Chris and television
This article is boring and needs more images. Make it better by inserting some of Chris's shitty drawings. |
Television is a widely used telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images, and a staple in almost all homes. It's also one of the favorite pastimes of our mutual friend. Indeed, when not "socializing", mass debating, or playing video games, it's a fairly safe bet Chris is sitting down and watching TV. Lots and lots of TV.
Chris gets most of his information concerni ng the outside world through TV, among other entertainment media. This leads to blatantly ripping off concepts and characters from whatever he watches.
Taste in TV
Most of Chris's television staples are fairly predictable. A bland mush of animation and random-access humor is rampant, with shows like Family Guy, American Dad, and The Cleveland Show holding his attention for hours. Indeed, Chris is such a devotee to this generic comedy that he bought tons of their episodes via the PSN, for a sizable amount of money. Adult Swim is another big favorite of our autistic hero — he even entered one of their contests, and raged when he didn't win.
Anime is another area where Chris's choices are very transparent. Shuffle! is essentially a tale of a somewhat unlikable guy suddenly being accosted by several obedient and attractive females. Gunslinger Girl is essentially a slightly unnerving bit of softcore eroticism. Excel Saga, while generally regarded favorably, is chock-full of in-jokes and parody, some things Chris cannot understand but is eager to copy.
Certain bizarre choices do stick out, however. Monty Python has been brought up or 'referenced' several times, along with comedian Red Skelton, and I Love Lucy. The former feature's absurdity probably piqued Chris's interest, while the final two are probably an offset of his decrepit parents.
For more info, see the corresponding article
Chris uses Netflix to satisfy his TV watching needs instantaneously, enabling him to reach a near-comatose state of mental saturation. Put in more practical terms, he spent more than six fucking hours watching TV in a single day. Twice. In terms of averages, Chris watches roughly three hours of television a day, at least for the week viewed[1].
The huge selection and 'Instant Watch' feature, combine with Chris's need to...mass debate, has led to some interesting choices in film. To date, he has rented Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy, Story of O, Virgin, and many more titles with sexual names. Considering Netflix doesn't deal in porn, he's wasting his time. Other than these porno hunts and impulse rentals, Chris is pretty much interested in only two types of programs — cartoons and comedy, displaying a remarkably narrow range of interests. The only movie that really stands out in his selections is Twilight.
Netflix has also allowed him easier access to the cartoons of his childhood. Transformers and Sonic are the most prominent. The apparent binge of Transformers-related television may have been the 'inspiration' behind Sonichu 9.
See also
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