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Revision as of 21:56, 18 June 2010 by Eniggy (talk | contribs)
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Hey everyone, my name's Eniggy.

I'm on a trolling mission to spam CWC's mailbox once or twice a day with emails. If someone can verify that "" is his current email address, tell me in the discusssion.

Basically, I'm going to do this under "" if you need to know.

First there was a man in a pickle suit, now the banana man is taking vengeance, nyahaha.

-Eniggy, 6:58 PM CST WEDNESDAY 6-16-2010

-Me and my journey through Mega Drive prototype space and time, on Youtube -I go here under Enigmus- why not follow my lil' antics?

Emails' I've sent to Chris

Here's where I post the mindless trolling I'm using for the next time he dare tries to check his e-mail.

  • The first e-mail- comes off to be someone who might put up with him:

"Hello, I am Greg. And I am a =========.

Believe it or not, I believe PS3 is the best console in all of history. It has the best games of all time. I'm even using several for a crazy PC setup in my house. It's certainly better than that nuke tower shaped 360. I've already disowned 22 Xboxes my friends have this this week, how 'bout you?

Because, like they say in Brooklyn, "Early to bed, early to catch the bagel."


Greg T. =========, Peace-loving Physicist"

    • Number two- here's where we get psychotic

"Hey dere mon.

I just took a dump on an Xbox. News at 11.







Sincerely, Ballses, the god of Testicular Cancer."

      • Part III- let's go insane, shall we?


Sincerely, Sgt. =========, commander of the 101st Moon Cock Squadron."

        • Part Deux x2: Hello Google Translate!

"Hey, wie war freitags nach fünf?

Du weißt, sah sie wie ein Homosexuell Trucker wartet auf ein acht Jahre alter Junge Stengel, über jemanden zu belästigen laufen und dann das Kind und eine Katze in der gleichen Zeit, nicht wahr?

From Russia with lacht, Anführer der Banane "

TRANSLATED: "Hey, how was Fridays after Five?

You know you looked like a gay trucker waiting to stalk an eight-year-old boy, run over someone and then molest the child and 'fiddle' a cat at the same time, right?

From Russia with Lulz, The Banana Leader"

So, that's it for now. Maybe my weirdness will crack his psyche by next month.