User talk:Xentrilus/CWCography

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Above everything else a biography must be unbiased. We'll have to look at Chris all over again through the eyes of one new to his antics, as that is what the readers will be doing.

I know, I's just hard to be unbiased about Chris. He's such a hateable human being. But in the end, all we can do is present readers with the facts, and let them come to their own conclusions. xontrolos 14:42, 15 November 2009 (CET)

i'm pretty sure no one needs any help coming to the conclusion that they hate chris --Jump 05:59, 17 November 2009 (CET)

Chapters discussion page

OK. In case anyone, contributor or ottherwise, has any NON-PRIVATE enquiries, suggestions or whatever, for any individual episode, I don't want it cluttering up this page so here is a place for you to do it: User talk:Xentrilus/CWCography/Chapters

We DO privately intend to get a private IRC channel for private discussions once the private team is privately finalised and privatised. Uh. Yes.

And yes I know this is jumping the gun by about 2 years but you can never be too prepared. xontrolos 21:01, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Front cover

There's some discussion about the cover going on at /cwc/, and a designer-fag has said that we should go with an illustration rather than a photo because there are no good photos of Chris-chan. He also said we need to have Sonichu incorporated into the cover in some way. Thoughts? xontrolos 23:09, 15 November 2009 (CET)

I saw the thread and there was a nice picture with the working title of "A Day in Christory". It incorporates the medallion, the drawings, etc. and looks very nice. The only problem is with the black background. Black covers, with a few exceptions, generally look like shit and are too dark to be really eye-catching. A white background would be better. Perhaps we could have a contest and pick the best one that is submitted. And I agree 100% - there are no good photos and it would have to be an illustration. --Decrumpit 10:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Just curious

Would you want an actual book publisher to do this? The problem is that with multiple contributors is that it'll come out as an uneven style, unless someone wanted to even things out so it sounds like it came from one person. Unless you wanted this to be more of a book on essays on Chris, like each essay would be about an episode in Chris's life, such that it forms a sequential biography.

Not that this is a bad idea, and this is an excellent use of the CWCki, it's just an unfortunate thing about many trolls is that they don't plan things through thoroughly. --Champthom 22:10, 15 November 2009 (CET)

I'm just gonna throw this out there

You might have an easier time getting Chris to sign off on this if you allowed him to write the prologue or forward or something.--Beat 15:35, 15 November 2009 (CET)

Hey, you know, that is a really good idea. It would probably be a whole lot easier too... problem is, would he be bothered to write it? Perhaps we could ask his permission to use content from "Christian In His Own Words" if he ends up being too lazy. Thanks for the input. xontrolos 15:53, 15 November 2009 (CET)

I hereby volunteer to do some writing if y'need anybody. Maybe different authors for different chapters to cut down on time to completion? We do wanna strike while the iron's hot. Ensign disposable 17:14, 15 November 2009 (CET)

I'd also like to volunteer. I'm not really a great writer or anything, but I think I could at least contribute to some of the subepisodes without messing them up. --Beat 20:14, 15 November 2009 (CET)

Whew, I'm pleased we got some contributors. That raises the count to 4! :D But seriously, I feel like once we have got Chris's confirmation and a little more work done, this could become quite popular. xontrolos 20:17, 15 November 2009 (CET)

I'll volunteer for sub-episode 4. However it'd be good to have a basic list of important things to cover within the subchapter (so I don't go too overboard on shit nobody cares about)The Laughing Fox 20:39, 15 November 2009 (EST)

Sub-Episode 4 should cover:
  • A little bit on how Chris's Love Quest is really about getting china.
  • His REAL views on women, and what he REALLY wants in a girlfriend.
  • His sex toys, including Officer Nasty and Kimmi, and the Fake Tits of Fail
  • The sex tape
  • Other leaks like the nudes, the fetish vids/pics, the cum guzzling recycling
  • His Rule 34 artwork, and the misconceptions of how sex works demonstrated within it
That enough? xontrolos 01:19, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Perfect, thank you. The Laughing Fox 20:29, 18 November 2009 (EST)


OK, if anyone is going to do anything we need to know what to do. So, here's a list of sections I've come up with (not including the foreword). My idea is to start in the present with a summary of current Chris, then trace back different aspects of his personality to things like his childhood, ED, trolls etc.

Click here to see the chapter list.

So how does it sound? Any changes? Should we forget it completely? I'm all ears. xontrolos 19:47, 15 November 2009 (CET)

Sup Xentrilus,

Creative writer/philosofag here. If we are going to pull this off, it will take much planning and insight. To be honest, the prospects of mass market publication look rather dim, although we could experiment with other media. I am dead serious about publishing this thing, however, and I will cough up the venture capital to get the ball rolling if need be. I have worked on chronicling the Christory section and I think our book should focus more or less on what has been presented above. Whether Chris decides to participate or not is inconsequential.

I also see future books on the horizon, perhaps branching out into a sort of "Troll Anthology" with a behind-the-scenes look at how the magic happens, complete with pictures and whatnot. The first publication would have to be done through a small publisher and the thing will almost definitely contain no illustrations. The logistics of publishing books with illustrations are insane unless we want to be paying $100+ dollars per book. However, there is a way around this.

I know of several comparable "fan projects" and the potential for making a kickass, entertaining, insightful, and epic book cannot be understated. As for the legal issues, being a lawfag as well I can tell you that the powers that be will never touch us. This project is simply too small scale to attract the attention of AXE, Fanta, or even Sega. My only concern is Chris himself, who will probably be more flattered by the whole enterprise than anything.

In short, this biography will entertain, disgust, chronicle, psychologize, philosophize, and capture the spirit of the manchild himself in an incredible insightful, humorous, and inspiring volume. I would be honored to work with my fellow trolls on this momentous undertaking, and I thank you for coming up with the idea. I look forward to hearing from you.

--Decrumpit 21:50, 15 November 2009 (CET)

Inspiring words. :D Geez, this is a pretty momentous task we are taking on here, and you kind of brought it home. But I really want to do this, even if I end up dragging it through the mud.

Also one of you Americunts is gonna have to do the publishing stuff because I'm in the UK and my ass might get raeped by the law. :3 xontrolos 22:43, 15 November 2009 (CET)

  • First, I don't think Chris or his immediate family has the wherewithal to sue. There's a slim chance Barb might, but I doubt she has enough money to spend on lawyers between compulsively buying shit at Goodwill and swap meets and sitting on her ass for large portions of the day. And no lawyer is going to take Chris seriously.

Anyway, I would only self-publish this as a last resort. The cool thing about getting your book published by an actual publisher is the money flows towards you, the writer/editor and the publisher takes care of the marketing and distribution of your book. There ARE publishers for this kind of weird bullshit out there... there was Loompanics, which specifically published weird shit, but they're now dead and gone.

Anyway I spent a couple years moderating an online writer's workshop, which means I've read through a whole rainbow of shitty writing (one of which was suspiciously close to Twilight, but before Stephanie Meyer's book was published), and in many cases offered critiques. The workshop covered short fiction with original content (i.e., no unpublishable fanfiction). I could be sorta useful to this project for that reason alone.

I would suggest trying to find a literary agent before pitching directly to publishers, as a lot of publishers haven't accepted unsolicited manuscripts (which tend to be sent in by crazy people) for the past 10 years or so.

Good luck with this. If you need a copyeditor/assistant copyeditor/whatever I'd like to take a look at it. --Anaconda 12:24, 16 November 2009 (CET)

I see why you're doing this format, Xent, it lets people see da update right away, and gives people a look at the 'main events' and gets them involved. The problem with this is that without context; it feels aimless, akin to a series of essays, to put in a tangible sense, imagine the CWCki without hyperlinks. You could find out what led to 'x' or why, but I would be a huge hassle. I would follow a more traditional chronological blueprint, starting with his family, working through his childhood/teenage years, and culminating with the current events, followed by the 'Chris..and' (seeing as those sections draw so much from past events and speculation, having them near the end seems appropriate), and finally the future. As CWCkians (uh, I'll work on that) we already know everything, but our audience doesn't.

Of course, I could be wrong, and the format could be genius. --Jump 23:46, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Oh you. OK, I'll definitely think about moving The Early Years, and the positions of the Sub-Episodes are inconsequential really so they can go near the end. (I think that maybe at the end of each main Episode there might be perhaps a "See also" - like thing referencing related Sub-Episodes at the back.) I'll get to work, don't mind me. xontrolos 00:19, 17 November 2009 (CET)

Moar Thoughts

I think there should definitely be a chapter on the true and loyal fanbase. This will stand in contrast to the chapter on the trolls, as it will include the average /cwc/fags and their perspectives. I would also like to include notes on fancomics, fanfics (Chris Gets Laid? :) I know we're trying to keep it unbiased) as well as input from some of the CWCki editors and their alcoholism. I would also like to format the layout, which can be made to include pictures for pretty cheap. It is entirely cost effective (we actually might make a modest profit) and we need to showcase some of the phenomenal artwork that this manchild has inspired.

With regards to publishing, I can handle it seeing as though I have entirely too much free time (and even more free energy) and I am an Americunt. I am 99% sure that it is legal (e.g. you can write a biography of George Lucas and mention Star Wars as long as you don't use his characters in a fiction). Also, we should include a forward by whoever, and a dedication. Since its a group effort, we should pick someone collectively. I have a special place in my heart for Clyde Cash, but it will be decided when the team is finalized.

Also, with regards to publishing, there *might* be a potential for a more lucrative publishing opportunity, seeing as though the story of a man whose life has become dominated by the internet and the blurred line between fantasy and reality is really the product of our generation. Chris is a cultural symbol (lots of people dream about him for this reason) and we are pioneers, capturing the zeitgeist of our age (and here they thought we were just imageboard trolls). This would be after the work is done, though!

Finally I would ask whether or not we want this project to be in collaboration with Chris or without. I could see him raging at the final product if we include things about autism or something, but if he writes something or does something special it could be epic.

--Decrumpit 00:08, 16 November 2009 (CET)

The fanbase section is a good idea, showcasing some of the epic fan content Chris has inspired would be great. I'll add that in a moment. Pictures, definitely (I can see that being useful for describing videos, too - perhaps a still from the video and a description beneath, as opposed to it taking up the main body, but whatever).
You seriously are a delicious, delicious person, I mean god damn, you're willing to help us publish an effing Chris-chan biography. Whoa.
If we actually could get someone like Clyde Cash to write the foreword that would be utterly fucking incredible. I would jizz in my pants. As for dedication, perhaps we could dedicate it to someone like Mary Lee Walsh just for lulz? As for the "capturing the zeitgeist of our age" bit, oh my GOD. This project now has a whole new meaning for me. Thank you.
And I think Chris writing something brief for us would be epic. Even if it's only a few sentences. xontrolos 00:56, 16 November 2009 (CET)

"YOU DAMN DIRTY TROLLS! I'LL-YOU J-JUST BURN IN HELL, LIKE THE HOMOS! I DID NOT APPROVE OF ANY BIOGRAPHY!" - the closest I think we're gonna get. --Jump 05:59, 17 November 2009 (CET)

Legal Issues

This actually won't be that big a problem as we initially anticipated. We can use Sonichu, hell we can write a whole section on Family Guy and they can't do shit because it's an informative work and not meant to steal their characters to use in a similar manner.

The biography itself is also not slander, unless we publish blatant lies about Chris. Seeing as though things are meticulously documented, there is no problem presenting the truth. Also, Chris is officially a famous personality. With all the shit he has uploaded to to YouTube, he has given himself over to the downside of being famous (even internet famous). He is a public figure and we can publish whatever the hell we want about him. The only problem is mentioning too many details about Bob and Barbara (which are indispensable to the biography), but there might be a legal loophole if Chris said it (which he did). Furthermore, Megan might cross the line, but Chris also ran his fucking mouth about her and there are no lies posted. She actually comes out in a favorable light as a victim of Chris's insanity. --Decrumpit 10:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

This is relieving to know. Full speed ahead! xontrolos 18:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Adverts and Whatnot

I also had a good idea to increase the readership for this thing - I would take out advertisements on ED and 4chan so that we could appeal to our market. I don't have an idea about the number of Chris Chan trolls, but I've heard that about 15,000 people could be called 4channers. We will cross this bridge when we come to it though. --Decrumpit 10:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Ads on ED could certainly bring up popularity, although I dunno how many 4channers still appreciate Chris's antics. Last time I was on /v/, I remember it being bannable there or something. Still, we'll get there. xontrolos 18:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Unite the Trolls

From what I gather, we have a lot of potential. Among us are artists, writers, layout designers, computer specialists, photoshoppers, etc. We are more or less an unusual group of people. We can utilize these talents and distill them into the final volume of awesomeness. This will involve some hardcore dedication, but I think we can pull it off. I guess the first thing to do will be to finalize the team, at which point we should keep our deliberations secret for the most part so that the readers can enjoy this thing and be surprised :D I would like to include some custom artwork. I also have a few tricks up my sleeve.... --Decrumpit 10:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Hmmm, sounds intriguing >:3 If we're going to keep put deliberations secret, how are we going to do it? IRC maybe? xontrolos 18:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Sounds good to me. The only problem with fan works is that the fans get occupied with real life/jobs/school so the best way to keep this a live project is to get a good core group of people willing to orchestrate the whole thing. I would personally suggest getting emails and assigning roles. I'm at sonichuthegame att gee male dawt kom. --Decrumpit 19:34, 16 November 2009 (CET)


I see that we have a glossary included... my creative neurons have been in overdrive today and I had two more ideas - we could include a reference section, complete with a map of the Ruckersville Area (PVCC, 14 Branchland Ct, The Game Place, etc.) just to make things classy. I would also opt for a timeline of some sort, to put the whole thing into perspective (you wouldn't believe how viewing a chronological progression can make this more interesting). --Decrumpit 11:32, 16 November 2009 (CET)

Timeline, maps. Got it. The maps will be easy, but the line will take some work (the good news, though, is that we already have a brief saga-based outline of it up on the CWCki). xontrolos 18:05, 16 November 2009 (CET)


holy bullfuck can i join dis shit plz. Just tell me what I have to do. Ayvuir 18:17, 17 November 2009 (CET)

Based on your contribs, I think you would be a worthwhile addition to the team. Note that you're probably the last person though.

BTW we have lots of stuff to get done, you have a relatively wide area of choice. I doubt I'll start strictly assigning jobs until we come closer to completion.

Now that you're a contributor, send me an email ( and wait to receive firther instruction. xontrolos 19:23, 17 November 2009 (CET)


Does anyone besides me care about how Liquid might react to this? I mean, from what I understand, he's one of the more independent trolls, (aside from his work with Kacey and Spazkid, that is) but it seems like the publication of a book about Solid would probably pique his interest. He seems like he'd be one of the most fun people to interview, since he rarely breaks character and is therefore kind of mysterious. Thoughts? --fabrosi 00:32, 13 December 2009 (CET)

An interview with Liquid would be glorious, I have no idea how I'd go about getting it at the moment, though. I think I'll wait until this project is more high-profile, then maybe the super-srs-bzns trolls will start to care about it and we might be able to contact Liquid.

Of course, before any of that happens, this stuff has got to actually get off the seems about 50% of the team have gone into hiding. xontrolos 01:52, 13 December 2009 (CET)

  • Wait... so, does that mean you don't have a full team at the moment? Is there any way I could contribute? --fabrosi 00:28, 14 December 2009 (CET)

Clyde Cash?

What does Clyde think about all this? I noticed he's not on the list of project people and I wondered if maybe he didn't like the idea or something. --fabrosi 19:05, 17 December 2009 (CET)

Iim unsure if Clyde even knows about this, and if he does he probably doesn't care to get involved. Most likely he just thinks it'll never get off the ground, that we're all just delusional fantasists chasing a fairytale. But we'll show HIM! (that we are failures) xontrolos 19:38, 17 December 2009 (CET)

Haha, okay. I just think it would be a shame if this got published before we got interviews and stuff, not after. Then again, since he does stuff here on CWCki, it should be pretty easy to write about him without his cooperation... so maybe we can just go ahead and prove him wrong/break him dead. --fabrosi 02:24, 18 December 2009 (CET)

  • I vote in favor of not trying "break Clyde dead". --Tristran 04:22, 18 December 2009 (CET)
  • I'll do whatever you need me to do but i still think the idea is stupid. yeah. but i could be wrong, who knows. feel free to bug me about whatever. Clydec 04:36, 18 December 2009 (CET)