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Revision as of 03:06, 30 November 2016 by Im not Chris 1993 (talk | contribs) (A cease and desist for what I consider to be a massive invasion of privacy)
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Leave Him Alone. Hello im a long time reader/christorian You'll have to forgive the spelling mistakes im not a great speller. I decoded to do this not as a white knight and certainly not as chris/ricardo/christain/christine. Im also not Anna or anyone associated with chris his family and ive never met Chris. Im here as someone who has worked with people with intellectual disabilities. Its time to STOP this has been going on for over ten years. While Chris has a lot he should be ashamed off This constant invasion of privacy not to mention mental trauma abuse thank god he is no longer being trolled. Its time for a change and Iplan to continue edits. LEAVE HIM BE PLEASE STOP I ASK KINDLY FOR IT TO STOP. I plan to contact an American lawyer on behalf of Chris. Thank you for readi ng this.