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Call I: Holy shit, Bob is alive!


Simon Sasayaki

Robert Chandler


Christian Weston Chandler

Contact method:

Chris' landline.


Simon Sasayaki, one of the biggest Australian Sonichu fans ever, decides to call Chris on a wild impulse in the morning. His sister, Sandy Sasayaki, is also there; but she's too shy to speak up.

Simon called Chris on a wild impulse, so forgot to record it. Sometimes his memory fails him due to his Aspergers.


NONE. Typical Ausfailian.


Bob: Hello?

Simon: Hi, my name is Simon Sasayaki, I'm calling from Australia mate. Is this Christian Weston Chandler?

Bob: No, this is Robert Chandler. [Bob sounds very happy and a little curious; he emits a chuckle] So you're calling from Australia, huh? Must be about daybreak there or something?

Simon: It's about 9:00 am here mate.

Bob: [Bob laughs again] Well, isn't that something. 9:00. Anyway, Chris is my son, we don't just talk to anyone over the phone these days, is there something I can help you with? What's the purpose of your call?

Simon: Ahh, well, [Simon gets flustered here] My sister... My little sister is Sandy Sasayaki, she's a huge fan of Chris' comic. She wants to get in touch with him but she- she sent him a message on Facebook but he hasn't replied yet.

Bob: Well, let me see if I can get Chris' mother on the phone first okay?

Simon: Sure!

[muttering and talking in the background]

Snorlax: Hi!

Simon: Hi, this is Simon Sasayaki! How are you?

Snorlax: I'm good, I'm good.

Simon: Hehe, that's great! I'm calling because my sister, Sandy Sasayaki, is a fan of Chris' comic and wants to get in contact with him, but she's too shy to talk over the phone.

Snorlax: [Barb sounds suspicious] Okay, *how old* is your sister?

Simon: [[Pedofork|She's twelve.]

Snorlax: [suddenly perky and happy again] Aww, that's cute. Okay, did you wanna talk to Chris now?

Simon: That'd be great!

[there is a prolongued delay here of about two minutes, presumably while Barb pries Chris away from his PS3 without the lure of legal china]

Chris: [sounding annoyed] Hello?

Simon: Hey Chris, this is Simon Sasayaki calling from Australia. I'm calling because my sister, Sandy Sasayaki, tried to get in contact with you over Facebook but you haven't replied yet.

Chris: [stress sigh, even more annoyed] Look, I do not have, I do not have a facebook page at this- at this time. The only page I have is at the Cwcipedia- just Google it, okay?

Simon: Oh, okay. Um. [I know that only Chris can write anything on the CWCipedia, but Simon doesn't know that] Okay, okay. Yeah- she's nodding, she knows what the CWCipedia is. Uhh, so, how do we- how do we... Use it? To talk to you?

Chris: [another stress sigh; Chris just does not seem interested in chatting, unlike both his parents who both seemed positively delightful] Okay, well, just Google for the CWCipedia because that's the only way to get in contact- the only page I have at this time.

Simon: Okay mate, we'll do that.

Chris: Okay. Have a good day, goodbye. [Chris immediately hangs up]