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<big><big><big><center><font color="red">FURNIGGER EXTERMINATION STATION</font></center></big></big></big>
<center><big><big><big><big>[http://widget.mibbit.com/?settings=53c027be90707773b4398de31aa77d09&server=irc.helldive.org&channel=%23legi0n GET IN IRC FAGGOTS]</big></big></big></big></center>
text=This user is a regular on Chatnets|}}
text=This user forges [[Laughs Under Lucricities|lulz]] and spreads drama throughout Second life and is the scourge of many a furnigger.|}}
title=Pedofork Finder General|
text=This user hunts down pedoforks like [[Chris]] and destroys them with fire.|}}
Pingas.  Also, cocks.
Chris-chan is a lolcow.  He is also STRRRAIGHT.  I am the principal mod of [[krapple|/cwc/]] and an admin on #legi0n IRC.  Also the founder of the AATC and a member of the Patriotic Nigras.
Are you being trolled, harassed, or insulted by me?  Are you offended by the statements I make?  Have I posted your personal information?  Have I exposed you for being a sick fuck?  If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you're probably a furfag!! :D
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] A CREED TO LIVE BY ==
This is as my Master told it to me and now I tell it thee.
There are a billion names of furfaggotry! A billion kinds of furries that slither and slime and defile the land, sea, and wind. Each furry is a kind of sin spawned by the internet's evil. And that internets is very sinful there are many of these damned furfags and their power is great.
As the purpose of all things in nature is to increase, so it is with the furry. They would we joined them and so they seek to overcome us. In alien forms they assault us. In sleep they come to spread doubt and fear among us. They would corrupt our hearts and see us yiff, too. Trust them not nor suffer them to live.
For each furfag destroyed is a soul freed from eternal bondage. Each mortal furry life extinguished is an /i/nsurgent soul raised to glory. Thus, our eternal destiny is written in the blood of the furfag.
With box and tampon destroy the furfag. With pizza and Koran smash the furfag. With credit card hacks and searing Mormons scatter the furfag to the stars. With gore and dataforce and bandwidth rape, with hax and AIDS and Jehovahs, with yellow vans and steroids!
Kill them! Kill them! Kill them all!
As my Master told it me I now tell it thee that thou shalt tell others in thy turn.
In an internet of a million sites, what is the death of one site in the cause of purity? Some may question your right to destroy ten billion furfags. Those who understand realize that you have no right to let them live.
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] TRUFAX ==
Furries want you to believe that they are simply people with a crazy lifestyle that involves wearing animal suits and other such things. They want you to believe that it’s fun, sexy, etc. Hell, they'll even claim they were born this way.
They are immoral, disgusting subhuman faggots who prey on the normal in order to feed their horrifying array of fetishes. They spread AIDS like wildfire and breed like rabbits. Furfaggotry is an enabler for the sickest fetishes imagionable, from vore to infantilism to pedophelia to male pregnancy, and most important of all, irl zoophilia. When was the last time you saw an infantilist that wasn't a babyfur?
Despite what furfags would say to support their claim that they they were born this way, furfaggotry is a learned behavior, you can't naturally want to be something you are born with no knowledge of, let alone things that simply aren't real (dragons, unicorns, ect). Their delusions would also have them claim that they are a race, a legitimate ethnicity, like the blacks and hispanics, would you consider zoophiles a race?
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] FURFAGS GET THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNET ==
We, The Patriotic Nigras, are happy to present to you, "Writings of a Deranged Madman: The Plexus Linden Chronicles"
Plexus Linden: stop!
Plexus Linden: Delete the cubes and leave the sim, or i will range ban your ass and you will never see another griefing day
?????????????: Orly? Do I sense some rage within your text sir.
Plexus Linden: God damnnigger im going to range ban your ass
?????????????: Butthurt of mass levels, enjoy mah cubes.
Plexus Linden: haha your neverf gonna see a damn day of sl eveir again
?????????????: Plexus, take the dildo out of your ass and lrn2spell english.
Plexus Linden: why cant we ban you?
Plexus Linden: what the hell.
?????????????: The lulz is way to strong with the force sir, mah nigger cock is closin your base.
Plexus Linden: your fucked, i swear to god!!!!!
?????????????: rage rage rage ragggeee!!!!!!!
<daniel_benfield>Anon -- Really? You don't seem like the kind that would just leave people be once they've surrendered. You seem to e the type that will slaughter those who think they're safe once they've surrendered to you.
<Anon1Guardian>I'm no jew
<Anon1Guardian>that's what blax and kikes and spics do
<daniel_benfield>And you're a Nazi, which makes everything better.
<Anon1Guardian>daniel, what is your final solution
<daniel_benfield>Saying the following to you -- "I'm leaving, go to Hell in a handbasket. Buh-bye."
- daniel_benfield quit (client exited: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] DEAD FURNIGGER ACCOUNTS ==
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/catarecool1234 catarecool1234]
*[http://osito17.deviantart.com/ osito17]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/Xxvampirexfreakxx  xxvampirexfreakxx]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/furryforeva furryforeva]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/donnychandler donnychandler]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/bribrithewolfgurl Bribrithewolfgurl]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/darkwolf6612 Darkwolf6612]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/andrejborgsfursona andrejborg]
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/darkiadraga DarkiaDraga]
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] CONTACT ==
*[http://www.youtube.com/user/xtrememuslimwarriors YouTube]
*<big><big><font color="red">BANNED</font> [http://anon1guardian.deviantart.com/ FROM] [http://cadd-chef.deviantart.com/ DEVIANTART] [http://soulofanon1.deviantart.com/ 13] [http://furryholocaust.deviantart.com/ TIMES] ([http://LOLSWASTIKA.deviantart.com HATE SPEECH], [http://ahmadinejadplz.deviantart.com IRAN], [http://theslavictomo.deviantart.com DOX DROPPING], [http://aatca1g.deviantart.com HATE SPEECH], [http://DrSerbia.deviantart.com HARASSMENT],  [http://countertrolldefender.deviantart.com ACCOUNT HACKING])</big></big>
==[[Image:Anonlaugh.png|50px]] LINKS ==
*[http://legi0n.789chan.org Legi0n]
*[http://www.theevidencelibrary.webs.com YouTube Evidence Library]
*[http://www.patrioticnigras.org The Patriotic Nigras site]
*[http://furryops.patrioticnigras.org/ <s>Furry</s><font color="red">HACKED</font>ops]
*[http://www.thuglyfe.org/ ThugLyfe]
*[http://www.wepump.in Penispump]
*[http://711chan.org/ 711chan]
*[http://partyvan.info/wiki/Main_Page TRUE and HONEST Partyvan Wiki]
*[http://www.gnaa.us/ GNAA Site]
*[http://ebaumsworld.on.nimp.org SEKRIT TROLL SITE ZOMG]

Latest revision as of 02:38, 15 January 2011
