Western State Hospital

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I Shall Sue the Facility. 99% of ALL the Staff there have been Divinely Marked as Toxic, as well as cursed.
Western State Hospital

Western State Hospital is a state psychiatric hospital located in Staunton, Virginia. Chris was transferred from Central Virginia Regional Jail to the facility, and was housed from 28 February 2022 until 3 May 2022 (64 days) while awaiting legal proceedings for incest. He was housed in the long-term unit known as 1 Hickory.[1][note 1]

Chris was apparently not permitted to send letters during his stay. Upon his return to Central Virginia Regional Jail, he began writing letters to orbiters mentioning the ordeal.

In Jail Letter - 1 June 2022, Chris mentioned that the staff had pinned him down, saying that they had "recreated the Pin-Me-Down event from Fourth Grade (Minus the Choke Hold) to a "T"," also claiming the incident had given him PTSD. Chris further called out one staff member in particular, writing that "Should Any of the Staff, in particular Betty Hoover who Instigated the Event, still be around After the completion of the Collective Shift and my Second Coming, I Shall Sue the Facility."

Hoover is listed by State of Virginia payroll records as having been employed at Western State,[2] confirming that he had been transferred there.

In Jail Letter - 4 June 2022, Chris revealed that he had been sent for "restoration" in order to re-educate him on courtroom proceedings and terminology, confirming fan speculation he had been declared incompetent to stand trial and that the hospital stay was to rectify it. This was confirmed in a court record stating "for treatment of incompete [sic]."[3]

In Jail Letter - 29 July 2022, Chris claimed that Western was supposed to have arranged a group home for him, but sent him back to the jail in order to free up a room. He further alleged the Western Hospital staff as "Abusive As Fuck with their Bondage/Sado-machoism chairs and arrogantly shit-minded with their patients", relating that his belief that "a simple Demon-Exorcism would have healed" one of their patients.

See also



Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga NuthouseSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisDavid HeilbergPraetor (Caden Peck) • Kenneth EngelhardtBarbara ChandlerHelena FiorenzaEels and the Egg-manFlutterSpamton G. SpamtonZomboCory AllisonThe CrusaderBizarre BazaarCelestiaMichael AfghaniJacob Sockness

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