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m (Games can mean a lot of things (board, card, etc.). Stating "video games" gives people a clearer idea of what the article is about.)
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This is a list of [[Christian Weston Chandler|Chris's]] video games he sent to [[Shigeru Miyamoto]] in order to show how dedicated he is to video games. He surely is. The actual [http://www.mediafire.com/?mdn5wamumtv Excel file] contains more information about each game that Chris listed himself for some reason.
#REDIRECT [[List of Chris's video games]]
Some games are obvious (every ''[[Sonic]]'' game, every ''[[Pokemon]]'' game), some are surprising (''Barbie Game Girl''), and some are just... bizzare (''Powerpuff Girls [[Pickles|Pickled]] Edition''). It’s possible to spin a few theories about Christian's taste in games and collecting tendencies, though. While his collection is very large, it has a curiously "generic" character. He owns very few rare or unusual games, and he doesn’t show evidence of much interest in any particular genres or styles of gameplay. It seems as if Chris prefers to simply acquire as many games as possible, especially if they’re cheap. His collections for platforms like the Sega CD and Sega Saturn consist almost entirely of titles that are commonly available at bargain-bin prices.
For whatever reason, Chris' game inventory also includes demo disks, game peripherals (such as his [[PSEye]]), and other things that can't really be considered games (such as Game Boy Advance video cartridges, a concept that failed to appeal to almost any American consumers...except, apparently, for Chris, who bought several of them).
The damn slanderous [[trolls]] estimate that Chris and his family have spent well over $20,000 on video games... your tax dollars at work.
==The games==
===NES games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Castlevania II: Simon's Quest''
|''Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse''
|''Dance Aerobics''
|''Donkey Kong 3''
|''Donkey Kong Classics''
|''Déjà Vu''
|''Castlevania II: Simon's Quest''
|''Dr. Mario''
|Ultra Games
|''Kabuki Quantum Fighter''
|''Kung Fu''
|''The Legend of Zelda''
|''Little Nemo: The Dream Master''
|''M.C. Kids''
|Virgin Games
|''Mendel Palace''
|Hudson Soft
|''Ninja Gaiden''
|''R.C. Pro-AM''
|''Sesame Street ABC''
|''Short Order/Eggsplode''
|''Super Glove Ball''
|''Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet''
|''Super Mario Brothers 2''
|''Super Mario Brothers 3''
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles''
|Ultra Games
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game''
|Ultra Games
|''Tetris 2''
|''The Three Stooges''
|''Wario's Woods''
|''Wheel of Fortune''
|''Zelda II: The Adventure of Link''
===Game Boy Games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|Game Boy
|''Barbie: Game Girl''
|Game Boy
|''Bases Loaded''
|Game Boy
|''A Boy and His Blob: The Rescue of Princess Blobette''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''Castlevania Adventure''
|Game Boy
|''Cool Spot''
|Virgin Interactive
|Game Boy
|''Darkwing Duck''
|Game Boy
|''Donkey Kong''
|Game Boy
|''Donkey Kong Land''
|Game Boy
|''Dr. Mario''
|Game Boy
|''Duck Tales''
|Game Boy
|''F-1 Race''
|Game Boy
|''Fist of the North Star''
|Game Boy
|''Game and Watch Gallery''
|Game Boy
|''Game Boy Camera (red)''
|Game Boy
|''Game Boy Camera (blue)''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''Heiankyo Alien''
|Game Boy
|''Home Alone''
|Game Boy
|''Kid Icarus''
|Game Boy
|''Kirby's Dream Land''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening''
|Game Boy
|''Marble Madness''
|Game Boy
|''Mega Man''
|Game Boy
|''Mega Man II''
|Game Boy
|''Metroid II: Return of Samus''
|Game Boy
|''Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers''
|Game Boy
|''Pokemon Blue''
|Game Boy
|''Pokemon Red''
|Game Boy
|''Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon''
|Game Boy
|''Pretty Soilder Sailor Moon R''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|Ultra Games
|Game Boy
|''Ren & Stimpy: Cadet Adventures''
|Game Boy
|''Revenge of the Gator''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''Super Mario Land''
|Game Boy
|''Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins''
|Game Boy
|''Super Scrabble''
|Game Boy
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles''
|Ultra Games
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''Tetris 2''
|Game Boy
|''Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
|''Wario Blast''
|Game Boy
|''Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3''
|Game Boy
|''Wave Race''
|Game Boy
|''Who Framed Roger Rabbit?''
|Game Boy
|Game Boy
===Super Nintendo games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''The Chessmaster''
|''Mario Paint''
|''Megan Man X''
|''Star Fox''
|''Stunt Race FX''
|''Super Game Boy''
|''Super Mario All-Stars''
|''Super Mario Kart''
|''Super Mario World''
|''Super Scope 6-in-1''
|''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time''
|''Yoshi's Safari''
===Nintendo 64 games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Cruisn' USA
|''Diddy Kong Racing
|''Hey You, Pikachu!
|''Lego Racers
|Lego Media
|''Mario Kart 64
|''Mischief Makers
|''Pokemon Puzzle League
|''Pokemon Snap
|''Pokemon Snap
|''Pokemon Stadium
|''Pokemon Stadium 2
|''Star Fox 64
|''Super Mario 64
|''Wave Race 64
|''Yoshi's Story
===Game Boy Color games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Game & Watch Gallery 2
|Game Boy Color
|''Game & Watch Gallery 3
|Game Boy Color
|''Gex: Enter the Gecko
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Crystal
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Gold
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Pinball
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Silver
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Trading Card Game
|Game Boy Color
|''Pokemon Yellow
|Game Boy Color
|''Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
|Game Boy Color
|''Chu Chu Rocket
|Game Boy Advance
===Game Boy Advance games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|Game Boy Advance
|''Game & Watch Gallery 4
|Game Boy Advance
|''Game Boy Advance Jukebox
|Game Boy Advance
|''Futari Wa Pretty Cure
|Game Boy Advance
|''Futari Wa Pretty Cure Max Heart
|Game Boy Advance
|''Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi: Kaznapped
|Game Boy Advance
|''Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament
|Game Boy Advance
|''Mario Kart: Super Circuit
|Game Boy Advance
|''Mario vs. Donkey Kong
|Game Boy Advance
|''Metroid Fusion
|Game Boy Advance
|''My Little Pony: The Runaway Rainbow
|Game Boy Advance
|''Pokemon Emerald
|Game Boy Advance
|''Pokemon FireRed
|Game Boy Advance
|''Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
|Game Boy Advance
|''Pokemon Ruby
|Game Boy Advance
|''Pokemon Sapphire
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sega Smash Pack
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sonic Advance
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sonic Advance 3
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sonic Battle
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sonic Pinball Party
|Game Boy Advance
|''Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis
|Game Boy Advance
|''Super Mario Advance
|Game Boy Advance
|''Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
|Game Boy Advance
|''Tetris Worlds
|Game Boy Advance
|''The Three Stooges
|Game Boy Advance
|''Warior Land 4
|Game Boy Advance
|''WarioWare Inc. Mega Micrgame$
|Game Boy Advance
|''WariorWare Twisted
|Game Boy Advance
|''Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
|Game Boy Advance
|''Yoshi Topsy-Turvy
|Game Boy Advance
|''All Grown Up! Volume 1
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Limited Edition
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Platinum Edition
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Premium Edition
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Special Edition
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Cartoon Network Collection: Volume 1
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''The Fairly Oddparents: Volume 1
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Nicktoons Collection: Volume 1
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Nicktoons Collection: Volume 2
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Pokemon GBAVideo: Beach Blank-Out Blastoise
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Pokemon GBAVideo: For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Pokemon GBAVideo: I Choose You!
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Pokemon GBAVideo: Johto Photo Finish
|Game Boy Advance Video
|''Sonic X Volume 1: A Super Sonic Hero!
|Game Boy Advance Video
===Game Cube games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Amazing Island
|Game Cube
|''[[Animal Crossing]]
|Game Cube
|''Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
|Game Cube
|Game Cube
|''Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix
|Game Cube
|''Donkey Konga
|Game Cube
|''Donkey Konga 2
|Game Cube
|''Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
|Game Cube
|''Evolution Worlds
|Game Cube
|''F-Zero GX
|Game Cube
|''Go! Go! Hypergrind
|Game Cube
|''Karaoke Revolution Party
|Game Cube
|''The Legend of Zelda Collector's Edition
|Game Cube
|''The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
|Game Cube
|''Luigi's Mansion
|Game Cube
|''Mario Kart: Double Dash
|Game Cube
|''Mario Kart: Double Dash Bonus Disc
|Game Cube
|''MC Groovz Dance Craze
|Game Cube
|''Metroid Prime
|Game Cube
|''Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Bonus Disc
|Game Cube
|''Pac-Man Vs.
|Game Cube
|''Pac-Man World 2
|Game Cube
|''Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire
|Game Cube
|''Pokemon Colosseum
|Game Cube
|''Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc
|Game Cube
|''Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
|Game Cube
|''The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage Pickled Edition
|Warner Brothers
|Game Cube
|''Shadow the Hedgehog
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Gems Collection
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Heroes
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Mega Collection
|Game Cube
|''Sonic Riders
|Game Cube
|''Soul Calibur II
|Game Cube
|Game Cube
|''Spyro: A Hero's Tail
|Universal Interactive
|Game Cube
|''Star Fox Adventures
|Game Cube
|''Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2
|Game Cube
|''Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike
|Game Cube
|''Super Mario Sunshine
|Game Cube
|''Super Smash Bros. Melee
|Game Cube
|''Wave Race: Blue Storm
|Game Cube
===Wii games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Animal Crossing City Folk
|''Link's Crossbow Training
|''Pok'emon Battle Revolution
|''Sonic & Mario at the Olympic Games
|''Sonic and the Secret Rings
|'Super Mario Galaxy
|''Super Smash Bros. Brawl
|''Wii Play
|Wii Sports
===Sega Genesis games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Desert Strike
|Electronic Arts
|''Genesis 6-Pak
|''Kid Chameleon
|Parker Brothers
|''Ms. Pac Man
|''Rocket Knight Adventures
|''Sonic & Knuckles
|''Sonic 3-D Blast
|''Sonic the Hedgehog
|''Sonic the Hedgehog 2
|''Sonic the Hedgehog 3
|''Sonic Spinball
|''Toy Story
|Disney Interactive
===DreamCast games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Bleem! *Grand Turismo2*
|''Chu Chu Rocket
|''Crazy Taxi
|''Evolution 2
|''Jet Grind Radio
|''Marvel vs Capcom
|''The Next Tetris
|''Samba de Amigo
|''Sega Dreamcast Generator D.1
|''Sega Smash Pack V.1
|''Skies of Arcadia
|''Sonic Adventure 1
|''Sonic Adventure 2
|''Sonic Shuffle
|''South Park: Chef's Luv Shack
|''Space Channel 5
|''Super Magnetic Neo
|''Suzuki Alstare-Extreme Racing
|''Time Stalkers
|''Tomb Raider: Last Revelation
|''Wetrix +
===PlayStation games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Activision Classics
|''Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkies, The
|''Amazing Virtual Sea-Monkies, The
|''Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Midway Collection 2
|''Atari Anniversary Edition Redux
|''Battle Arena Toshinden
|''Beast Wars [[Transformers]]
|''Blaster Master - Blasting Again
|''Bubsy 3D
|''Casper - Friends Around the World
|Cool Boarders 4
|''Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
|Universal Int.
|''Crash Bash
|Universal Int.
|''Danger Girl
|''Defcon 5
|Data East
|''Dragonball GT: Final Bout
|''Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22
|''Gran Turismo
|''Gran Turismo 2
|''Gundam Battle Assault 2
|''Hooters: Road Trip
|''Jet Moto 2
|''Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
|''Lego Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge
|''Mega Man Legends
|''Miracle Space Race
|Mud Duck
|''Mortal Kombat 4  *PS1 Title #25*
|''MTV Music Generator
|''Need For Speed - High Stakes
|''Need For Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit
|Pizza Hut Sampler Disc 2
|P''ooh's Party Game: In Search of the Treasure
|''PSUnderground Jampack 1
|''PSUnderground Jpack SummerY2K
|''PSUnderground Jpack WinterY2K
|''Porsche Challenge
|''Powerpuff Girls, The: Chemical X-Traction
|''Puzzle Star Sweep
|A1 Games
|''Resident Evil - Director's Cut
|''Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis Demo Disc
|''Small Soldiers
|''Space Jam
|''Speed Racer
|''Spice World
|''Spyro the Dragon
|Universal Int.
|''Star Wars Episode 1 - Jedi Power Battles
|Lucas Arts
|''Superstar Dance Club: #1 Hits
|XS Games
|''Tekken 2
|''Tomb Raider II
|''Toy Story 2
|''Um Jammer Lammy
|''Vandal Hearts
|''Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense
|''Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
===PlayStation 2 games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|Official PSMagazine Disc 105
|Official PSMagazine Disc 106
|Official PSMagazine Disc 107
|Official PSMagazine Disc 108
|Official PSMagazine Disc 109
|Official PSMagazine Disc 110
|Official PSMagazine Disc 111
|Official PSMagazine Disc 112
|''Aeon Flux
|''Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Zombie Ninja Pro-Am
|''Britney's Dance Beat
|''Crash Nitro Kart
|Universal Int.
|''Crash Tag Team Racing
|Universal Int.
|''Crash Twinsanity
|Universal Int.
|''Dance Dance Revolution Extreme
|''Dark Cloud
|''Eye Toy Play
|''Family Guy Video Game
|''Fatal Frame -Based On A True Story-
|''Guitar Hero
|Red Octane
|''Guitar Hero 2
|Red Octane
|''Guitar Hero Encore - Rock's The 80s
|Red Octane
|''Guy Game, The
|''Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask
|''Jak X Combat Racing
|''Jampack Volume 10
|''Jampack Volume 11
|''Jampack Volume 14
|''Karaoke Revolution Volume 3
|''Kingdom Hearts
|Disney/Square Enix
|''Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil
|''Marc Ecko's Getting Up Contents Under Pressure
|''Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo
|PaRappa the Rapper 2
|PSUnderground Summer Sampler
|''Sega Superstars
|''Sonic Mega Collection Plus
|''[[Soul Calibur 2]]
|''[[Soul Calibur]] 3
|''Space Channel 5 *Special Edition*
|''Taiko Drum Master
|''Tekken Tag Tournament
|''Unreal Tournament
===Playstation 3 games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Armored Core 4
|''Dark Sector
|''Dragonball Z: Burst Limit
|''The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion *Game of the Year Edition*
|''Enchanted Arms
|''[[The Eye of Judgement]]
|Genji: Days of the Blade
|''Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
|Red Octane
|''Guitar Hero Aerosmith
|Red Octane
|''Guitar Hero World Tour
|Red Octane
|''Heavenly Sword
|''Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
|Lego Media
|Marvel Ultimate Alliance
|''Mirror's Edge
|''Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
|''Resistance: Fall of Man                                       
|''Rock Band
|''Rock Revolution
|''Sega Superstars Tennis
|''Simpsons Game, The
|''Sonic The Hedgehog
|''Sonic Unleashed
|''[[Soul Calibur]] IV *Premium Edition*
|''Spider-Man 3  *Collector's Edition*
|''(John Woo Presents) Stranglehold *Collector's Edition*
|''Stuntman *Ignition
|''[[Transformers]] - The Game
|''Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
|''Virtua Fighter 5
===PSP games===
{| class="wikitable collapsible autocollapse"
|''Ah!  My Goddess the Movie UMD Movie
|''Ape Escape Academy
|''Ape Escape ~ On the Loose
|''Armored Core: Formula Front-Extreme Battle
|''ATV Offroad Fury - Blazin' Trails
|''ATV Offroad Fury Pro Demo Disc
|''Brooktown High
|''Bust-A-Move Deluxe
|''BUZZ!  Master Quiz
|''Carol Vorderman's Sudoku
|Secret Stash
|''Crash Tag Team Racing
|Universal Int.
|''Darkstalkers Chronicle - The Chaos Tower
|''Every Extend Extra
|''Family Guy ~ Freakin' Sweet Collection UMD Movie
|''Final Fantasy VII ~ Advent Children UMD Movie
|''Gangs of London
|''Gangs Of London Demo Disc
|''Go! Sudoku
|''God of War - Chains of Olympus
|''God of War - Chains of Olympus Demo Disc Special Edition: Battle of Attica
|Red Mile
|''Guilty Gear Judgement
|''Gurumin - A Monsterous Adventure
|''Harvey Birdman - Attorney At Law
|''Hot Pixel
|''Into the Blue UMD Movie
|''Killzone Liberation
|''Killzone Liberation Demo Disc
|''Kingdom of Paradise
|''Lego Stars Wars II - The Original Trilogy
|Lego Media
|''Lords Of Dogtown
|''Lumines II
|''Mercury Meltdown
|''Mind Quiz
|''MLB 07: The Show Demo Disc
|''(Mobile Suit) Gundam - Battle Royale (Japan Import)
|''National Lampoon's Animal House
|''PaRappa The Rapper
|''Patapon Demo Disc
|''PQ Practical Intelligence Quotient
|''Puzzle Challenge Crosswords and More
|''Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
|''Sampler Disc for PSP Vol.1
|''Saturday Night Live Collection - The Best of Chris Farley
|Lions Gate
|''Sega Genesis Collection
|''Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron
|''SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
|''Sonic Rivals
|''Sonic Rivals 2
|''South Park ~ When Technology Attacks!
|Comedy Central
|Space Invaders Extreme
|''Spider-Man 2 UMD Movie
|''Spider-Man New Animated Series The Mutant Menace UMD Movie
|''STEALTH (movie)/Wipeout Pure
|''Superbad-Unrated Extended Edition
|''Syphon Filter - Logan's Shadow Demo Disc
|''Tekken: Dark Resurrection
|''The Con
|''Transformers - The Game
|''Ultimate Block Party
|''Wipeout Pure
|''WTF: Work Time Fun
==See also==
*[[Miyamoto Saga]]
*''[[Christian Weston Chandler's Adult Chronicles]]''
*''[[Sonichu Advance]]''
*''[[Sonichu Adventure]]''
==External links==
*[http://www.mediafire.com/?mdn5wamumtv The Excel file]
*[http://outerheaven.pastebin.com/f277fb9e2 Purchases from May 7th onward]
[[Category:Video Games]]

Latest revision as of 22:19, 19 January 2015