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oh hey this is where I plan on putting any stuff related to User:Xentrilus/CWCography. bits of writing, ideas for formatting, just a corner for me to ramble in.

i am a walrus


An artist is always alone - if he is an artist. No, what the artist needs is loneliness.
Henry Miller, foreseeing the Love Quest

Marvel's Civil War was one of the most well-received comics in recent memory, part because of the commentary on post-9/11 America, and partly because we've all wanted our favorite superheroes punch each other in the face. The beauty of comic books is that they can be enjoyed on multiple levels by a wide audience. Their easy-to-read nature and sequential narrative has translated well into modern technology, with a variety of artists producing "webcomics" for the public. One of these pseudo-professionals is none other than Christian Weston Chandler; whose drawings have induced everything from uncontrollable laughter to bouts of moral umbrage.

Vibrant primary colors, frequent speed lines, and gigantic walls of text, Sonichu is one of the most attention-grabbing comics on the internet. Despite being extremely bare and childlike in design and narration, people from across the globe have examined every page that Christian has released (and quite a few that he hasn't). Other artists, using various mediums, have taken the characters and elements in Sonichu and adapted them with their own works, often with impressive results.(note: add some fucking examples) With every glaring flaw and obvious misstep made in Sonichu, one is drawn into reading further; until you realize how deeply entrenched in this fictional universe Christian truly is. And then, before you know it, Sonichu is within your mind as well.

Such a primitive backdrop originates from equally primitive methods and styles. Chris has frequent espoused his use of markers originally meant for children; and consistently refuses to sketch his pages before inking them. Even with the advent of more and more advanced image manipulation programs, Christian made a brazen move to use this technology only to add capitalized text in Comic Sans. However, even with these huge artistic hurdles, our illustrator's most prominent handicap is own style. "Rules and models destroy genius and art," William Hazlitt once said, but even the most rebellious of modern artists would have difficulty identifying the emotional and social messages within Sonichu. A pastiche of multiple modern influences are present through his work, everything from western animation to Japanese anime and manga. The result is something akin to Family Guy smashed together with Excel Saga (both major sources of "parody" for Chris).

Such an abnormal comic comes from an equally unusual inspiration. The comic's main character, the energetic Sonichu, was formed during Chris's high school years, after a teacher gave out a simple assignment: Design a CD cover without using copyrighted characters. Pikachu and Sonic being major influences on him at the time, Chris utilized elements from the two franchises to create the character (While many would think the name 'Sonichu' is a portmanteau, Chris has repeatedly claimed the name is a play off Sonic's Japanese name, Sonikku). Around 2003, roughly five years later Christian encountered a deep, crushing, loneliness brought on by educational issues. In the subsequent months, he turned his titular character, Sonichu, into the star of his comic series, beginning with Sonichu Zero. By self-publishing his art and displaying it at every opportunity; he hoped to happen upon, in his own words, "a sweetheart from the ground-up". The combination of his romantic frustrations and isolation was a major factor in the creation and design of Sonichu.

The Sonichu canon is hard to quantify, partly due to the inconsistent level of exposition, and partly because of the frequent and extreme moves Christian has made to retcon events or items people have accepted as part of the comic history. Characters are often introduced without warning, and fall by the wayside just as quickly. The fictional backdrop, CWCville, however, stays constant throughout all of the issues. Quite what and where CWCville 'is' remains ambiguous to even the most diehard fans; on the map within Sonichu 3, CWCville is detailed as having a forest, volcano, beach, and urban center (interestingly, despite this lush environment, no wildlife is seen except the occasional Pokemon). Earlier, it's also described as five miles from another fictional town. Compounding this with more recent statements of this city being inside Vigirnia, USA; and you begin to see how badly the lines between fictional universes and reality is smeared.

Besides the location, the inner machinations of CWCville are just as mysterious. Christian's comic persona (expounded more later) is the mayor and undisputed leader of the city, without ever been elected or holding public office; and despite the claims that CWCville is an American city, it features is own confusing form of currency. Also, the multiple creatures that inhabit the town all seem to lack a profession, Sonichu 9 hinting that they are 'appointed' by Chris and living off citywide welfare. Of the human inhabitants, there are almost no African Americans, or any minority; though there does seem to be disproportionate amount of white females. Whether Christian is giving his views on community within 21st suburban life or simply idealizing his perfect world is anyone's guess. ZOMG WRITERS BLOCK


just musings, nothing serious

Well, a biography on Chris should be fairly easy to write. I mean, we're sitting on an entire wiki based on him; from here, it's simply a matter of condensing, organizing, and formating. The greatest challenge, I think, is organization. Getting a group of people to work hard towards a goal (and stopping people from fucking it up) on the internet has proved to historically be an obstacle. Compounding this with the difficultly of transmitting intangible concepts, and making a uniform (and high) level of quality, I believe we'll be in for the long haul.

However, success in this endeavor could prove either monumental, hilarious, eye-opening, tragic, scrotum-clenching or any combination of these things (or none at all). With a skilled group of writers and editors, I firmly believe this idea can come to fruition; and entertain and inform the unwashed, bored masses.


Xent was half right, and I was half right (Er, I hope). We should start with recent Chris events, coupled with a bit of shock value (9/11, JULAY, etc). I've been buried in history texts so long I've forgotten what gets people sucked in: a good hook; and this wiki is proof that Chris's shattered psyche is one hell of a hook. After going in with a bang, I think we should take a step back, detail Chris's childhood, family life, all the past influences on him (that will be cited in the numerous "Chris and...." sections). After working our way through the trolling sagas*, we can end with a piece on the future (and get all preachy, wheee).

  • with the trolling sections, i think we should couple those with a 'Chris and...', which ever section most appropriate (thinking about it, the shorter, less relevant sagas could probably be merged into the chapters of more important ones, based on chronology.

idea for the foreword

okay, everyone thinks it would be badass to have Christian himself write the foreword, so i devised an extremely complex and multi-layered plot to procure this wisdom from him (read: troll him into it)

First, we'd need to set up. A cheap, officious-looking website (with obligatory 'Under Construction' sign) that asserts the existence of a European publishing company that specializes in biographies. Add in a phone number and some TRUE and HONEST calls, and Chris will buy it.

After the site is set and the trap is poised, we make contact. Obviously, Chris has shouted his phone number to literally everyone on internet, so that won't be the hard part; actually getting a response might be. However, assuming this goes off;

  • Introduce yourself, publishing company
  • Say the book is the first of a planned series on emerging stars
  • Stress that it's going to happen, regardless of his input (we have the legal ground to do this)

-also stress that the book will be full of TRUTHINESS

  • "We wanted to give you the opportunity to set the tone for the book" etc etc
  • Tell him where to get in touch and where to send the foreword.