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A few Christorians have taken it upon themselves to obtain this cursed piece of literature to see exactly how its contents could influence Chris (ie: passages taken out of context). The book overall is graphic in its language and its description of the multiple facets of sex in general. As stated elsewhere its written from a perspective of someone who has a physical disability who may find sex to be awkward or unenjoyable. It is not intended as a guide on HOW to have sex with people with disabilities.

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

There are a few choice passages in the book that when taken out of context, and with the reader failing to grasp on basic reading comprehension skills, could explain why Chris thought what he was doing was 'okay' and 'normal'.

"Maybe if disabled people on the whole weren't so excluded from life and normal life experiences, then the devotee attraction would not seem weird at all, but rather a factor of the magical continuum of desire, or the notion that there's at least one somebody for everybody-- and hopefully, in all our cases, lots of somebodies"
Considering how Chris views himself as "disabled", he would naturally feel that what he is doing is okay because he has been excluded from "life and normal life experiences" like finding love. Therefore in his mind the book is justifying that because he is "disabled" and "there's at least one somebody for everyone", the logic progression would lead him to believe that what he is doing is okay.
"We tend to class attractions as 'normal' and 'abnormal', and an attraction to disabled folk is firmly assigned to the 'abnormal' basket. Restrictions on who we're supposed to be attracted to seem the only 'abnormal' thing to me."
Chris would take this passage as the green light that justifies his sexual attraction to his mother. If there are no restrictions according to this book, why can't he have sex with his mother? However, the intention of the quote is reassure the reader that his/her feelings towards someone are okay and justified, not that its okay to have sexual relationships with persons that most cultures/societies would deem as abhorrent and at very least illegal.
"As long as the fetish doesn't involve hurting themselves, or somebody else, and is consensual, we don't think people should be quick to judge fetishes as abnormal or threatening"
In the context of the book as a whole, this line boils down to "don't kink shame". Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, and nobody is in a position to judge. Except when its having sex with your own mother.
"Whether or not you are responding in the right way, with enough oomph, often enough, and to the right sort of person (god forbid you sexually respond to someone of the same sex, or much older than you)"
This passage aged like milk, considering it aims to break the taboo of having sex with someone much older than you, and Chris initially led on about his sexual partner being "of this half of our universe", physically older than him, and worked "thoroughly and compassionately with her beforehand."

"On the 3rd day he rose again"

"Successful spontaneity often happens as a result of careful planning. people tend to see this need for planning as a negative thing, but it is really an opportunity to expand our sexual horizons. regardless of disability it can be a good idea to plan ahead for sex"
This quote could have been why Chris was so rigid (heh) with doing the deed every 3 days like clockwork.

Christorian Opinions/Discussion

In the pursuit of Christory, a number of Christorians obtained a copy of this book and subjected their eyeballs to the horrid content therein. Below are their opinions on topics on the book as a whole.

  • In reading the contents of this book, the author has a common theme that amounts to "in case you talking about sex with people makes them uncomfortable, fire your caretaker and get a new one who is sex-positive". What is concerning here, is that the author implies that it is socially acceptable to discuss sexual topics with what essentially is a paid employee. This act, with someone who is not specialized in the topic, could be viewed as tactless at best and sexual harassment at worst. Therefore one must view this book through the lens of being written by someone who encourages socially unacceptable behavior. Chris, being cut from the same cloth, would therefore latch onto the contents of this book because their views align.
  • For a quick summary of the general lessons that the book takes away, it emphasizes how it's important to take away taboos with people who are disabled and dependent on a caregiver who want sex, and it emphasizes breaking that taboo and getting comfortable asking for help achieving orgasm. One part of the book at the beginning says that there's too much taboo about who your partner is and "god forbid it be someone much older than you". "For some people it won’t be feasible to see and touch all parts of their bodies. If you require twenty-four-hour assistance you may never have someone willing to hold a mirror to see what your clitoris looks like. You may not feel comfortable even asking for that help." "What supports will you need to have in place in case you need to deal with things that come up during your experience? You may have overwhelming feelings that you don’t know how to cope with. Do you have someone you can talk with about these strong feelings or memories? If you don’t have a friend, family member, or caregiver with whom you can hash things out, or some other way that you work through difficult things in your life..."

Relevant quotes from the book (Stolen from discord copypasta, ie: our human shield, Greene County Health Department)

Chris' Justification for everything

  • "As long as the fetish doesn't involve hurting themselves, or somebody else, and is consensual, we don't think people should be quick to judge fetishes as abnormal or threatening"
    • This statement frames the whole analysis of the book. It gave chris the mental justification that what he was doing was okay. Of course it was taken completely out of context in that it doesnt apply to situations that most societies would deem as unacceptable (ie: Incest, Pedo, etc) -Cwcvillepharmacy (talk) 16:14, 19 October 2021 (UTC)
  • "Maybe if disabled people on the whole weren't so excluded from life and normal life experiences, then the devotee attraction would not seem weird at all, but rather a factor of the magical continuum of desire, or the notion that there's at least one somebody for everybody-- and hopefully, in all our cases, lots of somebodies"
  • "We tend to class attractions as 'normal' and 'abnormal', and an attraction to disabled folk is firmly assigned to the 'abnormal' basket. Restrictions on who we're supposed to be attracted to seem the only 'abnormal' thing to me."
    • Having sex with my mom would be viewed as abnormal, but since this book says its okay, then its okay! They just dont understand! -Cwcvillepharmacy (talk) 16:14, 19 October 2021 (UTC)
  • "Whether or not you are responding in the right way, with enough oomph, often enough, and to the right sort of person (god forbid you sexually respond to someone of the same sex, or much older than you)"

Every 3 days

  • The chapter on Spontaneity, states "successful spontaneity often happens as a result of careful planning. people tend to see this need for planning as a negative thing, but it is really an opportunity to expand our sexual horizons. regardless of disability it can be a good idea to plan ahead for sex"


  • ugh, this whole book just keeps saying "in case you talking about sex with people makes them uncomfortable, fire your caretaker and get a new one who is sex-positive". like every scenario the author keeps assuming that the reader shouldn't feel shame about voicing their sexual needs constantly to those around them and that everyone who is uncomfortable with it is just ableist because disabled peoples' sexuality is inherently taboo


  • really this whole thing is under the assumption that the reader already knows about consent so it isn't really brought up with the perspective that they're the one who should be asking for consent. rather that they're the one people are assuming doesn't consent, when the contrary is true and the reader is DTF always and needs to vocalize it
  • For a quick summary of the general lessons that the book takes away, it emphasizes how it's important to take away taboos with people who are disabled and dependent on a caregiver who want sex, and it emphasizes breaking that taboo and getting comfortable asking for help achieving orgasm. One part of the book at the beginning says that there's too much taboo about who your partner is and "god forbid it be someone much older than you". "For some people it won’t be feasible to see and touch all parts of their bodies. If you require twenty-four-hour assistance you may never have someone willing to hold a mirror to see what your clitoris looks like. You may not feel comfortable even asking for that help." "What supports will you need to have in place in case you need to deal with things that come up during your experience? You may have overwhelming feelings that you don’t know how to cope with. Do you have someone you can talk with about these strong feelings or memories? If you don’t have a friend, family member, or caregiver with whom you can hash things out, or some other way that you work through difficult things in your life..."