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Revision as of 19:25, 23 June 2009

Chris has several problems that may stem from a Southern accent and dialect along with a genuine speech problem. It has appeared to worsen over time due to the fact that he spoke clearly and normally in his older videos, while he frequently stutters in the more recent ones. This could possibly be attributed to "stress" from dealing with the trolls.

His problems in verbal communication most likely stem from either the extended period of "muteness" that he was under, purportedly lasting from the age of one and a half years old to seven or his autism, in which speech difficulties are very common. One should note that what he types on the internet generally tends to be significantly more coherent and grammatically correct than how he speaks. This may indicate that while writing, he has more freedom to determine what he says (this is directly contradicted by the various, glaring errors in the Sonichu comics).

He often pauses and takes deeps breaths of air between some comments, which is a common training method/counter-measure for people who suffer from stammers.

His southern accent is very prevalent, causing some pronounciations to sound strange and incorrect to most viewers (guitar=Gee-tar, y'all, etc.).



Chris-ism English Translation
Actin' Acting
Adrigionally Originally
Ai-vee Ivy
Anudder Another
An' And
Asse AXE
BUHbyenose But everyone knows
Cuz Because
Commershul Commercial
Corrs Of course
Cree-tor Creator
Da The
De-B-t Debt
Dere There
Doin' Doing
Dubly ???
Durnal Donor