That Goatee WILL Grow Back

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Christian Weston Chandler - It Took Me Weeks to Perfect that Goatee, but it WILL Grow Back is a video from 31 July 2009, in which Chris tries to go back to his old self to address concerns that he's an impostor based on the fact he doesn't wear his medallion, striped shirts, and having a goatee.

In it, Chris fails at shaving while Lift Up Your Eyes by Youth Alive plays in the background for emotional effect.

If Chris was smart, he would have use shaving cream, but because he's Chris he will have to put up with razor burn for the next two weeks.



Chris seems to be speaking at the beginning of the video, but his words are inaudible- all we can hear is a song called "Lift Up Your Eyes" by a Christian church music group, "Planetshakers."

I see heaven before me Angels passing around me Here i stand in awe of your beauty Captured by your holiness

Lift up your eyes All of heaven's in worship Angels rejoice and the clouds will be filled With the wonder of your name With the wonder of your name

The train of his robe fills the temple with glory Heavenly hosts fall before him in worship Crying holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty

Holy, holy holy is the Lord God Almighty