"Any names, or persons, discussed in this wiki, that may seem similar to anyone in real life, are purely coincidental, or otherwise parodic." We highly advise against seeking out Chris, or anyone who is or has previously been associated with him, in any way.
Grace Baptist Church, located in 3764 Pritchett Lane, Charlottesville, VA, is a Southern Baptist Church in which Chris was a member until being kicked from it. The exact date when Chris started to attend Grace Baptist Church is not known. The church was founded in July 2000, shortly after the Chandler family returned to Ruckersville. It can therefore be said for certain that Chris joined the church no earlier than July 2000, but it is also possible that he joined the church at a later date.
All references which point to Kiwi Farms reevaluated/archived. See this topic for more.
A backlog of chats that extends back several years, to finish adding to chat pages or mention in articles. Some chats are still archived on Kiwi Farms only and need to be saved elsewhere.
Check out the Official CWCki Server Discord, and the section about Chris at the CWCki Club forums, and the Chris Chan subreddit, full of lively and often times thoughtful discussions on Chris and Sonichu. (Use the wiki talk pages or the CWCki-related channels in the Discord for article-related discussions).