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| :Holy shit so he did. Mystery Solved.--[[User:Beat|Beat]] 19:27, 24 June 2010 (UTC) | | :Holy shit so he did. Mystery Solved.--[[User:Beat|Beat]] 19:27, 24 June 2010 (UTC) |
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| | So my name shows up in the list of people he tagged for his edit me flipnote. I guess I'll throw that together tomorrow. |
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| =UltimateNightmare=
| | Flipnote Hatena really isn't a very good device for trolling as far as I can tell. There's a distinct lack of ways to contact someone and ensure that they'll get the message. if I was any good at animating, I might have felt differently, but sadly I'm pretty fucking terrible at everything related to drawing. |
| '''UltimateNightmare''' is the first actual animation Chris posted on [[Flipnote Hatena]], on 21 [[June 2010]]. When it was first posted, many [[trolls]] reaction was that Chris's account had been hacked, simply because the animation was so vastly removed from standard Chris fare. It still sucked though. Some things are constant.
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| The video features nothing but a stick man going through a simple walking animation, but never actually moving forward, while a high-pitched squeal (likely provided by Chris himself) loops in the background. The title, [[Sex tape|"Ultimate Nightmare"]] suggests that Chris's worst fear is nothing good being on TV, a specter not quite as terrifying as [[Mailbag 39|a macabre death factory.]] Considering how much time Chris spends watching [[Netflix]], though, his worries are not entirely unsurprising. Amazingly, this [[Mario Kart 64 Lego Raceway|isn't the first time Chris has used a repetitive series of beeps to play through his amateur animation.]]
| | Still, he might respond to my response, so why not. The very worst thing that can come of it is I wasted 20 minutes fooling around on my DSI. Can think of worse fates. |
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| For those of you curious, if the stick figure is walking a mile at the rate of 1/8 of a millimeter per hour, then it will get to its destination in 536448 days, or almost 1470 years.
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| ==Description==
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| {{quotebox|On All Channels, a person walking a Whole Mile at a rate of 1/8 Millimeter Per Hour, with only a Monotone Beep that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....}}
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| ==Video==
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| {{Infobox/Flipnote
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| | name = UltimateNightmare
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| | video = {{#ev:youtube|Qkpayrqp2VE}}
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| | stardate = June 21, 2010
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| | subject = {{Television|text}}
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| | previous = n/a
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| | next = Don'tGetTrolled
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| }}
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| ===Transcript===
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| [''A stick figure goes through a 3 frame looping animation while a loud beep drones on in the background.'']
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| [''At the thirty second point, the scene is replaced by white letters on a black background, reading "One Hour Later". On the original site, this could be set to loop, showing that hour after hour the stick figure never made it anywhere.'']
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| =Don'tGetTrolled=
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| [[File:Youvebeentrolled.png|thumb|You can tell When Chris makes an addition, because suddenly everything sucks]]
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| '''Don'tGetTrolled''' is Chris's second flipnote animation, posted to [[Flipnote Hatena]] the site on 22 [[June 2010]]. Chris is known for his [[plagiarism]], but this by far the most blatant and obvious theft he's ever undertaken. Viewers will immediately notice the very high animation quality compared to his other pieces. This is because he didn't make them.
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| The flipnote is a barely remixed version of an [http://flipnote.hatena.com/556109A0A0F27939@DSi/movie/F27939_09D08B2023EB4_016 animation] Chris commented on extensively. Chris adds very little to the original animation, scrawling a message about internet safety on some of the frames, and replacing a picture of [[Sonic]] with one of Sonichu. His description for the animation begs viewers to show their support for the "Bill for Anti Online Bad-Mouthing", which is presumably a [[law]] Chris dreamed up that would stand in defiance of [[America|freedom of speech]]. | |
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| Chris actually credits 8-Bit for creating the animation, which is surprising considering how much he usually plagiarizes. Granted, Chris gives this credit in the worst way possible, acting as though 8-Bit is some sort of stalwart ally that supports Chris in his battle against the Bill of Rights. A quick check of the comments on 8-Bit's page shows that Chris made no effort to comment him after his initial rant. It's likely 8-bit had no idea Chris was stealing his work, or that Chris thought of him as an ally.
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| On top of all of that, Chris completely missed the point of the original video, as it is with [[Monty Python|everything]] [[Sailor Moon|else]] [[Excel Saga|he]] [[Family Guy|watches]]. The original message was that if you reply to a troll, then it's your own fault for being a [[naive]] [[retard]]. It's all about personal responsibility for your own actions, which is an alien concept to Chris. Also notable is the fact that Chris locked editing on this video, much like how he [[Download For Play Only|begged people not to change]] his [[LittleBigPlanet]] levels, he is just as protective of his flipnotes. Even when they are almost completely devoid of original material.
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| ==Description==
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| {{quotebox|Show Your Support with me and 8-Bit for the Bill for Anti Online Bad-Mouthing.
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| Awesome! :)}}
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| ==Video==
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| {{Infobox/Flipnote
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| | name = Don'tGetTrolled
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| | video = {{#ev:youtube|DEtLbxtM3tw}}
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| | stardate = June 22, 2010
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| | subject = {{Trollsicon|text}}
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| | previous = UltimateNightmare
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| | next = HippoOnYourHead
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| }}
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| ===Transcript===
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| ''The audio, and the majority of the video in this animation was not created by Chris. This being the case, this Transcription will only cover the additions Chris made.''
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| '''0:08-0:09'''
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| <br>The original text "Don't reply 2 this this guy" is replaced with "Don't reply 2 any of these idiots". Chris also adds a variation of the "Awesome!" smilie, and a hyrogliphic that reads "[[4-cent garbage]]".
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| '''0:14-0:15'''
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| <br>In a graphic representing a forum thread, The word "[[Pokémon|pkmn]]" is replaced with the word "Sonichu".
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| '''0:16-0:18'''
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| <br>The In the background, behind the singing man, Chris drew a troll, apparently looking through some sort of telescope. Moments later, this is replaced with a frame in the foreground, depicting the singing stickman as though he's in a newspaper article. "8-BITki" is written in the bottom right, as though it's a sort of headline.
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| '''0:21-0:22'''
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| <br> What was originally Sonic he hedgehog is replaced by Sonichu. Chris drew his initals in the margin, because Sonichu is an ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL.
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| '''0:23-0:26'''
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| <br>Chris wrote several short messages in the background, one appearing after another. "Keep your info to yourself and off the internet!" "Start all Relationships in real life only!" "Stay safe and happy online!"
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| '''0:34-0:35'''
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| <br>After the animation proper ends, A two part message from Chris appears. "Remixed by Christian W. Chandler, for the Anti-Internet bad-mouthing campaigne." "Thanks to '8-Bit' for the original flipnote and anti-troll support."
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