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Quite a year.
Chris's mugshot, 2021

2021 was the thirteenth year since Chris discovery.

While the year opened with the world still gripped by COVID-19, and it finally brought an end to Chris spending nearly an entire year of his life roleplaying as Sonichu in order to cope with the cancellation of BABScon 2020, 2021 would go from being business as usual to an absolutely critical point in Chris's life.

Shit finally hit the fan once it came to light that Chris had been having a sexual relationship with his own mother, and from that moment on, nothing would be the same for Chris. This revelation very quickly destabilized everything about his life, separating him from his house and mother, and having spent over a year in jail, away from any and all exposure to the internet.

Cryzel Rosechu also turned 18 this year,[1][2] meaning that Chris is no longer technically a pedofork for marrying her – although that was probably the least of Chris's worries, given that he got arrested.

The year also marks the 30th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Barbara turned 80 years old on the 1st of October. 6 September also marked a decade since the passing of Bob Chandler, and the same month also marked twenty years since Chris's firing from his last real job.


Main article: January 2021
January18SonichuBodyswapArt.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Sonichu. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "mama".

Chris stayed quiet during the first month of the year, with his activity largely limited to tweeting about the Dimensional Merge. During the middle of January, he was manipulated by a troll, Larry Vaughn, into sending bizarre DMs to several Twitter users. Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States, took office on 20 January, succeeding Donald Trump.


Chris in February 2021
Main article: February 2021
January18SonichuBodyswapArt.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Sonichu. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "mama".

Early in the month, Watchmen leaks revealed that Chris had been planning to use a taser to stun his collection of crystals and rocks in an attempt to activate the Merge. Among those involved with the situation were the aforementioned Watchmen and a Praetor member. Judging by later conversations and the fact that no video has emerged of the act taking place, Chris was most likely talked out of the idea.

Halfway through the month, Chris discussed with the Watchmen his feelings of loneliness and desire for a relationship.

Chris turned 39 years old on 24 February, and a day later, finally ended his nearly-year-long act of being "possessed" by Sonichu after being convinced to do so by enabler KwaiiSandbag, posing as a psychic.


Main article: March 2021

Chris announced that he had consulted a medium for spiritual advice. Chris would also continue talking with KwaiiSandbag this month, before cutting all contact with him after the latter admitted to not being a real psychic. Chris also accidentally damaged the Dodge Caravan after backing into a big rig trailer.


Chris in April 2021.
Chris in April 2021.
Main article: April 2021

In April, Chris started off the month by angrily messaging Geno Samuel for changing the thumbnails and titles of Chris-Chan: A Comprehensive History to images of Donald Trump for an April Fools joke.

Later, he received his stimulus check from the government, and immediately used it to buy a three-month subscription for magic stones. A few days later, both Chris and Barb received doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination.

Aside from other occasional posts, Chris remained mostly quiet this month.


Chris creepily ogling Barb in May 2021.
Main article: May 2021

Chris celebrated Mother's Day this month by releasing an odd (and, in hindsight, disturbing) photograph of himself and Barb together. Chris would record an audio clip of himself vocalizing his voice on Twitter, and would also record a video of himself covering "I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground as an effort to promote a book about comparing Andy Warhol and Chris.


Chris in June 2021
Main article: June 2021

Chris started off the month by starting the tradition of posting Tarot cards on Twitter every day, before uploading Birthday Greetings to Devin, and a video of him playing with his cat Sylvia later in the month. Chris also begged for money for a new car, and made a series of tweets claiming that the TooManyGames 2018 convention incident was a supposed setup by the organizer of the event and the trolls.

Null announced on Kiwi Farms that Chris would be attending Everfree Northwest, a My Little Pony convention held in Seattle, Washington, in August 2021.

However, this would never come to pass, as this was the month in which Chris began to engage in Incest with his mother – news of which would not break for over a month. From then until Chris's Emergency Protective Order in late July, the two had sex every third night.[3]


Chris in July 2021
Main article: July 2021

The month began quite promisingly, with Chris actually fulfilling artwork commissions and video requests related to his trip to attend Everfree Northwest, though one of his pet dogs, Snoopy, passed on the 15th. Meanwhile, Chris continued his protests over the impending release of the fifth generation of My Little Pony, culminating in a rage-filled video released on the 27th in which he demanded Hasbro change course and revealed he had seemingly punched holes in his walls out of rage.

In the middle of this month, Chris would also meet his first real lover via text, and would get involved in a series of video calls with her. Along with this, said lover planned with Chris to have sex with him at Everfree Northwest. For a period of time, Chris would try to keep the new lover anonymous around most people he had spoken to, but had otherwise felt very conflicted about his first real sweetheart, believing that their relationship would not last long, and that she would meet someone else when she started attending college.

However, on the 29th, the month and Christory as a whole would see an unexpected and disturbing turn of events, as an audio clip of Chris admitting to having incestuous sexual intercourse with Barbara was leaked. After a welfare check was conducted on 14 Branchland Court, Chris was given an Emergency Protective Order on 30 July to leave the premises of the house immediately, while Barbara was taken to a hospital.[4] The following day on 31 July, Chris stole $750 from Barbara's bank account, resulting in Null cutting all ties with him.[5]

Chris's attendance ticket to Everfree Northwest was also revoked by the convention,[6] and Null also began the process of refunding those who donated to the GoFundMe Fundraiser this month.[7]


Chris in August 2021
Main article: August 2021

The month began with Chris getting arrested outside a hotel, with various weens and Ethan Ralph in attendance livestreaming. He was jailed without bond and charged with incest. While Chris was in jail, his license plates were soon stolen by a ween.

In his second court appearance, represented by Charlottesville attorney David Heilberg, Chris interrupted the judge multiple times and demanded to be allowed to pick up his things from 14 Branchland Court. He was denied bond, and his next court date was set for September 16th, 2021.

The case was featured on Fox News, exposing him to millions of boomers. A week later, Everfree Northwest, the My Little Pony convention Chris had planned on attending, took place without him.

Activity regarding Chris became sparse after the arrest, but partly through the month, Chris's dormant YouTube account was broken into, with the hacker uploading an old shitpost of Anthony LoGatto yelling "JULAAAAY!". At the month's end, a user from the Kiwi Farms reported that Barbara had returned to 14 Branchland Court[8] as Chris continued to await his hearing.


Main article: September 2021

With Chris remaining in jail, the ten-year anniversary of Bob's passing came and went. Later, a ween filmed a video tour of the exterior of 14 Branchland Court, providing a picture of the state of Chris's house.

Chris's next court date was initially set for the 16th of this month, but it was given a continuance for November, due in part to the defense requiring time to do mental health examinations for Chris.[9]

Later, reports that Barb had returned to 14BC were conclusively confirmed when a fan went to the house and unsuccessfully tried to pry more details from her.[10]

On the 24th of September, Null announced that Chris had sent a letter from jail dated September 19th. It was addressed to an unknown person, with instructions to relay the contents to Null and forward the physical document to David Heilberg. The letter itself, while referring to the events of the past month in broad strokes, was strikingly evangelical in tone, steeped in abundant Christian imagery and language and Biblical references. Chris' statements within the letter were perceived by observers as confirmation of a sudden and explosive development of his messiah complex, up to and including a belief that he is a reincarnation of Jesus of Nazareth.


Main article: October 2021

Barbara turned 80 years old,[11] and Chris sent five more letters with topics ranging from his godhood to the quality of the jail's food.

Chris spent the rest of the month in jail waiting for his next court appearance.[12]


Drawing of Chris-chan Sonichu from November 2021
Main article: November 2021

Chris's second court appearance was scheduled for the 18th of this month.[12]. But it was again given a continuance, this time to February 3rd, 2022 for unknown reasons.[12] Meanwhile, on 24 November, Barbara got involved in a serious automobile collision, suffering two broken ribs and a concussion as a result, but nevertheless still surviving the initial accident.[13][14]

Chris also continued to interact with fans and weens this month through means of several letters and a phone call.


Main article: December 2021

Chris spends the Holidays behind bars. Meanwhile, the insurance claim for the car accident in November ruled in favor of the tractor-trailer driver involved, and Barb was fined $30, with an additional $76 in court costs on top of it.[15]
