Twin Falling Towers

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Revision as of 01:35, 2 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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Twin Falling Towers is a video uploaded on 1 November 2009. In this video, Chris proves he's an insensitive bastard by mocking the fucking terror attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11 all in his plan to blackmail Clyde. This not only proves us that Clyde Cash stay unfazed by Chris's previous intimidation attempts but the fact that Chris himself is a morally corrupt loon. No-one in their right mindset would DARE using the tragedy linked to the twin towers to advance a personal vendetta. This video might even lead him in a personal, real-life game of Kick the Autistic with any member of the "Semper Fi" Brotherhood.


This video was put in the Comedy category. Good job, Chris.


[Close up on an image of the World Trade Center before its destruction. Fragments of another image, too indistinct to recognize, are visible through the silhouette of the towers. Laid over the image is a pointing cursor -- we are looking at a picture displayed on a computer screen.]

Well now, Mister Clyde...your toime and rutches...your fame and fortune shall fall just like these twin towers! They go crumbling down, with an airplane!

[Chris moves the cursor towards the "towers."]

Nyerrrrrrr! Pffff!

[Chris wiggles the cursor around the "towers" to give the impression that they have exploded.]

You are weeeeeeeak! I'm the strong wunnnnnn! You are going down Mister Clyde Cash! Gnrrrrrr!

See also

Chris and death