KCWC Top 10 Dedication Special

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Part 1, #10


[Note: All sound effects are done with Chris's voice.]

[Chris makes some random sound effects while holding the KCWC advertisement from Sonichu 8]

[Normal voice] Yes. Yes yes. Yes, what is it?

[Starts with a squeaky voice, but quickly returns to normal] A man wants to know what to do for info-mation. Why call us, it's on the dial: information. You heard him.

[Lame drum roll] Quiet, we're on the air.

[Pause, then chimes, then a cluck.]

[Creepily] Hello, everyboooody. We just brought the moon over the mountain.

[Squeaky] Hello ma, hello pa. [The rest is unintelligible.]

[Interrupting himself] Quiet. [Gay voice] Dis broadcast is being brought to you by the courtesy of Bright-o, in six delicious flavors. Chocolate, vanilla, cranberry, strawberry, and raspberry. [Yes, that was only five.]

[Squawks. Squeaky] It's still raspberry. Ehhhhh. Oh no! [Whooping noise] Now kitty queer-o sake again. Are you listening? V-v-v-voom v-v-v-voom.

[Drunkenly] Hey gedatta here. [Gay voice] Now don't go away ladies and gentlemen. We will soon be with you. [Really, really gay] Zheeem! Boom. Cuckoo.

[Whispers, barely audibly] Da orrist. [Three chimes.] Boop!

[Crappy opening tune. Sings.] It's time to open that radio station. It's that cool radio station. Here it is, station KCWC. And here is your hoooost with the moooost, Jamsta Sonichu

Good evening-good orning guys, gals, dudes of all ages. This is your host, Jamsta Sonichu. Everybody he-here everybody heh. Station KCWC, with my co-host Lolisa Rosechu. But for the moment we will be taking you live to Christian Chandler's bedroom. Take it away, Mr. C.

[Jump cut to Chris sitting on his bed]

Thank you Jamsta. Yes this is [takes off glasses] Christian Weston Chandler, birth name Christopher. Born on February 24, 1982. Ri-coming to you live from the house in Ruckersville, Virginia, that reaches from the beaches to the shore. Everdear on everythang KCWC. And today we will be offering a special dedication. It's our top ten dedications to some of the young, inspiring people out there. Uh, even some that may have passed away unfortunately, God rest in peace for those individuals. But anyway, we will be doing our top den dedications.

Originally for #10 we were going to do "Drops of Jupiter" from T-uh, from uh... "Drops of Jupiter" from Train I think it was, for this individual named Max Molvania. [Suddenly angry] But you know what this son of a bitch conned me out of Disgaea 3, Street Fighter 4, and Burnout Paradise full game, DLC, between those first two games and whatnot, from the Playstation Network, as stored from me in the first place so [Farting noise] to him... And also impersonated the woman that I th-d-thought for a long time the person was.

Anyway, so instead, we will be doing th-our-for our #10, as for our first inspirational song, we will be doing this dedication for all upcoming young artists of, uh, hand-drawing speculations [makes gesture in the air] or handcrafting or whatever. [Touches medallion] Handcraft. Anyway. Anyway, we will be doing, this is for, like, you know, for all them, as well as any individuals, within any schools - every single school - who I know gets bullied or tortured nadata, as well as those on the internet who get bullied and tortured by the dang internet bullies and trolls. Dis song is for y'all. It's "Dare" from Stan Bush.

[Jump cut to Optimus Prime toy as "Dare" plays.]

[Jump cut back to Chris. He takes off his glasses.]

Ah, yes, Mr. Stan Bush with an inspirational word for us never to let our dreams die. The power's at our command. [Holds up his hand] We hold the future in our hands [points to head] the little voice inside us tellises to lash around, but we press on anyway.

Anyway, before we move on to song #9, we have to take a brief break for to let the commercials air. First, the word from our sponsor, the "I Love Lucy" show. We love you Lucy O'Ball.

[Holds up KCWC advertisement again. Talks in a falsetto.] Hello friends, I'm da Vitameatavegimin girl. Hey ta, run down lislis. Do you wayla parties? Are you popular? Get ya all da brothels in Lucy O'Barno. Vitameatavegimin. Vitameatavegimin contains vitamins, meat, veg-et-ables and minerals. Yes, with Vitameatavegimin, you can spun your way to hell. Just take one tablespoon full after every meal. It's so tasty too. Mmm, tastes like candy. So why not join the thousands of happy cappy people and get a big bottle full of Vitameatavegimin tomorrow. That's Vita-meata-vegimin.

Part 2, #9 and 8

Part 3, #7

Part 4, #6 and 5

4:50 Chris dedicates the song to his younger self, saying that Christopher lives on inside of him and his blue eye.

5:20 Chris talks about his time in the Boy Scouts while wearing a yellow neckerchief. He reveals that he was kicked out because he was autistic and the world loves to play kick the autistic.

Part 5, #4

Part 6, #3

Part 7, #2

Part 8, #1