The 24th Wedding Anniversary Special

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A video Chris made on the 24th anniversary of Bob and Barb on 07 June 2004. Provides a valuable background to Chris's parents and how they met in a bar.

Part 1

And this Chinese Lion here, that's [because] he's been to Korea, for war and World War Two, I believe it was


Hi Mom and Dad, how're you doing? This is my lil' present for y'all. Hello! Documentary for y'all, here in Animal Crossing, a nice lil' game, for you, about how y'all were, and how you are now and so forth. So take a trip back in time, won't you, as we explore, uh, how each of you were.

Of course, first we'll travel back in time tooo.. The time of good ol' Robert Franklin Chandler Jr. He was a hip youngster back in his day, and, uhh, all that stuff he--was--he fought in the war, he likes splitting cardboard card (?) and stuff. Let's take a look inside his château, and, uhh, see what describes him as him.

He collects records, and he's got lots of 'em and he's got so many shelves. He likes.. Caller record case (?).. Yeah.. Anyway let's see, uh, he likes to, uh, make models and.. He likes trains. This is a train model set. Got this guy a cute lil' tunnel.. Yeah.. And you know, people didn't have it [television] back then but he likes it now. He likes to sit back and watch television. Like I say, he likes scale models. And here's a good model.. A rocket.. Yeah.. He was a technical engineer over at, uh, General Electric Company. God he (?) designed the remote for plastic modelling machines, so without him, you couldn't have a plastic for, uhh, say of the toy train here.. Yes.

Also Bob went around the world a bit. One place, he went to New York, see there's the Statue of Liberty there [referring to the in-game item]. He also, uhh, he was born in, uhh, Texas.. That's why we have this lil' cactus here. Oh and here's a lil' bo--ship in a bottle here, 'cause y'know, he did go around the world.. At least by water. He was born a Cherokee in, uhh, Texas. Actually, he was--he was, like, one-sisteenths Cherokee, but that's why we have this totem pole here. And this Chinese Lion here, that's, uhh, he was-he's been--he's been to Korea, for, uhh, war and World War Two, I believe it was [in one sentence, Chrissy shows he has no grasp of history or geography], and he got, uhh, a combat Medal of Honor [which actually was a Good Conduct Medal], so that's what this is right here.

And you'll notice this is his shirt. Blue tartan. Same pattern as his--uhh--his--his--uhh-- regular shirt. That's what they call it in Animal Crossing. This para here for his ogo and his accomposition of four trumpets (?), 'cause, uhh, he likes music. 'Course. Of course he likes to think so while he's thinking he, uhh, pays the bills (?) on his, uhh, desk. And, uhh, nowadays he uses a computer but back in the-- back in his old days, a--a computer would fill up a WHOLE ROOM. And it was much bigger than a refrigerator, and everyone in the business loved computers. [weird robotic voice] "I LOVE YOU, BIG COMPUTER". Which I could say the same thing for a--a radio. Back then in the 1930's they was the size of a refrigerator. And e'ryone loved the radio as well. "I love you, radio". And of course, what it does is, uhh, make him, he, uhh, so--he likes wiping out (?). He may have had one before but he doesn't have one now.. A chalkboard. And you know what he's thinkin' about at this moment? Social studies. [laughs in a Peter Griffin-esque manner] Let's play teeth (?) on the chalkboard. An' of course he likes playing games, so we have this lil' chessboard here.

And, uhh, he's a bit of an outdoors person as well.. So here's a representation of our back yard.. Or, probably his back yard to this day (?). Here we have, uhh, the sprinkler for watering the garden, and we have a lil' pond.. "Hey! Who's up for a burgerrr?"... Yeah. He can also look into outer space, with this telescope.. Hm.. I see there's the, uhh, sun. I can't look directly into it because it's so bright. If I turn it a lil' bit.. Oh look I see the moon. The moooon. And of course he, er, takes care of his, uhh, yard and flowers, so he u--he likes to mow the lawn. Mow the lawn. And, uhh, when he came (?) with, uhh, with his, uhh, girlfriend, back in the day was Barbara. Yeah.. Take her on a picnic. Yeah.. Nice lil' picnic table.

So now we go downstairs to the [???].. The point in his, uhh, life. Good ol' May's pub. Yeah.. Got everythin'. He, uhh, drank coffee round here an'.. Stuff. An' most of the time around here in May's pub he sang. Up here on the stage. Along with the, uhh, classic jazz music of the day. And of course in a pub, y'know, you always have a bartender.

"Hey, barkeep! Lemme have a--uhh, Martini, will ya?"

"I'm sorry, bud, but we have no Martinis."

"Oh, okay then just get me a, uhh, b--brewski."

[in a stupid-ass voice] "One BEER, comin' up!"

At bars [???], of course they have a telephone to talk to, err, people. 'Course, uhh, they actin' (?).. Yeah, they have some of these. And of course I got [???] the music self (?). Here's a good sample. Here, uhh, let me give that to you again. That's a lil' tune I whipped up, uhh, Sonic's theme song. That's, uhh, that's a town tune. And of course, he also likes the other classical instruments such as the cello. He sho--He should have hung around and grooved out mellow (?), then you're going to find a cello.

Anyway, uhh, that's pretty much the last, uhh, Bob Chandler. Of course, in no--in a--i--hero business, he's also known as Flower Man.. 'Cause he saves flowers' lives more than humans. So now, let's time travelll... To another tiime.. Oh.. Yeah, time of Barbara Chandler. Let's see who she is. But of course, naturally she has brown hair but this is Animal Crossing and it gave me blue hair by default. Anyway, let's go into her house and see what her life's got us. Back in her childhood, they had a small house, but yeah she had many brothers and sisters...

Part 2


Part 3



Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks