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Early version of the Christian & The Hedgehog Boys' debut album, recorded on 21 August 2003.

On 21 July 2003, Chris drew Chris + Sarah's Life-Shares.
2003 was the year that Chris turned 21 years old. This year marked Chris's realization that he needed a girlfriend, and thus the beginning of his Love Quest, essentially starting him down the long and winding road that has led to his bizarre and unreal current state.
Events of 2003
- Spring - Chris starts approaching girls at Piedmont Virginia Community College, but they all say that they have boyfriends.
- Summer - Chris starts his Love Quest. One day, he approaches a girl who says she is a lesbian. He is repulsed.
- 10 February - Chris writes "my big 18th party", a short account of his 18th birthday.
- 24 February - Chris's 21st birthday. It was "not so great" because he got kicked out of English class. Later Chris admitted that this was mostly his own fault.
- 25 February - Chris realizes he needs a female sweetheart.
- 1 April - Chris creates the Hedgehogs in Love card.
- 10 April - Chris writes "Sonichu & Rosechu… The Genesis of the Lovehogs", the Sonichu story.
- 2 May - Chris creates the CD Christian's Anime World, which suggests that he was a Sailor Moon fan before meeting Megan.
- June - Chris starts working as a salesman for Cutco cutlery.
- 10 July - Chris writes in his guestbook again as Ricardo, saying that his site rocks.
- 20 July - After cancelling it, Fox sells the rerun rights of Family Guy to Adult Swim.
- 21 July - Chris completes Chris + Sarah's Life-Shares.
- 22 July - Chris makes a CD for Sarah Hammer, entitled Songs Between Friends: A CD for Christian & Sarah.[1]
- August - Chris enters his fourth year at PVCC.
- August - Christian officially starts his sweetheart search. He makes his first sign, stating that he is looking for a boyfriend-free girl.
- 20 August - Chris writes "Yellow is a Mellow Color".[2]
- 21 August - Christian & The Hedgehog Boys record their debut album.
- 23 August - Christian's Anime World 2! is released.

Lyrics to "Christian and the Hedgehog Boys Theme"
- September - Chris's Cutco boss takes Chris's money and leaves town, effectively ending his job there.
- 3 September - Chris writes the lyrics to "Christian and the Hedgehog Boys Theme."
- 4 September - Bob turns 76.
- 25 September - Chris draws a picture of Flame the Sunbird, his latest "creation".
- 1 October - Barb turns 62.
- 2 October - Christian writes Sonichu's Ode to Rosechu.
- 7 October - Mary Lee Walsh confronts Chris and rips his sign up.
- 13 October - Sarah Hammer's birthday. Christian gives her Chris + Sarah's Life-Shares.
- 4 November - Chris writes the poem "saddest heart in the world".
- 12 November - Chris starts keeping a diary in Animal Crossing.
- 19 November - As a diary entry, Chris simply leaves the web address for CWC's Sonichu Site!, probably in preparation for his upcoming documentary.
- 22 November - In his Animal Crossing diary, Chris writes about "the medeling [sic] 'Mary Lee Walsh'" crushing his dream of finding a girlfriend.
- 22 November - Chris creates his Animal Crossing Documentary.
- 4 December - The first known trolling of Chris occurs when "a hot redhead" writes in his guestbook saying that she will meet him outside of PVCC next week.