Talk:Autism papers

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Revision as of 12:40, 23 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (→‎Fake?)
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START YOUR TRANSCRIBING, PEOPLES. --Champthom 07:07, 23 November 2009 (CET)

  • When transcribing is done, we just need to wikify it a bit. I'd do this myself but I'd rather not interfere with someone's transcribing and I hate dealing with edit conflicts. --Champthom 08:19, 23 November 2009 (CET)
    • Fantastic work, we just need to highlight the stuff from this, and add a note to the intro about the highlighting. Prevailing opinion is that this is Chris's doing, based on the fact favorable things are highlighted (he's not delusional, he's not retarded, etc.). --Champthom 09:30, 23 November 2009 (CET)

Page 4 missing

The page marked "Page 4" is Page 1 again. I'd fix it my self but I don't have the sacns. Glorious Tentacularity 07:35, 23 November 2009 (CET)

  • That's fixed now, all four pages are there. --Champthom 07:36, 23 November 2009 (CET)

Page 4

I somehow can't fix the last line on page 4. Could someone with wiki knowledge fix that and tell me what to do next time? Cows 07:36, 23 November 2009 (CET)

These papers are astoundingly positive about Chris. Him being diagnosed with "no more than slight impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning" is rather hilarious in fact. Either Chris mental health deteriorated since this encounter or the doc was enthralled by Chris' suave autistic charm.

  • Remember when reading those papers that they provide information probably based off only one or two conversations. It's easy to keep up the ruse of normality when a psychiatrist can't see the patient in his own environment or a group setting. Take note that the psychiatrist himself probably realised this, because despite Chris' words of doing very well for himself and him not being dangerously aggressive, he still advised further treatment. --Hayate666 10:33, 23 November 2009 (CET)
    • Also, I reckon this guy didn't actually prod him too much. Chris is capable of being fairly civilized in the company of authority figures, so long as he doesn't think that they might be insulting him or getting in his way. In the Father Call he went to great lengths to behave himself until Matt started mocking him/telling him the truth. As far as this article goes, I tossed a bit about his medication history in the "Chris and psychology" article, but it occurs to me, should much of this stuff be incorporated into that article and "Chris and health", or would it make more sense to just link from there to here? Dkaien 11:03, 23 November 2009 (CET)
      • No need to go into detail, but it should be mentioned. A rough out line, perhaps. Glorious Tentacularity 11:12, 23 November 2009 (CET)


Can't help but feel that this is all fake, mostly because of the way the sentences are written as well as rehashes of information we already know (particularly the spunky monkey part and the shrinky dink charms). It is too vauge in certain places and far too specific in others.

Not saying that cwc has faked it himself since it doesn't present him in a 100% positive light, but you know what I mean. Granola 11:43, 23 November 2009 (CET)

  • Hmmm... you have a point. Actually, I'm conspicuous about the "effect/affect" mistake. Maybe Liquid himself faked it? Though probably the only way to know for sure is to somehow show them to Chris and see his reaction. GokuGetEm 11:53, 23 November 2009 (CET)
  • I did google "Zachariah C. Dameron," and he seems to be a real shrink. I can't compare this document with other psychiatric evaluations since I have no experience in that area, but it isn't positive enough (or poorly written enough) for Chris to have faked it, nor is it negative enough for a troll to have faked it for the lulz. Glorious Tentacularity 11:52, 23 November 2009 (CET)
  • Both of the doctors listed are real. One of them works at (I think) USC and previously worked at UVA. "Affect" is a real term, as in "Christian Weston Chandler often displays no affect." --Anaconda 12:21, 23 November 2009 (CET)
  • It looks authentic to me. Every bit of jargon is used as it should. --Hayate666 13:10, 23 November 2009 (CET)
  • It looks real to me as well- the paper is set up in the proper format & honestly... does anyone really think that Chris would be capable of requesting something like this (because we know he couldn't have made this) without telling the person to make him look 100% great? I wonder if anyone's tried to fax or email these papers & this website to either of those doctors yet. Meeko 14:44, 23 November 2009 (CET)Meeko
  • Not only it looks quite professional but it is also quite tame as a psychiatric evaluation. If this was a forgery from Chris, he would had made himself look better. If it was made by Liquid, He would had added passages with "Foreshadowing" parts. As far as revisiting the info we already got, we need to remember that Chris is quite straightforward with personal info disclosure. Griffintown 15:09, 23 November 2009 (CET)

I doubt it's fake, but it's certainly out of date. His GAF, if measured today by a psychologist in full possession of the facts, would likely hover somewhere around 55-60. I think this is less than completely accurate because Chris didn't reveal the extent of his problems (note no mention of the Sonichu comics anywhere) and because the psychiatrist was not able to actually observe his interpersonal interactions over a long period of time (note the lack of references to his pathological narcissism). I do like the fact that it mentions him as being overweight, yet he still denies it.Sygerrik 16:15, 23 November 2009 (CET) --*Yes, this would be my guess. It's honestly not hard to prevent a psychologist from finding out about some of your problems (Hell, most of the time the people who are around you every day don't always know about them, depending what exactly they are). Chris probably managed to avoid revealing his enormous delusions of greatness and the fact that he's not nearly as intelligent as he claims to be. Additionally, I think his mental state sort of went into a decline once he met Megan. The thought that he had finally reached his goal of having a girlfriend just made him more conceited, and once the trolling began that just stoked the fire.--That Man 18:40, 23 November 2009 (CET)