Chris and negligence

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Chris, begging for money in his toy-stuffed room, October 2016.
Ah, yeah. Big price items. PLEEEEASE PLEASE buy those now so I can get. This. Car. Worked. On. Right. Now. ToDAYYYYYYYY!
Chris, after going well over a full year without an oil change[1]

Merriam-Webster defines negligence as "failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances" . A negligent person frequently finds themselves in trouble caused by their own inability to identify a problem and deal with it properly. Chris is in no short supply of negligence, and it frequently leads to him trolling himself.

Examples of Chris's negligence

There are several examples of Chris's negligence that have negatively impacted himself, his family, his community, and his fans. The effects of his negligence have ranged from letting his room go, to getting his eBay banned, to even possibly burning down his own house. Chris's failure to properly deal with problems often leads him into tricky situations that bring humorous responses. A significant portion of Chris's content can be attributed either directly or indirectly to his negligence.


Chris's Car after backing into a big rig in April, 2021.
The box Chris shipped the Sonic Totem in, in all its scotch-taped glory.

Chris has a long history of vehicular struggles. His first car, the original Son-Chu, went through horror as it was revealed in October 2010 that he went well over a year without changing the oil. Unsurprisingly, the car didn't last much longer. Fast-forwarding to July 2018, it became clear that Chris failed to learn his lesson; in a begging video, Chris revealed that his 2010 Ford Focus was heating up and wouldn't start. Despite fans sending him money to get the car fixed, it died three months later. It was reported by The Captain that the car's engine was permanently broken. Being that the car had only clocked up 110,000 miles, it's likely that Chris's neglect was the cause of its untimely demise.

In 2021 a fan snapped a picture of the fourth iteration of Son-Chu in the wild, featuring a dented rear door and smashed rear windshield with a plastic covering. Another fan texted Chris, asking about the damage done to the van. Chris responded, revealing that he had backed into the trailer of a big rig.


Main article: Chris and money

Beginning in 2014, Chris took to eBay as a means to supplement his tugboat. Capitalizing on his internet legacy, Chris began producing Sonichu medallions, custom Amiibo, commissions, autographed photos, family heirlooms, Relics of Fail, and several other items. Almost as soon as Chris started ramping up his eBay presence, buyers began complaining. On eBay, feedback is incredibly important. Anything short of 90% positive feedback is considered very poor, and if enough complaints are levied against a seller, eBay will take action. Chris struggled to maintain an 85% positive feedback percentage. Many buyers complained that Chris was taking too long to ship items, of items coming in broken due to faulty packaging, or of outright not receiving purchased items altogether. One buyer even reported being sent "an empty envelope" after purchasing a bootleg Pokemon game from Chris in March 2018.

These complaints levied against Chris frequently caused his PayPal to become frozen, preventing him from pulling funds out. This enraged Chris, and resulted in him getting into scuffles with various buyers. One notorious example was when a buyer, referred to as Mr. Smith, opened up a dispute after Chris failed to make and ship a Sonichu medallion and commission within the specified two-week period, resulting in Chris's PayPal getting frozen. In response, Chris doxed the buyer on Facebook. Chris then proceeded to send an art of an exasperated Sonichu along with an angry-eyed Sonichu medallion. The buyer, refusing to lift the dispute until Chris sent the item described in the listing, eventually received a proper Sonichu medallion along with a full refund from eBay. Chris's eBay exploits eventually came to an end in June 2019, as eBay finally restricted his account after years of complaints.

In 2015, Chris began using Etsy as an alternative to eBay, after breaking the site's rules too many times. Things went as per usual, until Chris purchased a PS4 in March 2016, which sucked his attention away from his Etsy orders, and led to him ignoring several of them, often for months. This caused his Etsy shop to be eventually shut down in June. Chris would return to Etsy in 2020 with the help of Praetor, but the quality of his shipments and items haven't improved much.


Main article: Chris and art

Chris has always viewed Sonichu and the series he headlines as his pride and joy, but to call his updates infrequent or inconsistent is an understatement. While personally attributing his slipshod schedule to the idea that his inspiration 'comes in and out' - which, on the surface, is something that does affect those with creative persuasions - Chris has been known to go vast lengths of time without any news on the progress of his work. The most glaring example of this was Sonichu 11, a book first mentioned and conceived in 2009, that was effectively abandoned twice over the staggeringly long course of its production: once in 2010 the wake of the infamously divisive Sonichu 10, and again five years later, shortly after Chris summoned up the willpower to dust off his work and after he was paid to produce more pages by two separate parties, a delay that lasted two more years with little in the way of clear explanation.

In the Alec Benson Leary saga, over the course of numerous phone calls, Alec frequently took Chris to task for his lack of consistent work ethic - in particular, he emphasized the importance of keeping to a schedule to maintain a constant level of external interest in his output. There, he attributed his diminished productivity to the existence and pressure of outside stressors. More specifically, he pinned the blame for his creative drought on the existence of ads on the CWCipedia, the presence of which proved so troublesome that he couldn't stand to look at them, and hence couldn't use the site to upload his work. This simply proves how easy it is for Chris to be sidelined, or to put off work simply because other factors make him feel vaguely uncomfortable - in the years since, he has often said that he hasn't taken up producing his comic due to the lingering presence of various external factors, all of which can be boiled down to "stress". Another likely reason for this crushing negligence despite Chris's myriad explanations in his lack of timeliness is that Sonichu isn't a work that's held aloft by any real creative inspiration on his part. Rather, most of the time, it's a semi-autobiographical account of Chris's own life wearing the garb of a nonsensical fantasy realm. While the passing of his father in late 2011 doubtlessly impacted his drive, a combination of factors such as a lack of anything going on in his life, lingering discomfort regarding the events of Sonichu 10 and its perceived violation of his personal imaginary world, and Chris's own enduring laziness - even when paid $1000 with the express purpose of making 100 new pages in mind - have ultimately led to his negligence smothering his creativity.

House fire

Main article: 2014 house fire

Perhaps among the most consequential events in Christory, many have speculated that the fire at the Chandler residence may have been caused indirectly by Chris. According to the person who leaked the fire report, the fire appears to have been caused by a spark from an extension cord running through the bathroom door, of which the plastic coating had been rubbed away. The report seems to corroborate this claim, indicating that the fire started from the downstairs bathroom. Chris had run an extension cord from the bathroom to power a Keurig machine in the hallway, which was plugged in at the time of the fire.[2][3] How much of the blame that Barb shares for allowing the brazen fire hazard to exist, along with the hoard's role in the fire, however, is up for debate.


Main article: Chris and health

Surprising absolutely nobody, one of the biggest things Chris's negligence has affected is himself. As mentioned plenty of times on this site, he has shown to not take anything close to good care of his hygiene or diet, no doubt causing various health problems that could potentially endanger his very life. One noticeable example is Chris's eating habits, where he rarely eats vegetables or fruit, and when he does, he usually adds something unhealthy. Also worth noting is his well known lack of showering which, combined with other factors, makes him smell horrid.

Causes of Chris's negligence

There are several potential causes of Chris's negligence. Perhaps the most apparent cause is Barb's own negligence. Several house tours of the Chandler residence shined a light on just how serious her hoarding problem had become. Barb seemed to have little regard for the squalor that she and Chris lived in. The hoard seemed to have started many years ago, but absolutely exploded after the death of Bob, who had at least some awareness of just how much of a dump the Chandler residence was; he even commented on this during the infamous THAT IS MY HOUSE video from August 2009.

Another contributing factor could possibly be Chris's ego. Chris tends to see himself, and everything he creates, as flawless. In recent years, he has begun developing an outright god complex. It is entirely possible that this perceived flawlessness prevents Chris from being able to acknowledge any mistake he may make, causing problems for him down the road. These problems he encounters only further fuel his victim complex.

See also


Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

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