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#REDIRECT [[Jackie E-mails 2]]
April 9, 2010 - 4:54pm
Wow, you have a lot to say, don't you? :)
I understand your hesitation about not knowing what kind of job you can get with your degree, like I said, I've been there too. You should do what I did and go back to school! Now that you're older I'm sure you've thought a lot about what type of career you'd like to have, you can go back and get any kind of degree you want, maybe you can also find a way to use your first one like I'm doing.
But you know, I followed the link of that Asperchu on the front page and spent over two HOURS reading it last night, I thought it was so funny and well-written, honey I'm so sorry, I thought it was YOURS! I can't believe that about that guy that draws it, that's just terrible. But I'm surprised a troll would go to such lengths, he's still drawing it every day and making updates and writing letters to his fans, even though you don't seem to care about Asperchu anymore, why would he keep doing that if you weren't paying attention? Did you maybe try talking to him nicely about the adspace and finding out why he was doing it, it just seems weird to me that he would keep doing that unless he had a reason. Anyway, enough of that, I was disappointed because I was looking for your recent comic pages but it doesn't look like you've been drawing much lately...? I thought Sonichu was so important to you considering how much you loved telling me about it, I thought it was like a daily webcomic that you did like Asperchu was, it seemed like that was your focus since you're not employed. And I'm kind of confused, is Sonichu supposed to be a children's comic? Because you censor swearing and have important morals and things like a kid's cartoon would have all over the place, but then you have stuff like that violent trial, where you killed those strange children (couldn't figure out who they were in the story, btw)... I like a story with violence, believe me, but I'm just confused who the target audience is?
And honey, I'm not really sure why you say science is "stupid", scientists put a lot of time and research into their work, like my psychiatrist friend. I don't get why you think autism is about having a "spotlight", I mean, people with aspergers have big problems too, my friend works with quite a few children with aspergers, its no picnic, they work their whole lives to overcome their effects too. Besides, if aspergers is a type of autism, then wouldn't you all just share the same "spotlight", what's wrong with that? I mean, everyone who has a problem they need help with deserves some attention, don't you think?
Anyway, I would love to see some new comics on your site, I'm gonna be honest, I really want a guy who's motivated, you know? Have you gone to the Game Place yet? Make sure you do record yourself being peaceful so they can't lie and turn it against you. I'm still excited to hear how it goes!
~ ~ Jackie ~ ~}}
April 9, 2010 - 8:46pm
I am uncertain of going back to school at the moment, and I am still uncertain of what career I feel would be best for me.  I have printed the message, and I will keep your suggestion in my mind.  Thank you.  :)
Sonichu has been, and still is, very important to me.  As for the contents of the 10th book, with the Trial and anything to do with Alec and those guys, will be swapped out for new pages I am working on.  I've been on a hiatus from the internet, and recovering the inspiration to get back to my work, Free of most Troll Influence.  It was that influence that made me feel such irritation to draw what I drew there.  I originally started the books, YES for a rating of TV-Y7, and that same influence from the past few years drew me to go into adult themes.
I lost focus, and I am regaining it from the hiatus.  In a short while, I plan on putting my #0 book onto Lulu.com, to see how that would work, and let that go on a monthly new release.  With reasonable page-removal/swapping, so it can be of TV-Y7 rating.  Within the first 10 books, I put too much of myself into the story (a later-learned big mistake).  But as I had stated in that book, I will be making less appearances, and letting the stories focus more around Sonichu and Rosechu, as it should have been.  And the villains will be less real-life based; thank God for my creation of Count Graduon; he will possess Metal Sonichu on the moon and make his return in 12 or later.  I am very motivated.
I do agree, everyone who has a problem deserve some attention.  My opinions on the asperger symptom is just a piece of my OCD, and I feel the topic is better less discussed around me.  Very much the same as my opinion on how my characters are being wrongfully portrayed by other people, because I feel it is an invasion into my world as I see and have made of it.  But as long as I am still alive, all of the ideas and status of Sonichu, Rosechu, the city of Cwcville, and all that continue to remain sound and good as I see it.
I feel my comics are LESS of a webcomic and more of paper comic; I only shared it on the Sonichu Site originally, because it was a part of the Sonichu Universe.  A big difference in webcomics and paper comics, from my point of view, webcomics are more of a daily panel, like in a newspaper, or if full-page, they are more likely computer-drawn, and they do appear on a daily basis.  Paper Comics are the FULL books, where the whole story is elaborated, and it gets told on a monthly or so basis.  I feel my books are better off as Monthly, since it is on Paper, and there are a LOT of pages and Sound Thought put into them.
New comics pages WILL be put up onto the Cwcipedia in due time, and for right now, I am concentrating on going self-publishing with Lulu, getting them better edited for the TV-Y7 audiences, and continuing with my stories.  And I am also concentrating on my real life and seeking out the True Love I have been looking for, and I am thinkin' it'll be with you, Jackie-Heart.  ;)  I have a ton in mind for my "Second Season"; the stories are of my idea for the video game I often advertised on the backs of my books, "Sonichu's Adventure".  Basically, it is the stories of adventures between Sonichu, Rosechu and each of the other main Electric-Hedgehogs.  Like for example, Wild Sonichu's story is of after he loses his father to some Pok'emon poachers (possibly of Team Rocket and Giovanni), and years later, he hears the call of his father from afar, and he sets forward to find and rescue him.  The ending being he finds his Scyther father evolved to a Scizor, and it draws into a plot similar to that in Star Wars between Luke and Vader.
I will be making the trip to the Game Place within the next few days; I will bring a recorder to get the event down, and I will let you know how it turns out.
Anyway, I would like to talk more about you as well as me, so please fill me in on some your own memories and events.  Like you can tell me some of your high school or college stories, some of the things that happen while you're relaxing, hanging out or whatever.  And I still would like the confirmation on our plans for our meeting date; do tell what you have in mind, Sweetie.  <3
I'm thinking fondly of you.  You stay safe, and have a good day.

Latest revision as of 13:23, 21 February 2011

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