. They have just been in a terrible car accident and they are in the hospital right now. So listen to them, Dylan and Eric, Dylan and Eric

[gives a thumbs up]

Stay Strong. You'll put through. It's just a small asmiment (sic). [takes glasses off] You'll be ok.

[Brief pause]

Hey, stick around. You got a lot.. you got a lot..a lot to look forward too. And plus your family and your friends need you [Dramatically puts glasses back on]

Anyway, I appreciate ya'lls..uh.. patronating everything. And I saw... wish to.. everyone.. and Dylan and Eric.. a Merry Christmas [gives a peace sign barely visible to the camera] And happy Ha- Haunakka, Chaunkka, all the other holidays to everybody of other religions.

[Quick wave and brief pause]

Okay, alright. Everybody take care and Dylan and Eric... get well soon.