Talk:Things Chris has ripped off

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Revision as of 17:14, 24 November 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs) (Explanation)
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Fixed where it said that the Perfect Chaos Monster attacked CWCville, it actually attacked Station Square. Seems like this page could stand some heavy revision, honestly. I think the section about Yuu Yuu Hakusho can be outright removed, as that whole motion is pretty common in general and it's possible Chris actually didn't still it from there. Additionally, we should probably just remove the comics section and put Spider-man in the western animation section, unless of course we can find more stuff that he's ripped from comics, in which case that can be expanded. The Ralph Wiggums note should either be removed or added to Western Animation if you guys actually think it's important enough. The videogames section should be removed until we can actually put something into it. Could we maybe find some more stuff that he's ripped off of movies? I think the Spaceballs thing should stay, but it seems stupid to have the movies section solely for it. So, does any one else have an opinion on this? I just didn't want to go off and make such major changes by myself and piss people off. --That Man 06:53, 24 November 2009 (CET)

  • I think I owe y'all an explanation. When I first stalked upon this page it was even (imo, of course) less coherent than it is now. I created a new structure for it, reorganised the already existing entries and added a few new ones that I could remember. Right now it's unfinished, which I tried to show by putting a huge ass number of "Incomplete" templates on the page. I'm currently working on getting most ripoff and reference examples to fill this article, and also to create a neat template, as well. I think I'll finish it before the weekend, if not earlier. Now, about the sections: the Comic book section will include Superman and Spider-man, the Movies and TV shows section will include Gilligan's Island, I Love Lucy, and some more, the VG section will include Mario, Zelda, and some more. Ralph Wiggum - I personally think it's an unneeded joke (well, Chris's plagiarism is already a joke on itself), but didn't dare to remove it, as it was added before my time. So well... I see how the current state of the article is utterly confusing. I think I'll upload a less rough version later today. Oh, and sorry for the tl;dr reply --GokuGetEm 09:39, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • Goku, you did the new stuff? You've got a real GOKU GET EM ATTITUDE, lololol. Srsly, I like this new revision, the old one kinda sucked. Keep it up guys, throw in some pictures and it can be a featured article. --Champthom 10:00, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • Thanks, Champthom, but I think in this case "Goku Get'em attitude" translates as "No life whatsoever" lol. I have to read through all the Sonichu comics to get all the refs! Poor me :( Anyway, thanks for your appreciation! As for pictures, I was planning to add 1 for each subsection (= franchise).
By the way, for somecummpenntydifferent: Are there any template... er... templates that are able to include a small pic along with the text part? You know, like they have on ED? E.g., so that the template on "Places" could contain the same text part plus a small pic of Chris's house, or something. I think, that would help make our templates more different and fun to look at. --GokuGetEm 10:08, 24 November 2009 (CET)

New structure discussion

Oh and, by the way.
For the final revision, I want to change this structure yet again.
Here how I envision it:

Franchise type

A Franchise That Has A Separate Article

See main article.

A Franchise That Doesn't Have A Separate Article

Laconic description of the franchise.

  • Example example example.
  • Example example example.
Also, I want to include a section for a list of "not so much ripoffs, but references and cameos and such" at the end of the page.
Discuss :) --GokuGetEm 10:14, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • I think with a franchise type with a separate article, you should briefly describe its relevancy to how Chris has ripped it off for those who don't feel like reading the entire article, with the "See main article" being a thing if people want to read about it more. --Champthom 10:20, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • I see. I was actually planning to insert "Plagiarism" sections in all those separate articles, so the "main page" link would be like "[ [Sailor Moon#Plagiarism|main page] ]". But if you think it's better to keep it all on this page, I'll just put all info concerning plagiarism on this page, and on the separate pages I'll post links to here instead. But wouldn't this page get too lengthy? --GokuGetEm 10:24, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • It doesn't hurt to briefly describe here how Chris has ripped them off, maybe make references on their appropriate pages as well. Maybe in the case of Sailor Moon, you could discuss in this article the general things Chris rips off and then list the specific instances in the Sailor Moon article's plagiarism section. --Champthom 10:42, 24 November 2009 (CET)
  • Okay, I see. Well... I think I'll try to do it, and then we'll discuss the results --GokuGetEm 10:48, 24 November 2009 (CET)

A preview of what the page will look like when finished


  1. All the incomplete sections will be completed, new sections will be added etc.
  2. The "List of references etc." at the end of the article is my experiment. I think some shit like having a portrait of Batman in the Mayor's office or having Sackboy appear with an advert, can't be actually called "ripping off", can it? Or do you think it's still ripping off? I'm still confused about that, but I still think minor reference stuff like that should be preserved nevertheless. First, it's a sign of Chris's utter uncreativity. And second, even when not ripped off, it's still grating for fans of those franchises to see their favorite heroes bastardised by being referenced in "Sonichu".
  3. Most of the text on the page atm is not mine, it's what was here before I started editing the page. For an example of my additions, see "Darkwing Duck" or the "List of references etc."
  4. Things like S0 Ep1 p.1 are another of my experiments. I think, it's a pretty easy to use and laconic way of informing where in the comics does stuff (like characters, quotes, references etc) appear. I think it helps people search stuff by themselves to see it with their own eyes, which is always good. I think that it can be even used elsewhere on this wiki, too, maybe. Let me know if you like it or not.
  5. Yes, I think all important and/or interesting stuff should be referenced up to the page number. Yes, I'm a pedant.
  6. I've started adding examples of things ripped off by Chris, but not necessarily in the comics. Like, when he recites a joke stolen from some show as "his" random-access humor.
  7. I'll finish the revamp, I guess, somewhere before this weekend, if not earlier.

Now, let's discuss :) All suggestions and critique are welcome. P.S.: By the way, don't you think the page may be too lengthy? If so, what can be done to avoid that? --GokuGetEm 22:14, 24 November 2009 (CET)