June 2018
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“ | Ok so long story short, Chris Chan was kissing and getting too intimate with con attendees without their consent. Staff gave her multiple warnings to stop and she didn't listen. She was 100% in the wrong and she deserves to be removed from the convention as she broke the rules. | ” |
jab50yen, on why Chris was kicked out of TooManyGames |

Chris's reaction after he was asked to leave Too Many Games.

Chris in June, during the Count Dankula interview.
June is the sixth month of 2018.
- 2 June - Chris ruminates on how the name "Chris" has many variations.
- 3 June - Chris follows Kiwi Farms on Twitter
- 4 June- A day before the due date, Chris pays the first half of 14 Branchland Court's 2018 property tax, costing him $606.83. Null unboxes the iPhone he bought from Chris.[1]
- 5 June - Another continuance is issued for the trespass case. Count Dankula interviews Chris.
- 9 June - Chris spends $30 on SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics game for the PS4,[2] despite having only just escaped dire financial straits two weeks before. He uploads a preview page of dialog for Sonichu 12-9.[3] He maintains that he is married to fictional characters,[4] yet calls out Idea Guy for having bad direction, even though Chris still believes in the ideas (one of which is the marriage).
- 10 June - Chris spends $34 more on toys - two My Little Pony Funko Pop figures.[5][6]
- 12 June - Chris sells nine cards from The Wall of Originals for $100.[7]
- 13 June
- Chris posts about a bizarre dream he had.[8] He begs for $400 in order to attend the Too Many Games convention.[9] He then records Nightstar is a very important Special Sonichu.
- Null posts OPERATION: Kingsnake, a thread showcasing emails sent to Chris by weens and A-logs.
- 14 June - Chris records I need some local C64 Tech Help, Please - of note, the camera shows that Chris has a drawing of Cryzel and Magi-Chan taped to his bedroom ceiling so he can look at them while he's in bed.
- 16 June - 'You Will Be Found' - GIANT 100+ BRONY GROUP COLLAB is released; Chris posts a drawing celebrating Pride Month.[10] Ironically, all of the characters saying "You are not alone!" were headmates of Chris's who were tainted by Idea Guy.
- 17 June - For Father's Day, Chris draws a picture of him hugging Robertchu[11] (a half-Sonichu version of Bob Chris was influenced into thinking of as legitimate by Idea Guy in December 2017).
- 20 June - Chris writes "JULAY!" on an autograph and sells it for $75 on eBay.[12]
- 22 June - Chris attends Too Many Games.
- 23 June - At the second day of the convention, Chris is thrown out after inappropriately touching multiple attendees.
- 25 June - Chris offers an extra Sonichu standee for sale.[13] He also makes $263 in sales on other items from a single buyer.[14]
- 26 June - Null talks to Chris about his behavior at TooManyGames, warning him not to do it again.[15] During the talk, Chris retreats into a delusion about CPU goddesses, though Null forces the conversation back to his behavior and Chris says he understands the warning. Chris uploads a preview page for Sonichu 12-9. He jokes about the size of his To-Do list. Someone buys the Sonichu standee, netting Chris $300. Justin Silverman, an event coordinator for TooManyGames, talks to a CWCki editor to clarify his role regarding Chris being at the con.
- 28 June - Chris uploads another preview page for Sonichu 12-9.
- 29 June - Chris unveils Scarlet, a CPU goddess based on the Commodore 64 (which he first drew on June 26th), and discusses her backstory. He responds to Justin Silverman's claims that he had been given a verbal warning prior to being kicked out of TooManyGames, insisting that wasn't the case (though the point is academic, as con rules stated con staff do not need to give warnings).
- 28 June - A troll goads Chris into making an angry post threatening anti-Brony Gruntchovski. Chris uploads another preview page for Sonichu 12-9.
- 30 June - Chris reacts angrily to news of Jim Carrey voicing Robotnik in the upcoming Sonic movie, invoking imagery from the Sonic Boom Protests. He comments on his Zap to the Extreme phrase, saying he used to think it trite but warmed up to it more lately. He also pumps out three preview pages for Sonichu #12-9.
Page for Sonichu 12-9, from 9 June.
See: TooManyGames
Page for Sonichu 12-9, from 27 June.
Page for Sonichu 12-9, from 28 June.
- A Chat With Chris-Chan
- Send Me to Too Many Games Convention!
- Nightstar is a very important Special Sonichu
- I need some local C64 Tech Help, Please
- Still need Local help with my C64, Please
- 'You Will Be Found' - GIANT 100+ BRONY GROUP COLLAB
- TooManyGames
- ↑ Kiwi Farms posts (Null)#Unboxing iPhone
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-634#post-3445081
- ↑ http://archive.is/RZOhe
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-635#post-3445822
- ↑ File:Ebay - 10June2018 - Celestia Funko.jpg
- ↑ File:Ebay - 10June2018 - Discord Funko.png
- ↑ 2018 Sales Listings#Nine cards from The Wall of Originals
- ↑ June 2018 social media posts#Chris's dream
- ↑ Send Me to Too Many Games Convention!
- ↑ File:Pride Month drawing June 2018.jpg
- ↑ https://twitter.com/cwcsonichu/status/1008449921387778048
- ↑ File:JULAY! autograph.jpg
- ↑ 2018 Sales Listings
- ↑ https://kiwifarms.net/threads/financhu-crisis-chris-sells-his-stuff-megathread.41369/page-92#post-3499657
- ↑ Null DMs#Personal space talk